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debt crisis, 3, 181–182

debt laws, 216–217

grain prices and, 68–69, 78, 87, 153–154, 167–168

inequality, 20, 24

quaestors with provincial treasury, 47

Rome with cash, 43

slaves and, 20, 45

elders. See mos maiorum


consulship, xiii, 156–157, 190–191, 203–205, 215

fraud, 90–91

reforms, 22, 42

rules, 127

tribunate, 3, 9, 22, 65–66, 70–71, 73

elephants, 94, 108


with land ownership, 20, 27

against Lex Agraria, 30

employment. See unemployment, social reform and; wage labor

enemies of the state

Gaius Marius as, 197–202

Sulla as, 211–213

Sulpicius as, 197–198, 199

See also proscriptions

Equestrian class

Anti-Senate and, 192

cavalry and, 50

Extortion Court with jurors from, 48, 69–70, 78, 153, 158, 165–167, 254

Italians as, 262

Mamilian Commission and, xi, 105–106

optimates and, 152

with power rolled back, 120–121, 168

priesthood and, 158

proscriptions and, 250

publicani, 50–52, 56, 69–70, 84, 91, 132, 165–166, 168–169, 181–182, 216

wealth of, 261

Eryx, 201

Esquiline Gate, 196

Etruria, 68, 180, 209, 234

Eunus (Antiochus), 45–46, 131, 133

Euripides, on ambition, 115

expansion, of borders, 85–86


of foreigners, 62

of Italians from Rome, 164, 229

of Marians, 211

Extortion Court (quaestio de repetundis)

with jurors from Equestrian Court, 48, 69–70, 78, 153, 158, 165–167, 254

publicani and, 69–70

revolts and, 48, 78, 153


with citizen-farmers and Lex Agraria, 24–25

with tax-farming contracts, 69, 132, 163

tenant-farmers, 20–21

feriae (holiday), 193

Fides. See Temple of Fides

Fimbria, Gaius Flavius

death of, xiv, 220

mutiny of, xiii, 218

Samnites and, 208

First Servile War, ix, 44–46, 131–132

First Triumvirate, 264

Flaccus, Lucius Valerius (cos. 86)

death of, 218

debt cancellation and, 216

eastern command, 217–218

Flaccus, Lucius Valerius (cos. 100), consulship of, 152

Flaccus, Marcus Fulvius

attack on Scipio Nasica, 40

citizenship reform and, x, 61–62, 67, 71–72, 163

fall of, 75–77, 95

land commission and, 53, 55

as tribune, 70, 72–74

Flaccus, Quintus Fulvius, 76, 77

Florus, on Social War, 161

foederati, 53


security, 44

shortages, 68, 181, 210


expulsion of, 62

provincials as noncitizens, 262

Fortuna (goddess), 191, 195, 242, 256, 257

Forum, 29, 76, 212


in elections, 90–91

treasury and, 258

freedmen, 43, 182

Fregellae, revolt, x, 62–63, 65, 105, 163

Further Spain, 6, 11, 47, 91

Gallia Narbonensis, 86, 119

Gauda (future King of Numidia), 110


expansion into, 62, 85–86

with treasure, cursed, 121

See also Cimbri tribe; Cisalpine Gaul

geese, sacred, 50

Glaucia, Gaius Servilius

under arrest, 157

Cicero on, 145–146

as praetor, 152, 156–158

Saturninus, 146–147, 155–158

gold, 90

bounty for heads, 76, 77

conquered, 19, 121

Tolosa, xi, 121, 124, 134

torture with, 202

government, classical forms of, 8

governors, 47–48, 226, 253–254

Graccha, Sempronia, 18, 55, 146

Gracchus, Fake Son of Tiberius, 146, 147, 152, 155–156

Gracchus, Gaius

Cicero on, 60

colonies and, 68

early years, 17–18

Extortion Court reform and, 69–70

grain and, 68–69, 261

killing of, 73, 75–77, 95

as land commissioner, 32, 40, 53, 55

legacy, 167, 229, 261

with magistrates and abuse of power, 162–163

as martyr, 78–79, 146

rise of, x, 59–61

in Sardinia, 63–65

in Spain, 26

theatrical oratory and, 60, 64–65

with Tiberius Gracchus, 20, 59–61, 66–67

as tribune, 65–75

Gracchus, Tiberius Sempronius (the Elder), 17, 19, 23, 33, 36

Gracchus, Tiberius Sempronius (the Younger)

Appian on, 30, 36

legacy, 39–40, 42, 61, 67, 79, 146–148, 261

as martyr, 78–79, 146

murder of, 35–37, 41, 60, 66, 75, 95

Numantine Affair, 22–23

rise of, ix, 17–20

social reform and, 20, 25, 27–34

graffiti, 80

graft, 47

grain, 137

prices, 68–69, 78, 87, 153–154, 167–168

shortages, 56, 181

from Sicily, 44–45, 226

subsidies, 153–154

Gratidianus, Marcus Marius, 217, 249


Aemilianus and, 6–7

annexation of, 13–14

Cinna (cos. 87–84) and, 215

hostages from, 7

initial contact with, 5–6

navy, 189

Pontic invasion of, 208–209

Scordisci invasion of, 14

slaves from, 7

Sulla’s campaign in, 208–209, 213–214, 217–220

Hadrianus, 226

Hannibal, 5, 63, 88


gold bounty for, 76, 77

on posts, 212, 213, 242, 251

proscriptions and, 248, 250

Heliopolis, 48, 49

Hellespont, 218, 220

Herennius, Gaius, 91

Hiempsal (King of Numidia), x, 89, 97, 124

Hirpini, 181, 234

holiday (feriae), 193

Homer, 15, 41

horsemanship, Numidians and, 88, 107

hostages, from Greece, 7

Iberia, 21, 263

indictment, of Sulla, 205–206

Isère River, x, 86


citizenship reform and, x, 61–63, 67, 71–72, 161–165, 178–179, 229

as Equestrians, 262

expulsion from Rome, 164, 229

massacre of, x, xiii, 93–94, 202

migration, 162

in military, 131

as noncitizens, 25, 43, 71, 162–165, 168, 229

Roman citizenship for, 178–179, 225–226, 229, 255

social reform and, 28, 154

Italy, xii

land distribution and, 161–162

roads, 68, 86

Social War and, 171–173, 181–182

judicial assemblies, secret ballots, ix, 22

Jugurtha (King of Numidia)

adopted by Micipsa, 89

attacks Adherbal, x, 89, 92

Bocchus and, xi, 112, 118–119

bribes senators, 90

campaigns of, xi, 89, 103–105, 107–108, 110–112, 117–119

death of, 128

fall of, xi, 122–124

massacre of Italians, x, 93

murders Adherbal, x, 93

murders Hiempsal, x, 89

Opimius and, x, 88–89

in Rome, xi, 96–97

Scaurus and, xi, 93–94

Scipio Aemilianus on, 88–89

at siege of Numantia, 88

Jupiter. See Temple of Jupiter

Justin, 121

killings, political

assassinations, 169, 177, 186

of citizens seeking regal power, 9

murders, xii, 35–37, 41, 60, 66, 75, 93, 95, 97, 152, 156, 158, 171, 182, 205, 211–213, 223, 237–238, 264

in Numidia, 93–94, 97

proscriptions, xiv, 247–250, 259, 263, 264

sanctioned, 75–80, 95, 157–158

as triggers for upheaval, 74–75

See also heads

Laenas, Publius Popilius, 39, 67


ager publicus, 24, 27, 29, 54, 68–69

conscription and, 22, 113–114

disputed, 53–54

elite with ownership of, 20, 27

Latin Rights with, 53

redistribution, 134, 154, 161–162, 168–170

rent-free, 73

Roman citizenship in exchange for, 163

slaves to work, 20–21

social reform and, ix, 20–21, 24–25, 27–34, 40, 54–57, 67–68, 154

for veterans, 138, 139

See also Lex Agraria