'You might be right. I'll have to think about it all,' Isak said. 'In meantime, Lord Bahl told me to find Swordmaster Kerin.'
Tila gave a half-curtsey, bowing her head a fraction too slowly t0 avoid showing the rush of relief that flowed over her face. 'He will be on the training ground, my Lord. This way.'
She led him down the empty corridor towards the Great Hall, where the wide stone stairway brought noises from the rest of Tirah Palace. Isak resolved to investigate the place at a later time. He smiled. The high roofs and hidden eaves of this ancient place would soon welcome him and share their secrets; with no father to curse his absence, Isak had only his own fancy to obey.
Tila pushed open the door to the Great Hall, walked in and cast a pointed look at those within. Then she stepped aside and drew herself up by the door, holding it open for Isak.
'Today I will have your personal chambers prepared. Lord Bahl has given explicit instructions that you sleep in the tower for a few weeks, but chambers in the main wing above us are also to be yours.'
Isak nodded and walked past her into the hall. Only four people were inside, two servants tending to the fire, now standing to atten- tion, and a pair of guardsmen. The younger was still sitting, his bloody leg stretched out on the bench while the other, a grizzled man of a similar age to Carel, had risen to his feet. A length of bandage trailed from his hand.
Isak, not sure what to do, gestured at them to continue what they'd been doing as he strode past them and to the tall double doors that led outside. One was slightly ajar, enough to see daylight, and when he opened it fully, he found himself at the top of a wide stone stairway with no rail that led down to what was obviously a training ground. To either side was a drop of almost ten feet; unsurprisingly, the steps were badly worn in the centre. A mass of grey cloud hung in the sky, resisting the wind's listless attempts to drive it away. Isak could hardly tell where the sun was, so quickly gave up gauging the hour, but guessed he had slept far later than usual.
Off to the left stood the barbican, flanked by two sharp towers. The dark maw of the keep tunnel rose up from the ground, its length sufficient to prevent any light from the other side from showing. Isak turned and looked up at the great bulk of the main wing. The Tower of Semar rose behind it. He felt himself start to topple backwards as
he strained to see to the very top. Against the diffused morning light the huge tower that reached up into the heavens looked elusive and shadowy- Now Isak was inside the palace, he realised just how large the fortress was – and still the tower looked impossibly tall.
The high stone walls encircled a vast tract of land. They were dotted with defensive towers, and there were stables and barracks nestling close in several places. Various plots within the wall were fenced off for livestock and for huge kitchen gardens, but the majority held soldiers. A line of archery butts were taking a beating at the far end, while the wide stretch of ground in between contained drilling foot soldiers and cavalry.
The palace was not built for defence. It had grown over the years, and the ancient wall surrounding the training ground was now a patchwork, first enlarged after an original section around the tower had been destroyed by magic. These days it was so long that it would take thousands to man it. But no one had ever succeeded in laying siege to Tirah Palace because the Farlan Army was a mobile one, manoeuvrable and superbly trained. The horses were drilled as hard as the soldiers, and their rapid response, tight formations and excellent logistical management meant that few enemies ever got the choice of battleground. Organisation of supplies was so crucial for the Farlan Army that the Quartermaster-General outranked even suzerains, in peace time as well as at war.
Isak trotted down the steps and made his way to a nearby groom who was attending to a tall chestnut hunter. The magnificent animal remained patient and still as the groom inspected a foreleg hoof.
Isak took a moment to admire the warhorse, a finer creature than any he'd seen before, before asking, 'Can you tell me where I can find Swordmaster Kerin?'
‘The Swordmaster?' replied the groom without looking up. 'He's busy with the rich boys of the Guard. Wait till he's finished; some of them are knights and they don't like commoners interrupting.'
Isak smiled. Only a day back he'd have obeyed that advice. 'Tell me which on he is anyway. I tkink I outrank a knight so they won't complain for long.’ The man looked up, and dropped the hoof in shock. He quickly recovered himself and dropped to to one knee, muttering apologies. 'My Lord, forgive-‘
‘don‘t worry, just tell me which one is the Swordmaster.'
The man hopped to his feet and pointed to a group of men gathered in a circle thirty yards away. 'Of course, my Lord… He’s over there, training the high-born men. The, ah, the man in blue, with a quarter-staff.'
Isak turned to follow the man's hand. The group was assembled in a half-circle, centred on the man in blue and a mailed figure frozen in mid-lunge. The S\yordmaster was pointing with tiis staff at the position of the other man's leg. He could see why the groom had been dismissive; it Was a fencing class, teaching nobles how to fight with a rapier. The Weapons were next to useless on a battlefield, but duels were common enough among the upper classes and skill with the narrow blade bad brought many men fame.
As Isak approached, the assembled men stopped paying attention and stared instead at their new Krann. He smiled inwardly, wondering what rumours were flying around the palace. A commoner arriving in the dead of night and soaked in blood, declared as Krann to Lord Bahl and future Lord of the Parian – no doubt there were many assuming, as some part of Isak still did, that this was all a joke.
To the Swordmaster's credit, he hardly hesitated as he felt his audience's attention stray. Turning smartly, the slim-built, greying man hefted his staff, took a step towards Isak and then dropped to one knee. 'My Lord Isak, you honour us with your presence.' As he spoke, Kerin looked up, assessing Isak with an unwavering gaze that betrayed no trace of apprehension. 'You're Swordrnaster Kerin?'
'I am, my Lord.' Kerin didn't blink or shift his attention for an instant. For a man kneeling, the Swordmaster showed no intention of being impressed yet.
'Well then, Lord Bahl told me to report to you.' Kerin rose, leaning heavily on his staff, but Isak wasn't fooled. From the rapt attention the others had been giving him, he guessed Kerin was worthy of his title.
‘That he did, my Lord, and now you're out here, you're under my command. There’s no room for titles here; no room for more than one commander. If you don't like doing what I say, tough shit. You'll do it or you'll not walk this field.'
Isak blinked in surprise; that hadn't been how he'd expected things to start out – but then he remembered Carel repeating to him, again and again, whenever the subject of joining the Guard came up: Keep
your damn temper under control and your mouth shut. Either you'll learn to take orders, or they'll chew you up and spit you out. There's nothing that the Swordmasters haven't seen before; make sure you show yourself to be more than just a white-eye.
Isak gave a small smile; if he was now the Krann, none of these men had seen one of those before, but he still had something to prove to them. Better he showed them the man he could become, rather than the animal they all expected.
'Think I'm joking, boy?' The Swordmaster broke in on his reverie. 'There's near enough a thousand men on this ground; defy me and you'll find out whether their loyalties lie with me or some wet-behind-the-ears suzerain of a place no one's ever been.'
Isak held up his hands in submission. 'I've not yet had a chance to get used to my title; I think I can put it aside for the moment.' He looked around at the men assembled. Disappointed at what he saw, Isak craned his head past them at the nearest troops. 'I thought there were other white-eyes in the Ghosts?' he asked finally.