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Ontology: a study of the ultimate nature of things.

Pantheism: the doctrine that God is immanent in all things.

Pluralism: the doctrine that the world is not a unit in law and structure, but the scene of contrary forces and processes.

Polytheism: the worship of many gods.

Positivism: the restriction of philosophical inquiry to problems open to scientific methods.

Pragmatism: the doctrine that truth is the practical efficacy of an idea.

Prolegomena: introductory studies.

Realism: in epistemology, the doctrine that the external world exists independently of perception, and substantially as perceived by us; in logic, the doctrine that universal ideas have objective realities corresponding to them.

Scholasticism: the philosophy of the medieval theologians; in general, the divorce of speculation from observation and practice.

Sociology: the study of social institutions and processes.

Subjective: as existing in thought; in Spinoza, as the object of thought.

Substance: in Spinoza, the basic and eternal reality, the structure and law of the world.

Teleology: the theory or study of development as caused by the purposes which things serve.

Theist: a believer in a personal God.

Transcendental: beyond the realm and reach of the senses.

Tropism: an invariable response.

Utilitarianism: the doctrine that all actions are to be judged in terms of their utility in promoting the greatest happiness of the greatest number.

Vitalism: the doctrine that life is the basic reality, of which everything else is a form of manifestation.

Voluntarism: the doctrine that will is the basic factor, both in the universe and in human conduct.

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Diogenes Laertius: Lives of the Philosophers. Loeb Classical Library. (Putnam.) 2 volumes. $2.50 each.

Xenophon: Memorabilia. Loeb Classical Library. (Putnam.) $2.50.

Plato: Works of, edited by Prof. Irwin Edman. (Simon & Schuster.) $2.50.

Plato: Republic. Translated by Jowett. (Oxford.) 2 volumes. $2.85.

Plato: Republic. Translated by H. Spens. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.

Plato: Dialogues. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.

Plato: Four Socratic Dialogues. Translated by Jowett. (Oxford.) $1.70.

Aristotle: Ethics. Translated by D. P. Chase. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.

Aristotle: Ethics. Translated by Bishop Welldon. (Macmillan.) $2.75.

Aristotle: Politics. Translated by Jowett. (Oxford.) $1.70.

Aristotle: Politics. Translated by William Ellis. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.

Lucretius: On the Nature of Things. Translated by W. E. Leonard. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.

Lucretius: On the Nature of Things. Translated by C. Bailey. (Oxford.) $1.70.

Epictetus: Book of Epictetus containing Enchiridion. (Dodge.) $1.50.

Marcus Aurelius: Meditations. Translated by Casaubon. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.

Marcus Aurelius: Meditations. Translated by John Jackson. (Oxford.) $1.70.

Bacon, Francis: Novum Organum. (Oxford.) $5.00.

Bacon, Francis: Advancement of Learning. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.

Descartes, Ren6: Discourse on Method. (Open Court.) $1.00.

Hobbes, Thomas: Leviathan. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.

Locke, John: Essay on the Human Understanding. (Dutton.) $2.50.

Spinoza, Benedictus: Ethics. Everyman’s Library. (Dutton.) $.80.

Leibnitz, G. W.: Essays Concerning Human Understanding. (Open Court.) $3.00.

Voltaire, Francois M.: Prose Works. (Black.) $3.00.

Holbach, Paul H.: System of Nature. No edition now in print.

Hume, David: Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Human Morals. (Open Court.) $1.00.

Hume, David: Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. (Open Court.) $1.00.

Hume, David: Treatise of Human Nature. Everyman’s Library. 2 volumes. (Dutton.) $.80 each.

Kant, Immanueclass="underline" Critique of Pure Reason. (Macmillan.) $5.00.

Kant, Immanueclass="underline" Critique of Aesthetic Judgment. (Oxford.) $4.20.

Kant, Immanueclass="underline" Selections from Kant’s Philosophy by John Watson. (Macmillan.) $2.50.

Hegel, G. M. F.: Philosophy of History. No edition now in print.

Schopenhauer, Arthur: The World as Will and Idea. (Scribner’s.) 3 volumes. $19-50.

Schopenhauer, Arthur: Works of, edited by Will Durant. (Simon & Schuster.) $2.50.

Schopenhauer, Arthur: Essays. (Willy Book.) $3.00.

Comte, Auguste: Positive Philosophy. (George Bell.) 3 volumes. Volume 1 is now out of print. $2.40 each.

Mill, J. S.: System of Logic. (Longmans, Green.) $2.50.

Spencer, Herbert: First Principles. (Appleton.) $3.00.

Nietzsche, Friedrich: The Will to Power. (Macmillan.) 2 volumes. $3.50 each.

Nietzsche, Friedrich: Thus Spake Zarathustra. (Macmillan.) $4.00 (Modern Library.) $.95.

Bradley, F. H.: Appearance and Reality. (Macmillan.) $6.50.

Bergson, Henri: Creative Evolution. (Holt.) $3.50.

Croce, Benedetto: History. (Harcourt, Brace.) $4.50.

Russell, B. A.: Mysticism and Logic. (Longmans, Green.) $3.00.

Russell, B. A.: Selected Papers. (Modern Library.) $.95.

James, William: Pragmatism. (Longmans, Green.) $2.00.

Dewey, John: Human Nature and Conduct. (Holt.) $2.25.

Dewey, John: Reconstruction in Philosophy. (Holt.) $2.00.

Santayana, George: Life of Reason. (Scribner’s.) 5 volumes. $2.00 each.


Abelard, 119

Abrahams, I., 198

Absolute, 384f., 667

Addison, 267

Adeimantus, 20

Adler, A., 551

Æschylus, 531f.

Alchemy, 157

Alcibiades, 6f.

Alexander, 63f., 112, 120f., 163, 448

Alexander II, 519

Alexandria, 119

Alfieri, 438, 562

Altruism, 509f.

America, 635f., 690f.

Amnesia, 599

Amsterdam, 199

Amyntas, 63

Anarchism, 565

Anaxagoras, 51, 81, 194

Anaximander, 80

Anaximenes, 81

Ancestor-worship, 493f.

Antinomies, 355f.

Antipater, 121

Antisthenes, 6, 98, 125

Antonius, M. Pius, 151, 656

Anytus, 11f.

Apatheia, 125f.

Aphasia, 599

Apollo, 529f.

Aquinas, T., 119f., 133, 609

Aristippus, 6, 125

Aristocracy, 4, 26, 42, 57, 105f., 558f., 657f.

Aristophanes, 11, 27

Aristotle, 3, 39, 55, 63f., 133f., 149, 163f., 177, 192, 238, 242, 411, 434, 531, 638, 642

Arnold, M., 82

Art, 94f., 438f., 615f.

Artzibashev, 581

Ascham, R., 184

Astronomy, 70, 128

Ataraxia, 126f.

Atheism, 146, 311f.

Athenæus, 69

Athens, 2f., 65f., 118

Aurelius, M., 127f., 151

Averroës, 191

Babbitt, I., 451

Bacon, F., 84, 120, 123f., 268, 301f., 331, 379, 460, 513, 607, 678, 682

Bacon, R., 120, 134, 177

Bain, A., 471

Balzac, 580

Barker, E., 18

Bateson, W., 486

Bauer, B., 387

Bax, B., 255

Bayle, 302

Bayreuth, 535

Beard, C., 132

Beauty, 224, 362, 456, 616f.

Beethoven, 377f., 382, 388f., 533, 560, 571