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“The one other option,” John said, “I like even less.”

“Allow him to board and take passage ourselves.”

“Yes. Watch for an opportunity to yaffle him on the train, and if none presents itself, then look to make the pinch in Oakland.”

“Same potential problems in both cases,” Flannery said.

John nodded agreement. “The sooner he’s in custody the better. We’ll have to take him at the depot here if it can be managed.”

“Is there enough time to bring in the authorities?” Sabina asked. “Or men in your employ, Mr. Flannery?”

“I doubt it.”

“Too many explanations required at any rate,” John said. “As it is, we’ll have just enough time to make preparations for both contingencies.”

They drove to the Golden Eagle Hotel, made short work of packing their luggage and checking out, and then proceeded to a gunsmith Flannery knew on M Street, where John purchased a Webley five-shot pocket revolver. He did not want to go up against Morgan with his derringer, a wise decision. Flannery offered to sell him the Colt Peacemaker, but the price he quoted earned John’s scorn. Besides, he said, whereas the derringer was too small, the Peacemaker was too large and cumbersome, and he would have no use for it in San Francisco.

The main depot served a number of rail lines, Flannery told them, the primary ones for the transport of intrastate passengers being the Southern Pacific — or Espee, as Flannery had called it — and the Central Pacific; the Union Pacific provided weekly transcontinental service between Oakland and Council Bluffs, Iowa, but its crack streamliner, the Golden Gate Special, was not due this day. Neither was the Golden State Limited, the Espee’s transcontinental flyer.

The station was as crowded as Flannery had said it would be, with a constant stream of people embarking and disembarking on trains headed in all directions. The parking areas, waiting rooms, and platforms were teeming when they arrived shortly past three. As early as it was, John did not expect Bart Morgan to have arrived yet, but he and Flannery roamed through the throng to make sure.

Sabina, meanwhile, entrusted her carpetbag and John’s war bag to one of the porters, whom she tipped generously to keep a watchful eye on them. She then approached the station agent and used her feminine charm to find out whether or not B. or Bart or Bartholomew Morgan had booked a private compartment on the Capitol Express. He hadn’t. There was only one first-class Pullman and all but one of the compartments had been reserved for couples, the lone exception being a local physician known to the agent. Morgan’s passage, then, was to be by day coach.

Coach tickets were still available; Sabina bought two. After which she herself searched for some sign of their quarry among the milling throng, with no better results than John and Flannery were having. She returned to wait with the porter and their luggage at the rendezvous point.

Three-thirty came and went, uneventfully.

So did three forty-five.

And three fifty-five.

The westbound Capitol Express lumbered into the station at three fifty-seven, only twelve minutes behind its scheduled arrival. The crowds were even thicker now, the platform clogged with men, women, children disembarking, about to board, or present to greet or say goodbye to friends and family members, and uniformed porters trundling baggage carts. Morgan must have put in an appearance by this time, but Sabina saw no sign of him, or of John and Flannery.

Four oh-five.

The last of the arriving passengers detrained and those departing began to board. Two more minutes passed. Where was John? He—

There he was, pushing his way toward her through the crowd. He came running up, his jaw set tight, his eyes sparking with anger and vexation. “Blasted devil slipped past us and was already in the boarding line when I spied him. Too late then to risk taking him.”

“Which day coach is he in?”

“Second of the three.”

“Did he see you, recognize you?”

“If he did he gave no indication of it.”

“We’ll have to travel with him, then.”

“No other choice, confound it.”

They still had enough time, barely, for the whistle hadn’t sounded yet. Sabina issued swift instructions to the porter, pressed a coin into his hand to speed him on his way to the baggage car with their luggage. Then she and John ran for the second coach, reaching it just before the whistle blew and the conductor gave forth with his “All aboard!” cry. John boosted her into the vestibule, clambered up beside her. Out on the station platform she saw Flannery appear and wave: he had seen them board.

The coach was almost completely filled, many of the seats occupied by women and children, and it took her a moment to locate Morgan. Dressed in a lightweight slack suit and derby hat, he occupied a seat at the rearward end, facing in their direction, but he seemed to take no notice of them; his eyes were on a satchel he held clutched on his lap with both hands. There were two empty rearward-facing seats at the forward end, not adjacent, but John soon remedied that by politely asking a plump woman next to one of the empties if she minded moving so he could sit next to his wife who was with child. The woman nodded smiling assent and promptly moved.

Sabina leaned close to him when they were seated and whispered, “Wife with child. Really, John.”

“Had the desired effect, did it not.”

Steam hissed as the locomotive’s brakes were released, couplings banged, and the Capitol Express jerked into motion. The time, by the tiny gold watch pinned to the bosom of Sabina’s shirtwaist, was four-fifteen. Morgan still sat with his gaze cast downward at his lap.

“You don’t suppose the gold is in that satchel?” Sabina murmured.

“Possibly. But he’d be a fool to carry valuables in there. Purse snatchers abound in train station crowds.”

“In his checked luggage, then?”

“Not much safer. If he has it with him, likely it’s in a money belt.”

The train rattled through the yards. It was noisy in the coach, some of the youngsters indulging in rambunctious behavior. Stuffy, too, the air thickened by food odors and human effluvium. Sabina wished again, as she had on the trip to Sacramento, that this was one of the Espee’s luxury trains such as the Golden State Limited on the San Francisco — Chicago run. The Golden State was ventilated by a new process which renewed the air inside several times every hour, instead of having it circulated only slightly by sluggish fans. It was also said to be brightly lighted by electricity generated from the axles of the moving cars, rather than being murkily lit by oil lamps, though the dim light was advantageous under the present circumstances.

“What are you going to do, John?”

“I don’t know yet.”

“You can’t brace him in here.”

“No. I don’t dare draw my weapon — it might cause a panic. And he’s bound to be armed. I wouldn’t put it past him to fire his pistol if he were able. Or to take a hostage.”

The conductor appeared, collecting tickets. He was a spare, sallow-faced man who wore his uniform and cap as if they were badges of honor. The brass buttons shone, as did a heavy gold watch chain and its polished elk’s tooth fob. A shiny badge on the front of his uniform identified him as Mr. Bridges.

Sabina dipped her chin in his direction. “Take the conductor into your confidence?”

“Not that, either,” John said. “There is nothing he could do until after Morgan is in my custody, and little enough then. No, there’s only one viable option, and that problematical — follow him if he leaves his seat and hope to catch him alone between cars.”

“Still a high-risk proposition.”

“Not necessarily. Don’t worry, I won’t make any move that endangers others.”

The Capitol Express picked up speed, soon crossed the railroad bridge spanning the river. Morgan hadn’t moved except to lift and turn his head toward the window at his side; he seemed oblivious to everyone else in the coach. John sat statue-still, covertly watching him. Sabina shifted position on the thin seat cushion, seeking comfort and thinking that if she’d known for certain that they would be taking the train, she would have changed into her more suitable traveling clothes before leaving the hotel.