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“I understand, general,” said Usharra and bowed deeply. “I agree completely but felt it necessary to pass along the captain’s concerns. The ships are badly damaged from the storms we encountered rounding the point and the concern is legitimate.”

“If we sink our warriors can swim ashore,” said the general, “and we can regroup and continue the mission through the orc territories if necessary.”

“Without their equipment,” said the captain and turned his head to face the general.

“With Sakatha’s guidance we will overcome any obstacle put in our path,” said the general with a nod to the captain. “Concern yourself with the ships and leave military matters to me.”

“Yes, sir,” said the captain and also bowed but not as deeply as the councilor. “Remember that I am the commander of this fleet as long as we remain at sea.”

“I remember well enough, captain,” said the general who returned the polite bow although his tail moved in an up and down fashion and he exposed his long and sharp teeth. “You would do well to keep in mind that any failure of the navy in this matter will be reported to the high council without regard for previous service.”

“I take the meaning of your words,” said the captain and this time he did not bow at all. “Yet, I remain the captain.”

“And I,” said the general, “remain the commander of this mission.”

“I,” said Usharra, “am the overall commander of this mission and that is a fact.”

“Of course, councilor,” said the general turning to Usharra and nodding his head slightly. “Naturally this is a dangerous mission and if an unfortunate event might deprive you of the ability to command I stand in readiness to continue the mission.”

“That is always good to know, general,” said Usharra. “I am aware that I can count on you to perform to the best of your abilities. It is that simple fact that drives me to continue in my current role.”

The general stood for a long moment and stared at the councilman as his tail moved back and forth in increasingly agitated fashion until he finally nodded his head and walked over to an unoccupied portion of the deck.

“At our current rate of travel how long until we arrive at the disembarkment point?” said Usharra to the captain.

“At least another week and that is if the charts are accurate,” said the captain and shook his head sadly. “The ships are slowed to half their normal pace and traveling at night is particularly hazardous.”

“Affect what repairs you can,” said the councilor, “we will arrive when we arrive and not before.”

Chapter 11

“I’m telling you all,” said Thorius Brokenhand as he stood on a table and looked out over what appeared to be the entire town’s population of Black Dale. “It was just reported to me that there are Lizardmen roaming in Elekargul and that it is expected that we will do something. I’m to muster as many knights as possible and set up a defense of the town.”

In front of the mayor stood a throng of perhaps two hundred people that included the majority of those who lived in town. They gathered outside the temple of the Black Horse because their numbers could not fit into any other building. The crowd was mostly women and young men although all the knights doing their twelve month of civilian duty stood by as well a fairly large number of farmers and herders who lived on the outskirts of the region.

“That doesn’t make any damn sense, Thorius,” said Odellius near the front of the crowd. “For a minor threat like this the men serving their twelve month in patrol do the job. We’re on our civilian twelve month and only a state emergency can change that.”

“I’m telling you, again, that this is a state emergency. I got a message from the First Rider just an hour ago to that effect. The lizards landed some sort of an expeditionary force up the coast from Black Roost and they are heading north towards us. The First Rider wants us to muster and head south and try to intercept them.”

“That will leave the town completely undefended,” said the Thaddeus Redhand as he moved up to stand by Odellius. “The whole point of the system is that towns are defended by knights on civilian duty while the men on patrol take care of outside threats.”

“Are you prepared to defy me on this, to defy the word of the First Rider?” said Thorius and held up a piece of parchment.

“Are you sure it’s from the First Rider, have you examined it closely?” said Thaddeus.

“Thaddeus,” said Thorius as he waved the paper in the air, “I’ve taken every precaution, this is a real threat. There could be thousands of them soon enough if they’ve launched a fleet from Darag’dal. Now, I want every able bodied knight to meet tomorrow morning at the west gate. Bring as much in the way of supplies as you can carry. We might be gone for an extended period. Are there any questions?”

The men in the crowd mumbled to themselves for a moment and it looked like things would end right there before Odellius spoke up again, “Thorius, I know you’re up to something.”

“And…,” said Thorius.

“And I’ll be staying here in town unless you show me that message from the First Rider,” he replied and, as he moved forward, his huge bulk bumped into the table and almost sent the mayor reeling to the ground.

“And if I show it to you and it meets with your approval you’ll follow my orders and not question me in the future,” said Thorius after he regained his balance and stood with his eyes towards the crowd.

Odellius ndded his head once and held up his hand for the paper. When the mayor handed it over Odellius examined it closely for a few moments and then handed it back, “It looks real enough,” said the big knight with a nod to the mayor. “I’ll be there in the morning but this makes no sense. Send a boy out to find the First Rider to confirm it,” he said.

“I give the orders here,” said Thorius as he glared down at Odellius. “You said you would obey my orders if the note proved genuine. Now, are you going to obey or are you going to be an oath breaker?”

The crowd went suddenly silent at this insult and the great knight looked up at the mayor with a look of disdain on his face as his lips curled down and he shook his head, “I said I’ll be there in the morning and I will be,” with that the big knight turned to face the people and nodded his head. “I’m a man of my word as you all know and I’ll go with Thorius Brokenhand.” Then he turned and left the little crowd and headed towards the mason’s shop where he lived.

“My son will be back with Germanius and the Gray boy soon enough,” said Thorius still on the table as he addressed those in the crowd that remained. A large number of the guests began to follow Odellius out of the yard but the majority stayed and listened as the mayor outlined his plan.

Chapter 12

Jon and Sorus woke late the next night after they slept all day and part of the night and then immediately turned in again for a few more hours of fitful rest until the morning sun alerted them to the new day. Sorus stood up and stretched mightily as his gaze fell on the twin rock piles that housed both Sir Germanius and Mikus and then he yawned again. “I don’t think I’ve ever slept so long before,” he said to Jon who lay on the ground and blinked his half-open eyes lazily. “We should get back into town. If we ride hard we might make it before nightfall.”

“No sense in rushing,” said Jon, as he also looked at the piles of rocks. “It’s not good news we bring.”

“More reason to get there sooner,” said Sorus. “Thorius needs to know his son died, and the town should know about Germanius and that dragon. If we delay, it might look like we didn’t want to come back as quickly as possible.”