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"It's basketball, Mrs. Talbot." He pushed open the screen door and held it for me. "You can watch from the window if you need to."

"Just . . . just don't go anywhere I can't see you."

He slammed the screen door shut behind us and marched into the yard so fast I had to jog to keep up. I glanced over my shoulder. The door was closed, no sign of Mrs. Talbot.

He looked around. "You see the ball?"

"I think it's in the shed. I'll go get —"

He touched my elbow. "No. Unless you really want to play."

I shook my head and he led me toward the stone bench near the central garden. "Talbot can still see us from there." He exhaled. "Derek sure knows how to push my buttons. Worst of it? I know he's pushing my buttons, trying to get a rise out of me, and 1 rise anyway. Stupid, stupid, stupid."

For a moment, he said nothing, gaze moving across the yard.

"Derek wants me to go looking for our dad."

"How? Like, break out? You can't —"

"That's no big deal." He settled back on the bench. "When you're raised like us, as supernaturals, it's . . . different. The rules are different. They have to be. If there's trouble, you have to run."

"But you don't want to go?"

"Oh, I want to. I've been chomping at the bit since we got here. My dad's out there —somewhere—maybe in trouble and I'm sitting around in a group home? Going to class? Hanging with Derek? Acting like nothing's wrong? It's killing me, Chloe. Derek knows how bad I want out. Like I said, he's pushing my buttons."

"Where is your dad?"

He shook his head. "We don't know. He just — Things went wrong and he disappeared and we ended up here. It's a long story . . ."

"Then it can wait."

"Thanks. Point is, he's gone and I'm sure he didn't leave willingly. So we're stuck here, supposedly waiting to get released, but then what? Where would we go? There's no grandma or great-uncle or family friend waiting to take us. We'd go into foster care and then we'd need to escape from there, so what's the point of waiting?"

"You want out now, but you can't get out."

"We can get out. Derek's got a plan." A small laugh. "Trust me, the man's always got a plan. But it's an escape plan for one —for me. He won't go. Flat-out refuses."

"What? He's making you feel guilty about staying when he won't go himself? Where does he get off?"

"Yeah, I know, and I don't want to sound like I'm defending him, but he has a reason for not wanting to go. It's a stupid reason, but it's a big deal to him and there's no sense trying to change his mind. He just . . . freaks."


Simon flexed his hand, staring down at it. "It's complicated. Derek's idea, though, is for me to get out and find Dad. Dad taught me ways to get in touch with him. Spells and stuff. But I can't leave Derek."


"Won't, I guess. I'm worried about Dad, but he can take care of himself, way better than Derek can."

I must have looked skeptical, because he went on, "I know Derek seems like he can and in most ways he can, but in others . . ." He shook his head. "It's complicated. If I take off and something goes wrong, I'm afraid he'll just. . . let it."

"I don't understand."

"I know." He stared down at his hands. "I know I'm not making any sense, but . . ."

"It's complicated."

"Yeah. But —" He inhaled. "I'm starting to think I need to take that chance. Derek's right. Sitting on my butt isn't getting us anywhere. Now there's you to consider. You really need to get out."

"I do?" The words escaped as a squeak.

"Derek's right. It doesn't matter how hard we work to hide your powers, they aren't like mine. They can't be hidden. Not when you're living under a microscope."

"If I get transferred to a hospital, I'll get through it."

"But what if it's not a transfer?" He glanced over, worry in his eyes. "What you said about Liz keeps gnawing at me. Maybe she is a shaman. Or if she is dead, maybe it was an accident. Why would they kill kids who don't get better? It sounds nuts, but even Derek's worried."

"Derek? But he said —"

"I know what he said. But when I talked to him later, he wasn't so quick to brush it off. Even raised some questions himself. With Derek, that's as close to agreement as you can get. But you still need help. Say everything goes fine and you get released, what will you do? Who will you talk to? How will you learn how to get back to normal?"

Normal. Such a simple, boring word. Funny how it shone now, like a brass ring on a merry-go-round, bright with promise, just out of reach.

Getting out wouldn't solve my problems. Aunt Lauren would always be watching, misinterpreting every "abnormal" thing I did as a sign that I needed to return to Lyle House . . . or worse.

But to run away?

I knew what Derek would say. I could even picture his expression, that scowl of disdain and frustration. I wasn't Chloe Saunders, sheltered art-school girl anymore. I wasn't even Chloe Saunders, schizophrenic. If Chloe Saunders, necromancer, followed the old rules, she could wind up in a padded cell, ranting about voices no one else could hear.

I wasn't naive. I read the news. I knew what happened to kids who ran away, and it wasn't the wonderful life of freedom they imagined. How long would it take to find Simon's dad? How would we live in the meantime? What would we eat? Where would we sleep? I had some money, but how long would that last? What would happen when our pictures were splashed across the news? When every cop and concerned citizen was looking for us?

I could hole up here, screw my eyes shut, and pray nothing bad happened. Or I could take matters into my own hands. Take action.

Getting help from Simon's missing father wasn't exactly my idea of a firm plan. But if I got out of here, I could track down Liz. That would be easy. There were a limited number of hospitals in Buffalo. And if she wasn't safe in a hospital, what did that mean for the rest of us? Were we in danger? I couldn't keep plugging my fingers in my ears and pretending everything was fine.

"If you're getting out of here, I'll go with you," I said.

"You don't have to. I just meant that / need to leave, for me and Derek and, now, for you. When I find Dad, he can help us."

"Who will help you? Out there?"

A twist of a smile. "I've got my killer fog spell."

"You need back up. Derek would be a lot better at that, but you're going to be stuck with me. I'm going."


I WAITED IN THE BOYS' bathroom, tucked in beside the storage tower. With every noise from the hall, my heart thudded, telling me I was about to make the biggest fool of myself yet.

But I wasn't wrong. Like Derek, I could add two plus two and see the answer. I wiped my sweaty palms against my jeans, glanced at my watch, and prayed I'd come to the proper conclusion. And, in some ways, prayed I hadn't.

When my watch hit 8:00, the bathroom door swung open. Derek flipped the light on and shut the door. As he turned toward the mirror, he saw me and he let out a yelp of surprise that would have been very satisfying under any other circumstances.

"Are you nuts?" he hissed. "What are you doing here?"

I walked past him and locked the door.

"If you want to discuss the plan, this really isn't the place," he said.

He pivoted, gaze following me as I crossed to the shower and turned on the cold water, so it would drown out our conversation without steaming up the room.

"Great," he muttered. "Now they're going to think we're showering together. Maybe we can just tell them we were washing off the crawl space dirt and trying to conserve water."