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“Why don’t you be reasonable, hon.,” he murmured, continuing to stroke her asscheeks and press against her tits. He kissed her tenderly and eased his cock further between her thighs. “I’m only thinking of you,” he lied, his dark eyes innocent and filled with love for her.

She felt her outrage seeping away. Damn him. The lying bastard-with the big prick. If only he didn’t get her so hot. If only his cock wasn’t teasing against her cunt and causing her to turn to jelly. Maybe the bastard did have a point. It would be embarrassing if they both went to the party and she chickened out, or things got out of hand. Maybe the husbands and wives would be a bunch of dogs.

Her initial impression of Duke had been very negative. He was far from being a handsome man. As it had turned out, he’d been quite a lover boy. Her thoughts became all jumbled as Brian toyed with her tits and nuzzled his prick against her snatch. She was becoming like putty in his hands. He had always been the strong one of their marriage. The decision maker. Maybe there was logic in what he was proposing.

Seeing her indecision, Brian pressed home his point-and his cock. He eased her back to the bed, laid her out on her back, and knelt between her legs. He stared humbly at her gorgeous little pussy and his thoughts jelled more firmly.

Damned if he wanted to subject this lovely little cunt to a pack of swapping guys.

Yet, he felt he owed it to himself to get a few shots at some strange nookie. It was a man’s prerogative. Now if he could only convince this little knot head with the little pussy to let him be the family swapper.

Smiling benignly, he eased his big cock into her tiny cunt and began stroking. “Let’s not argue about it anymore, hon.?”

She nodded and began humping up and down eagerly. Tears misted her eyes. She didn’t want to argue with her wonderful guy. The guy with the wonderful cock. “We’ll discuss it later,” she sobbed, wiggling her ass happily and accepting his offering contentedly.

He beat down a slight smile of triumph. He knew he had her won over to his way of thinking. His little bride would go along with anything he dished out. That was the way it should be. Gleefully, he pounded his cock into her willing cunt.

She met his thrusts, but though it was a wonderful fuck, there was something lacking. She couldn’t concentrate entirely on the exotic moment.

A nagging doubt remained in her mind. A doubt that couldn’t be completely erased by a big cock shoved deeply into her cunt.


”…and that,” concluded Denise, Brian wants it to be.”

Sharon pursed her lips thoughtfully. She had dropped by her new friends house, early this morning, with a definite purpose in mind. She had found Denise near tears and loaded with a tragic tale to pour into someone’s sympathetic ears. She had settled down with a drink in the living room of Denise’s house and had listened to the pretty young wife spill out her tale of woe.

“H’mm. So Brian wants you to stay home while he comes to our party alone?”

“Exactly!” sobbed Denise, dabbing at her eyes with a hankie. “He wants to have all the fun and leave me sitting at home, wondering what he’s doing. It ain’t fair to me. Not only that, it wouldn’t be fair to you and Duke. There would be an uneven number at the party.”

Sharon smiled and patted Denise’s knee. “That’s not much of a problem, darling. We often have uneven numbers in our group meetings. But I will admit it’s unfair to you, but that isn’t unusual either. We often find husbands like Brian. They want to be swappers, but they’re reluctant to let their wives swap.” She chuckled. “What decision have you two made about his suggestion?”

“I told him we’d talk it over, but the way I feel the answer is no-hell no! I’m not about to let him go to your party by himself!”

Sharon eased back on the couch, sipped at her drink, and murmured, “Maybe you should let him go alone.”


“It ties in nicety with the reason why I dropped by to see you this morning.” Sharon glanced at her watch. “The reason I’m here is to try and talk you into coming into the city with me today. To this studio where we hold our practice sessions for our TV shows.”

“You want me to watch you practice for your show?” Denise’s eyes lit up.

“Not exactly. This is an off day. We don’t work on our show today. We have this free time.”


“After you and Brian visited our house last week, Duke has been bragging about you-and how beautiful you are. He’s been giving raves about you. You sure must’ve impressed him, the way he’s been bragging. The most beautiful girl in the world, the most photogenic and all that jazz.” Sharon regarded her fixedly.

Denise blushed.

Regarding her from stem to stern, Sharon nodded, “Come to think of it, darling, you are very pretty. Maybe Duke’s right. Maybe you are photogenic. Maybe you would be right for a special movie?’

“A special move?”

Sharon chuckled. “In our spare time, in between our swap parties, and working for a living, the group from the studio gets together on occasion to make special short movies for use at our swap parties.”

“What kind of movies?”

“Group type movies. Usually of a girl or two, and a few men doing their things to each other. We show them at our swap parties to get our couples in the proper mood and to add spice to our affairs. We also put on exhibitions among our groupies. We have loads of fun.”

“Hah! And what’s this all got to do with me, and Brian?”

“Like I said, it might be a good idea if you agree to let him come to our new group party alone. We’ll have a few single girls there, too. And in the meantime, you come with me today to our studio… ?”

“What for?”

“To star in one of our stag type movies. One that we’ll show at our swap party.”

Denise hopped to her feet, her head reeling. “Me! Star in a filthy movie? You’re out of your mind. What if Brian finds out?”

“He will find out. At the party. But by the time he finds out, he’ll be the star of some pictures himself. We intend to take some snapshots of him fucking hell out of the girls at the party. So if we have pictures of him screwing other girls, he can hardly object at pictures of you putting on an exhibition with a few men.”

“A few men?”

“We’ll have three guys at the studio, and believe me, darling, these men are real men. Heavy hung bastards.” She glanced at her watch. “I told Brian I would meet him at the studio at ten. With you, if possible. If not, there will be other girls only too glad to help make the movie. How ’bout it, darling?” Sharon arose and fondly gathered the trembling girl to her embrace. “After all,” she murmured, “Brian is thinking of stepping out on you. Why don’t you beat him to the punch.”

“But… but…” Denise wavered.

“If he decides not to go to the party, he’ll never know because he won’t see the film. If he does go, he’ll be pictured giving his cock to other girls, so he can’t find fault with you for doing what he, himself, is doing.”

The logic of the older girl seeped through Denise’s tortured mind. It would serve him right. He was so damned self centered. Treating her like a laid. Wanting all the pleasures of life for himself.

The idea began to have merit. Maybe this dizzy idea would break up the wife swapping bit once and for all. If not, she would at least be on the same level with him.

“What time would I get home, if I agreed? Brian might not put in a full day at the office?”

“Just leave a note on the kitchen table. Tell him you’ve gone shopping in the city. You can follow me in your car. If you don’t get home before him, the note’ll explain things. You do go shopping once in a while, don’t you?”