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Her lip twisted. "You're a supernatural. You're always in danger."

* * *

"Mission accomplished, but nothing gained. Except more questions," I said as we brushed off our clothing in the laundry room. "Now you can finally get back to bed."

Derek shook his head. "Doesn't matter. I won't sleep."

"Because of this? I'm sorry. I didn't mean —"

"I wasn't sleeping before you got me up." He tugged off his shoe and dumped a trickle of dirt down the sink. "This fever or whatever. It's making me edgy. Restless." As if on cue, his forearm muscles started twitching. "Part of the problem is I'm not getting enough exercise. Tossing a ball around with Simon just doesn't cut it. I need more . . . space. More activity. I think that's what's causing this." He rubbed harder at the rippling muscles.

"Could you ask for workout equipment? They seem pretty good about stuff like that."

He slanted a look my way. "You've seen my file. You really think they're going to buy me a set of dumbbells and a punching bag?" He looked around the laundry room. "You tired?"

"After that? No."

"How about some fresh air? Get out, go for a walk?"

I laughed. "Sure, if there wasn't the small matter of an alarm system standing in our way."

He raked his hand through his hair, shaking out dirt he'd brushed from the crawl space ceiling. "I know the code."


"You think I'm going to push Simon to leave and not know the security code? I can get us out, and we really should do a walk around, check out escape routes, hiding places. I don't get to go on many field trips, so I haven't gotten a look at the neighborhood."

I crossed my arms. "You can walk out anytime? Get that exercise you need? But you never have?"

He shifted his weight. "Never thought of it —"

"Of course you have. But there could be an alert when the alarm is turned off. Or a record of it being disabled. So you've never taken the chance. But now we should. If we get caught, well, everyone already thinks we're fooling around. We'd get in trouble for sneaking off, but not like Simon and I would if we were caught running away."

He scratched his chin. "That's a good idea."

"And it never crossed your mind."

He said nothing. I sighed and headed for the stairs.

"Chloe," he said. "Hold on. I —"

I glanced back. "Coming?"


FIVE MINUTES LATER, WE were walking down the sidewalk, the lights from Lyle House fading behind us. We circled the block and mapped out all routes from the house. We were in a section of Buffalo I didn't recognize, one filled with old houses on big lots, where you'd expect to find a Mercedes or Cadillac in every drive. But I could see why it didn't —the billowing smokestacks a few blocks to the east.

After two blocks walking west, the light pollution ahead suggested a business district, which Derek confirmed. Like this neighborhood, it was older and decent enough, but not fancy. No pawn- and porn shops, but no bistros and baristas either. On Simon's rare outings, he'd told Derek he'd seen lots of older, ordinary businesses with plenty of alleys and dark corners.

"When you get to that business area," Derek said, "you'll be home free. If you can't go that way?" He waved east, toward the factory. "Go there. It's all industrial. I'm sure you'd find an abandoned warehouse or two, if yon needed to hole up for a while." He looked around, scanning the neighborhood, nostrils flaring as he drank in the chill night air, probably a welcome relief from his fever. "Will you remember all that?"

"Can you say it again? Slower? Maybe write it out for me? With pictures?"

He scowled. "I'm just checking, okay? It's important."

"If you're worried we can't handle it, there's an obvious solution. Come with us."


"I'm just saying . . ."

"Well, don't."

He walked faster, leaving me jogging to keep up. I could tell Simon was right —the subject was closed to discussion—but I couldn't help myself.

"Simon's worried about you."

"Yeah?" He stopped, turned, and spread his arms. "Do I look okay to you?"

"No, you look like a guy who should be in bed, nursing a fever, not prowling —"

"I'm not prowling," he snapped, harsher than necessary. "I mean, where am I? On the street, right? Blocks from Lyle House. No cop cars are ripping down the road after me. If anything goes wrong, I can get out. Do you really think Talbot and Van Dop could stop me?"

"The question isn't whether you can escape. It's whether you will."

He paused. While I was gratified to know he wasn't just going to tell me what I wanted to hear, I didn't like seeing how much thought the answer required. Simon had said he was afraid that if something went wrong, Derek might just let it. He'd already decided he belonged at Lyle House. Would he leave even if he was in danger? Or could he see only the danger he posed . . . or thought he did?


He shoved his hands in his pockets. "Yeah."

"Yeah what?"

He yanked one hand out and scratched his arm, nails digging in until they left red marks. "If I'm in danger, I'll get away and find you guys. Okay?"


* * *

I woke to see a figure on my bed and sat up, Liz's name on my lips. But it was Rae, leaning against the wall, knees up, eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Thought you saw a ghost?" she said.

"N-no. Maybe." I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

"I suppose it's not a good idea to surprise someone who sees spooks, huh?"

I peered around the bedroom, blinking hard. Early morning light poured in. I glanced at Rae's bed and pictured Liz there, toes wiggling in the sunlight.

"Did Liz leave anything behind?" I asked.


I pulled myself up, shoving the covers back. "When you moved in, did you find anything?"

"Just a shirt of Tori's. I didn't bother giving it back yet. Not like Tori's in any rush to return that green hoodie she borrowed from Liz. I saw her wearing it the other day. Why? Did Liz finally call?"

I stretched. "No. I was just . . ." Another yawn. "It's early and half my brain is still in dreamland. Did I miss Mrs. Talbot's knock?"

"No, we have a few minutes yet. I wanted to talk to you before everyone got up."

"Sure, what's —" I jerked upright. "Yesterday! We were supposed to talk. I totally forgot."

"You've been busy." She plucked at the hem of her baby doll nightdress. "So am I going to get an invite?"


"On the great escape. That's what you were going to talk to me about last night, right? What you and Simon and Derek have been scurrying around planning for the past few days."

I don't want to imagine the look on my face at that moment. Shock, horror, disbelief —I'm sure it was all there, writ large enough to erase her doubts.

"I d-don't —"

" —know what I'm talking about?" She twisted a loose thread between her fingers and ripped it off, gaze fixed on it. "So what were you going to tell me? Make up a story to throw me off the trail?"

"N-no. I was going to tell you what happened in the crawl space. With Derek. I contacted that ghost again."


Her gaze dropped. As fascinating as my zombie story would normally have been, it wasn't what she'd been hoping to hear. She let the thread fall to the bed.

"So I'm not invited, am I?"

"Th-there's no —"

She held up her hands. "I overheard Simon and Derek arguing about escaping once. Now, with all this talk of transferring you or Derek, and you guys suddenly hanging out together . . ."