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It was not long before he came to the point.

'My great-grandfather Edward the Third was convinced that the crown of France rightly belonged to him. I share that view.'

She waited.

'Moreover,' he went on, *I intend to win it.'

She said quietly: 'You will resume the war with France?'

1 shall win my crown.' He spoke with quiet determination. She remembered that his father had said that his eldest son thought like a soldier and acted like a soldier; and that when he came to the throne war would be his chief preoccupation like his ancestor whom men had called Richard the Lion-heart.

She said: 'Your great-grandfather won many victories as did his son, the Black Prince, but they never won the crown of France for England.'

*They did not continue long enough. Edward grew old and tired of the war. The Black Prince died in the prime of his youth. I would never give up. I would go in and win and that is what I intend to do.'

'Can you ... raise the men ... the money.'

'With God's help, I can and will.'

Joanna felt uneasy. She hoped he was not going to ask her to help him. She loved her possessions. Her chief joy now was adding to them, counting them, gloating over them. She would not want to see that wealth which she had taken such pleasure in garnering dissipated in war.

'You are planning ...' she began.

*I was even before my father died,' he replied. *I want to succeed, my lady, where others have failed. And make no mistake, I shall do so. I shall have the French on their knees, I promise you. Their King is mad. The Dauphin is not as fine a fellow as he believes himself to be. Indeed, my lady, I

am planning. And indeed I shall take war into France. Now I want you to help me. I trust you are willing to do that.'

*If I could it would be my pleasure, but I am a weak woman ...'

Joanna was silent. Her son, the Duke of Brittany, was married to the daughter of the King of France, and there would naturally be a strong influence there in favour of France. She felt uneasy.

Tour eldest son must be persuaded that my quarrel is just,* said Henry. *I doubt not he will listen to his mother. Your son Arthur naturally owes his allegiance to me.'

That was true. She had prevailed on her husband to bestow the title of Earl of Richmond on Arthur and this he had done. It would be Arthur's duty to range himself on the side of Henry. It w^as the eldest for whom she feared.

*It is a pity your son was married into France,' he said.

She nodded. The marriage was arranged when she had come to England and for the reason that the King of France had wanted to make sure of the allegiance of Brittany.

*Arthur of course will be your man,' she said. *The Duke ... well, that is another matter.'

Henry realized that it would be difficult for the Duke to fight against his father-in-law. On the other hand his mother was the Queen of England.

*I shall rely on your powers of persuasion,' he said.

Joanna promised to do her best and they parted amicably.

But after he had gone Joanna gave way to the gloomy mood which his coming had brought. Wars, she thought. Is it going to start again? How foolish it is. He will never gain the throne of France. It will mean bloodshed, loss of treasure and rifts between the families. She could not believe that her eldest son would ever fight on the side of the English against France.

Henry rode away thoughtful also. He must have Brittany with him, and surely the fact that the mother of the Duke was his stepmother must carry some weight. Joanna was a clever woman. She would know how to persuade. And it was to her interests, too. Look what she had done since she had been in England. She had always been w^ell treated, even though the people did not like her. She was very comfortable in England; he had heard it said that she was a very wealthy woman—in fact one of the most wealthy in England. Like his father, she had never been over extravagant.

He was going to need money to finance his war. He would think about that later.

When he arrived back in Westminster it was to learn that Lord Cobham had escaped from the Tower.

Christmas had come and the Court was at Eltham. Henry was fond of Eltham, and came to it often to escape the activity which there always seemed to be at Westminster. It was a secure fortress surrounded by a moat and a thick greystone external wall.

There were revelries at Christmas but his thoughts were mainly of the campaign he planned to take into France. He knew that those about him marvelled at the change which had come over him. Not long ago he would have been in the thick of the revels, drinking, singing and watching the women, wondering which one he would select for his night companion.

A crown had changed that. He had to think of marriage. He was twenty-six, not exactly a boy. Few kings remained bachelors so long. There had been many marriages suggested for him but after the manner of so many of such negotiations they had come to nothing. He must think seriously now of taking a wife.

Strangely enough he often thought of little Isabella of Valois, Richard's widow. He had been obsessed by that child. He had never seen anyone to equal her for beauty—but perhaps her image had grown more beauteous as time passed as was often the case. She had died, poor child, after they married her to Orleans. What a fascinating little creature she had been with her fierce loyalty towards ineffectual Richard who had never been her husband in more than name.

Well, there must be an end to these prevarications. A wife ... but first the crown of France.

He sat at the high table in the great banqueting hall, above him the high-pitched roof with its hammer beams, carved pendants and braces held on corbels of hewn stone. Up in the minstrels' gallery the musicians were playing their tunes. A great fire burned in the centre of the room. Soon the mummers would arrive and enchant the company with their performance.

It was just like so many Christmases he remembered. The

cooks had excelled themselves with the great joints of savoury meats and pies and fish garnished with fennel, mint and parsley—conger, ling, hake, mackerel, flounders, soles and dories. It mattered not the season as the cooks could salt anything to preserve it that they might serve it any time they wished to do so. Cooks vied with each other and the royal cooks must make each banquet better than the last. Capons, fowls, swans, peacock, bitterns adorned the tables, to the delight of those who enjoyed strong-flavoured birds.

There was no lack of food and most of them thought Henry would be rendered almost incapable of staggering to bed so heartily would they partake of all the delicacies and so freely would they refresh themselves with the wines, beer and the mead produced by the good cellarers of Eltham.

The banquet was over, the minstrels were playing; the mummers had arrived and repleted with rich food and strong drink the guests roused themselves from the soporific state to watch and applaud.

The dancing had begun and as the King was wondering which of the ladies to select he felt a tug on his sleeve.

He turned sharply. One of the mummers wearing the head of a goat was standing at his elbow.

'My lord/ said the goat-headed mummer in a whisper, and there was an urgency in his tone.

*What means this?' said the King but he kept his voice low.

'Leave at once for Westminster, my lord. There is a plot to seize you and your brothers this night. To kill you and set up a new rule.'

*Is this a joke? By God, I like not such jokes ...'

*My lord, my lord. I have been sent to tell you. The Lollards are planning to destroy you. They intend to do what they tried to do in King Richard's day.'