"Can't you feel it," Angelina said, holding out her hand towards the enigmatic object. "That sensation, indescribablebut that's what we looked for in the coal dust."
As soon as she said this I became distantly aware of what she meant, knew why the sensation could not be described. A weight that was no weight, an experience unfelt, a movement that stayed still. Women could detect small quantities—but there was enough in the sphere before us for mere men to feel.
"Unnildecnovum," I said. "That's where it all has been going, that's what Slakey has been doing with it. A few particles of unnildecnovum at a time to make that thing. It must have taken an awful lot of years."
"Why is he doing it?" Angelina asked.
"I don't know—hut I think that we are going to find out very soon. Look."
A round, fat figure that could only be the Slakey from the temple waddled out of one of the tents and made his way to a conference table surrounded by chairs, dropped into the largest chair. He sat staring at the ground for long seconds before looking up. He looked angrily in our direction—then made a single wave of his hand to signal us forward.
"It's a trap," Angelina said.
"Possibly—but I think not. This is his grail, whatever it is, that he has been working so energetically to build, fighting so hard to defend. The battle is over. So let's go down and see what he has to say."
Warily, spread out with our weapons ready, we walked down the valley. It was peaceful and serene and undoubtedly very dangerous. I felt better when I approached Slakey, closer and closer. I was too near to him now for the other Slakeys to use heavy weapons. I sat down in the chair nearest to him, swung my backpack off so that it rested on my lap. Leaned back comfortably and smiled. Slakey scowled.
"Draw up some chairs, guys, and listen," I said, "this is going, to be interesting."
"How I wish I could kill you, diGriz. That was my primary mistake. If I had killed you the first time I saw you none of this would have happened."
'We all make mistakes, Slakey. You have made a lot of them. It's the end now and you know it."
His face blazed with suppressed fury. I could hear his teeth grating together. It was very nice to look at and my smile broadened.
" I knew that we would get you in the end," I said, "So I made certain precautions. This is for you."
I took the backpack off my lap and set it on the table between us. This was totally unexpected he looked at it with bewilderment, at the square white cross on the red background.
"Are you mad? First aid… medicine?"
"Sorry." I said. "This will make it much clearer." I leaned over and peeled off the cross.
Underneath was a glaring red radiation symbol. And a notice spelled out in red letters:
"Just a small precaution. I armed it when I put it down. It has nothing to do with me now, although it is tempting to look at the switch. You see, Professor Coypu has another ignition switch and is watching us closely at the present time. Keep that in mind at—all times."
"You can't—"
"Oh, but I did. I am very serious about this. Just one more thing before we draw this matter to its close. Professor Coypu, now is the time."
I had arranged it all with him, beaten down his reluctance and convinced him that it was the only course possible. Slakey had to be stopped and this was the only way that it could be done. I smiled with relief when Angelina and the twins, Sybil and Berkk, all vanished.
"Safe back in Main Station." I looked up and waved. "Sorry, Angelina, but I had to do this my way. If you were here I would not have had the guts to go through with it. Now I can. If something should go wrong—and I don't think it will—remember… that I have always loved you."
I jumped to my feet and patted the bomb. "Enough emotion. I shall put love aside for the moment and get involved in some solid hatred. And, oh, how I hate you, you multibodied monster. And I have you at last. There is no escape. It's just you and I now, Slakey, End of the line."
"I want to make an arrangement with you, diGriz—"
"No deals. Just unconditional surrender. And don't make me angry or I might lose my temper and just press the button and settle you once and for all."
"But wait until you hear my offer. It is an irresistible one. You see—I am going to offer you eternal life. Wouldn't you like that?"
He was right. It was a very attractive offer. But this nutcake was a fruitcake and I couldn't believe anything that he said. "Tell me about it, Professor Slakey. Convince me and perhaps I will consider it."
"Entropy," he said sinking automatically into professorial didactic lecture mode. "That is my field of expertise, as you know. But you do not know how far I have advanced my knowledge, or to what lengths my research has gone. In the beginning was the theory. I did a mathematical analysis of the transuranic elements. I found that as the atomic numbers became higher the rate of entropy slowed. By very little, but the reaction was there. When I extended the equations they revealed that the maximum reverse entropy would be at element F one hundred and nineteen. And the equation was correct! When the cyclotron produced the first speck of unnildeenovum I could feel it. And the more concentrated the mass the greater the effect" He hauled himself to his feet. "Come, I will show you."
"Mind if I bring this?" I asked, pointing at the bomb. He hissed with anger. "Eternity is about to be revealed to you—and still you jest…" He got his temper under control at last, turned and walked towards the black sphere of unnildecnovum. Someone moved out of sight in one of the white buildings that we passed and I knew that the other Slakeys were present and watching. Closer and closer to the featureless sphere we walked until we stood next to it, with the bulge of blackness blocking out the sky above.
"Touch it," Slakey whispered. Leaning out and pressing his hand flat against it. I hesitated, then did the same. Indescribable but incredibly exciting. This was a sensation I could learn to live with.
"Follow me," he said, walking around the sphere, running his hand along it as he went. I followed, doing the same. There was a short flight of white steps ahead, the top resting against the sphere. He touched a button beside the steps and a great plug of unnildecnovum swung out above us, leaving an opening in the sphere's exterior. We climbed the steps and went inside.
The sphere was hollow and the wall was at least a meter thick. And the indescribable sensation was even more indescribable. Slakey pointed at the row of black coffin—like structures in the center of the sphere. We approached them and looked into the first. A thin Slakey was lying inside, eyes closed, scarcely breathing. His right arm lay across his chest and I recognized him now. His hand was missing.
Not quite. I leaned over and looked and saw that a tiny pink hand was growing out of the stump.
"Life everlasting!" Slakey shouted. Drops of spittle flew. "I rest here and rejuvenate. If I am wounded, my body repairs itself. And I grow younger here. Surrounded by the unnildecnovum, entropy is reversed. Instead of getting older, tireder, senescent—I grow younger, energeticer, youthfuler. And the more unnildeenovum I add to the sphere the faster reverse entropy moves. So you see what I am offering you? Eternity. Join me and live forever! One of these entropy shells could be yours."
That is the kind of offer that is very hard to refuse. Who Could possibly say no to the offer of immortality?
I could for one. Not because I wanted to but because I had to. If I joined him I would be no better than him. I must admit I quavered. But I thought of Angelina waiting for me and summoned up all the strength that I could. It was impossible to move. Almost impossible. I turned, very slowly I must admit, and walked—even more slowly—towards the light of day.