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KABANOV (going up to his mother).

Good-bye, mamma!

MME. KABANOVA (with a wave of her hand points him to the ground). At my feet! At my feet! (Kabanov bows down to her feet, then kisses his mother.) Say good-bye to your wife.


Good-bye, Katia! [Katerina falls on his neck.

MME. KABANOVA. What do you want to hang on his neck like that for, shameless hussy! It's not a lover you're parting from! He's your husband—your head! Don't you know how to behave? Bow down at his feet! [Katerina bows down to his feet.


Good-bye, sister (kisses Varvara). Good-bye! Glasha (kisses Glasha).

Good-bye, mamma! (bows down to the ground).

MME. KABANOVA. Good-bye! Long farewells mean foolish tears. [Kabanov goes out, after him Katerina, Varvara, and Glasha.


MME. KABANOVA (alone).

MME. KABANOVA. The way young folks behave! It makes one laugh really to see them! If they weren't my own, I could laugh till I split. They don't know the way to do anything properly. Can't even take leave with decorum. A lucky thing it is for them that they have elder folk, who will keep their house together as long as they're living. And yet, the silly fools, they long to be their own masters, though when they do have their own way, they get in a mess directly to the scandal and amusement of all worthy folk. One here and there, to be sure, will be sorry for them, but for the most part they'll all laugh. No one can help laughing either; they'll invite guests, and not know how they should sit, and what's more, as likely as not, they leave out some one of their relations. It's simply comical. But the old order's passing away. There are some houses one doesn't care to go into. If you do cross the threshold, all you can do is to spit, and get away as quick as may be. What will happen when the old people are dead, how the world will go on, I really can't think. I'm thankful anyway, that I shall see nothing of it.

[Enter Katerina and Varvara.



You make a boast of loving your husband so much; I see now how much your love's worth. Any other good wife, on seeing her husband off, would wail for a good hour and a half, lying on the steps; but one can see you're not much upset.

KATERINA. There's no reason to be! Besides, I don't know how to wail. Why make the people laugh!


No great art is needed. If you loved him you would have learnt to do it.

If you can't wail properly, you should wail a little, if only for example.

It is always more decorous; or else one sees it is all words with you.

Well, I'm going to pray to God; do not interrupt me.


I'm going out.

MME. KABANOVA (caressingly).

I've nothing against it! Go and enjoy yourself till your time comes.

You'll have sitting indoors enough later on! [Exeunt Mme. Kabanova and



KATERINA (alone, dreamily). Well, now, peace reigns in our house! Ah, the dreariness. If only there were children! That's the saddest thing! I have no children; I should sit with them and amuse them all day. I love talking to little children—they are angels, really. (Silence.) If I had died when I was little, it would have been better. I should have looked down on to the earth from Heaven and been delighted with everything. I should have flown unseen wherever I liked. I would have floated into the country and fluttered from flower to flower, like a butterfly. (Sinks into a reverie) I know what I will do; I will begin some piece of work, as an offering to God. I will go to the bazaar, and buy some stuff and make some clothes to give to the poor. They will remember me in their prayers. And so I'll sit sewing with Varvara, and we shall not notice how the time passes; and soon Tisha will be back.

[Enter Varvara.



VARVARA (putting a kerchief on her head before the looking-glass). I am just going out for a walk now; Glasha's putting our beds in the summer house now, mamma's consented to let us sleep there. Mamma always keeps the little gate in the garden behind the raspberries locked up and hides the key. I've taken it and put another one in its place for her, so she won't notice it. Here, see, maybe, it will be wanted (gives the key). If I see him, I shall tell him to come to the little gate.

KATERINA (with horror, pushing away the key).

What for! what for! No! no!


If you don't want it, I do; take it, it won't bite you!

KATERINA. But what are you plotting, wicked girl? It's impossible! Do you know what you're doing? It's dreadful, dreadful!


Well, well—Least said is soonest mended; and I've no time to stay either.

It's time for my walk.



KATERINA (alone, holding the key in her hand). The things she thinks of doing! Ah, she's a mad girl, really mad! Here is ruin! Here it is! Fling it away, fling it far away, drop it into the river, that it may never be found. It burns the hand like fire. (Musing) This is how we women come to ruin. How can anyone be happy in bondage? One may be driven to anything. Many a one is glad if she gets the chance; she flings herself headlong. But how can they, without thinking, without reflecting! Easy is the path that leads to misfortune! And then tears and anguish all your life: your bondage is bitterer than ever. (Silence) But bitter is a life of bondage, ah, how bitter! Who does not weep in it! Most of all, we women. Here am I now! I am fretting away my life, and I see no loophole of light and hope before me! And I never shall see it, that's certain! It'll be worse as it goes on. And now this wickedness too has come upon me. (Muses) If it were not for my mother-in-law! … She is crushing me…. She has made the house hateful to me…. I loathe the very walls because of her. (Looks dreamily at the key) Throw it away? Of course, I must throw it away. And how came it into my hands? For my temptation, for my undoing. (Listens) Ah, someone is coming. How my heart is beating! (hides the key in her pocket) No! … No one! … Why was I so frightened? And I have put away the key…. Well, that's a sign it is to be! Fate itself, it seems, wills it! And where is the sin if I do look at him just once, from a distance. Even if I speak to him, still there's no harm in that! But what I said to Tihon … why, he would not have it himself. And maybe, such a chance will not come again all my life long. Then I may well weep to myself—that there was a chance and I had not sense to seize it. But why talk, why cheat myself? If I die for it, I must see him. Whom am I trying to deceive…. Throw away the key! No, for nothing in the whole world! It is mine now…. Come what may, I will see Boris! Ah, night! come quickly!