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Behaviorism, 155, 227

Bentham, J., 182, 460

Bergson, 220, 254, 378, 406, 462, 584–609, 622, 647, 676, 682

Berkeley, 332f., 462

Bias, 158

Bible, 119, 208f., 309f.

Biology, 85f., 462, 482f., 596f.

Bismarck, 112, 245, 522f., 527

Blanc, L., 497

Boethius, 75

Boetie, E. de la, 158

Bolingbroke, 267

Books, 143

Borgia, Cæsar, 560

Boswell, J., 290

Bourget, P., 561

Boyle, 460f.

Bradley, F. H., 378

Brahe, Tycho, 179

Brahms, 535

Brain, 587f.

Brandes, 254, 257, 260, 281, 528, 582–3

Browning, R., xxvii

Bruno, G., 192f.

Buckle, 269, 287f., 456, 468f., 471, 615

Buddha, 231

Buddhism, 442, 536, 550

Buffon, 269

Burckhardt, 546, 583

Byron, 255, 361, 389, 392, 438, 455

Cabet, E., 497

Cæsar, Julius, 127, 185, 448

Caird, E., 378f.

Calas, J., 305

Callicles, 22, 51, 575

Calvin, 260

Carlyle, 42, 174, 264, 272, 378, 390, 447, 450, 456, 469, 490, 529, 578, 651, 686

Carpenter, E., 158

Carr, W., 604

Categorical Imperative, 358f., 370

Categories, 351f., 373, 383, 684

Catherine II, 272, 290

Catholicism, 53, 57, 131, 648f.

Causality, 350f.

Cavalieri, T., 158

Celsus, 416

Cephalus, 20

Chæronea, 66, 123, 125

Chamberlain, H. S., 344

Chamfort, 561

Character, 406f.

Chateaubriand, 324, 338, 392, 605

Charcot, 664

Chatelet, Marquise du, 270f.

Chaucer, 119

China, 632f.

Chopin, 389

Christian VII, 290

Christianity, 97, 131, 147f., 211f., 309f., 363f., 441f., 446, 522f., 536f., 558f., 577, 626f., 650f.

Cicero, xxviii, 233

Civilization, 84f.

Coleridge, 254f.

Colerus, 200

Columbus, 189f., 462

Commodus, 161

Commune, 566

Communism, 43f., 49f., 54, 102f., 628

Comte, 457f., 464f., 509f., 522f.

Condé, Prince de, 205f.

Condillac, 165, 462

Condorcet, 319, 331, 458

Conscience, 247, 358, 374, 644

Consciousness, 404f., 588, 645f., 667

Conservatism, 102f.

Constant, B., 549

Co-operation, 500

Copernicus, 134, 179, 217

Corneille, 324

Correggio, 443

Critias, 5

Croce, B., 608–21

Crœsus, 149

Cromwell, 198

Crusades, 119, 133

Cuvier, 461

Cynics, 55, 125

Cyrenaics, 125

D’Alembert, 182, 290, 300, 306f., 325

D’Annunzio, 581

Dante, 79, 119f.

Danton, 260

Darius, 124

Darwin, C., 178f., 461, 485f., 514f., 522f., 596f., 606f., 676f., 681

Darwin, E., 461

Davy, H., 460f.

Death, 185f., 427f., 443f.

Definitions, 75f.

Defoe, 173

Dehmel, R., 581

Deists, 268

De Maistre, 324

Democracy, 5, 26f., 111f., 250f., 317f., 370, 558f., 658f., 687f.

Democritus, 3, 82f., 94, 125, 164, 192, 643f., 662

Demosthenes, 67, 121f.

De Musset, 389, 392, 539

Derby, Lord, 519

Descartes, 169, 193f., 217, 222, 301, 304, 379, 462, 584, 607, 681

Design, 362

De Staël, Mme., 324

Determinism, 238f., 418

Dewey, J., 238, 347, 374, 637, 678–92

Dialectic, Hegelian, 383

Diderot, 182, 269, 298f., 307, 331, 607

Diogenes the Cynic, 125

Dionysius of Syracuse, 11, 61, 278

Dionysus, 529f., 574f.

Diplomacy, 251

Domitian, 161

Dostoevski, xxvii, 455, 559

Drake, 173

Dreyfus, 306

Duration, 587f.

Durckheim, 156

Ecclesiastes, 255, 610

Education, 28f., 109, 250, 629f., 678f.

Edwards, J., 635

Egoism, 233, 509f.

Egypt, 16

Einstein, 179, 616

Eliot, G., 242, 255, 467

Elliott, H., 511, 604

Ellis, H., 537, 581

Elizabeth, Queen, 135

Emerson, xxxi, 20, 635, 639, 651, 657

Emotion, 232

Empedocles, 8, 82, 86

Encyclopedia, French, 298f.

Engels, F., 612

England, 135, 267f.

Enlightenment, French, 257–328, 331, 336f.

Epaminondas, 66

Epictetus, 127, 129f.

Epicureanism, 124f., 144

Epicurus, 4, 124f., 192

Epistemology, pref., 193f., 214, 332f., 372f., 640f.

Equality, 252, 319, 370f., 656f.

Erasmus, 260

Eternal recurrence, 545

Ethics, 49f., 96f., 117, 230, 357f., 374, 501f., 524, 534f., 685f.

Essex, Earl of, 139

Euclid, 623

Eugenics, 46f., 554f.

Euripides, 55, 531f.

Eurymedon, 121

Evil, 292, 419f.

Evolution, 80f., 128f., 179, 342, 461, 470f., 512f., 596f.

Faguet, E., 19, 562, 574

Fame, 396

Family, 654

Faraday, 460f.

Fénélon, 126

Ferdinand of Spain, 188f.

Feuerbach, 387

Fichte, J., 254, 378f., 395, 402, 457, 573

Finot, J., 454

First Cause, 512

Flaubert, 449, 561

Fontenelle, 264f.

Forms, 171f.

Förster-Nietzsche, Mme., 529f.

Fourier, 25, 497

France, Anatole, 126, 201, 258, 294, 306, 452, 561, 647, 661

Franklin, B., 326, 458

Frederick the Great, 278f., 325, 340, 364, 368

Frederick William II, 364

Frederick William IV, 524

Free speech, 322

Free will, 156, 228f., 237f., 312, 359f., 419, 589, 673f., 685f.

Freud, S., 405, 413, 429

Friendship, 100f., 147f., 158

Froude, J. A., 230, 471

Galileo, 134, 177, 194, 217

Gamaliel, 200

Genius, 32, 385f., 435f.

Gentile, G., 611

Geology, 84f.

George, H., 507

Gerson, Levi ben, 191

Gibbon, E., 288f., 560, 656

Gilbert, W., 134, 179

Glaucon, 20, 46

God, 35, 91f., 145f., 191f., 208f., 219f., 241f., 302, 333, 356f., 375f., 391f., 493, 525f., 541f., 602f., 627, 651, 669f.

Goethe, 120, 184, 254, 365, 377f., 381f., 388f., 393f., 410, 417, 440, 453, 456, 461, 527f., 560, 571, 573, 576, 579, 651

Gogol, 392

Gomperz, T., 74

Good and evil, 223f., 546f.

Gorgias, 4

Grant, A., 69, 74

Greece, 1f.

Green, T., 378

Gregory IX, 119

Grote, G., 121, 288

Gustavus III, 290

Gutzkow, 190

Hague, 205

Halévy, D., 528

Hamsun, K., 581

Hanslick, E., 440

Happiness, 419f., 451f.

Harrington, 57

Harrison, F., 460

Harvey, Wm., 134

Hasdai Crescas, 188, 191

Hauptmann, G., 581

Hegel, G., 254, 330, 353, 378f., 397, 400f., 451, 456, 459, 511, 612f., 615, 667f.

Heine, H., 127, 343, 357, 376f., 389, 392, 455, 571

Helvetius, 290, 298f., 308, 331, 375, 378

Heraclitus, 8, 81f., 125, 575, 606

Herder, 253

Herschel, W., 460, 471

Hesiod, 413

Higher criticism, 208f.

Hippias, 4

Hippocrates, 88, 178

History, 284f., 367f., 387f., 418, 496, 611f.

Hobbes, T., 182, 244, 268, 331f., 366, 460, 462, 580, 682

Höffding, H., 222

Holbach, 311, 331, 375

Holland, 189f.

Homer, 531

Horace, 115

Hugo, 259

Hume, D., 194, 253, 332, 334f., 345, 347, 348f., 356, 373, 379, 409, 460, 462, 464, 607, 641f., 665f.

Huneker, J., 528, 564, 677

Huxley, T., 465, 468f., 501, 519, 586f.

Huyghens, 204

Ibn Ezra, 191

Ibn Gebirol, 191

Idealism, 354, 402f., 612, 641

Ideas, Plato’s theory of, 38f., 436, 439, 624

Idols of the Cave, 167f.

Idols of the Market-place, 168

Idols of the Theatre, 168f.

Idols of the Tribe, 165f.

Immortality, 191, 195, 240f., 312f., 360, 602f., 652

Individualism, 517

Induction, 170f., 177

Industrial Revolution, 460

Inquisition, 189, 192

Insanity, 428f.

Instinct, 488f., 601f., 684

Instrumentalism, 681f.