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Brian obeyed-eagerly and happily. For the first time since before his recent swap party, he shoved cock into his adorable wife’s pussy. He was glad he’d married such an understanding girl. A girl with a tight pussy-and an open mind.

Denise eagerly accepted him. She had already made up her mind what her decision would be about taking on the new couple suggested by horny Brian.


Denise was still awed by the beauty of Jennifer Upson when she ushered the girl into her bedroom for them to freshen up and get ready for the start of the evening’s fun. Jennifer was all Brian had cracked her up to be. A lovely girl. She was eighteen. She was blonde-haired, blue eyed and had an adorable shape. One hundred pounds of sheer, curvy loveliness on a five foot frame, with a nice sized pair of titties.

Like Brian had said, she was a cute chick. A definite understatement. Jennifer was a doll, with creamy pinkish-white, flawless skin, and a shy smile. The type of smile that could turn male tigers into pussycats.

Denise tried putting her visitor at ease. “Sit down, Jennifer, I’ll brush your hair.” She could sense the girl was nervous. She ran a hair brush through the long mass of lovely blonde hair and smiled reassuringly. “Relax, darling. The boys aren’t in any hurry. We have all night. Let them gab awhile at the bar. You and me’ll have some girl talk.”

Jennifer smiled at Denise’s reflection in the mirror. “I am kind of uptight,” she admitted. “This’ll be like the first time for me.”

“Oh? You were at the Edwards swap party last week, weren’t you?”

“Yeah, but me and Peter left before it really got started. We sort of snuck out when things started heating up. We weren’t even missed.”

“I know one guy who missed you!” Denise laughed shortly.


“My husband. He’s been raving about you ever since. He was kind of hoping to get a crack at you.”

Jennifer blushed. “I guess he wasn’t the only one. I noticed the way the guys were looking me over.” She shuddered. “I’m not sure I can cope with swapping.”

“Me either. I’ve been dead set against it, but Brian insists we give it a try.”

“Same with Pete.” The flush on her face deepened. “He wants us to start swapping, and we’re not even married!”

“When will you be getting married?”

“Gee, I don’t know. He keeps putting it off. He insists on one of those trial marriages. Like right now, we’re living together. We have this apartment in the city. We both work at the studio. I’m’ a secretary. He’s a dancer. We’re doing okay financially, but he keeps stalling about getting married. He wants to make sure we’re right for each other. Now, he’s all charged up on this swap kick. He thinks it’s the in thing to do. He wants us to try it before we get married.”

“H’mmm.” Denise could appreciate the other girl’s problem. Her own knot head was also on the swapping kick. The only difference was-she was married. This girl wasn’t.

“And if you go through with it tonight, this’ll be your first real swap?”

Jennifer nodded miserably. “I’m scared. I love Pete. I don’t want any other guy-not even your man. I want just Pete, and I don’t want him getting another girl-even you.” Tears began misting her baby-blue eyes.

“There. There.” Denise gently squeezed the soft shoulders, encased in a white blouse. Jennifer had on a mini skirt that accentuated her lovely legs and thighs. The girl was sure whistle bait. “It isn’t the end of the world, darling, Relax, and just think of it as an experiment. I was all shook up the first time me and Brian swapped, but I got over it. We’re still together. We still love each other.”

“You do?” Jennifer’s eyes lit up hopefully. Then she added, a note of doubt in her voice, “But you’ve been married a long time. Pete and I aren’t even married.”

“We’ve been married almost two years.”

“And you’re both older than me and Pete!”

“I’m only nineteen. Brian’s only twenty-five. You’re eighteen, aren’t you?” The girl nodded. Denise added, “How old’s Pete?”

“He’ll be twenty-three.”

“There, you see. We’re almost the same age group. The four of us.” Denise eased Jennifer to her feet. She was a rather small girl herself, but she felt so much larger than this tiny beauty. She beat down an urge to sweep the teenaged darling into her arms and make love to her. She had gone that route while in high school and had decided lesbianism wasn’t her bag. But there was something about this adorable little teenager with the big, baby-blue eyes that brought out the beast in her. Small wonder guys flipped for this kid.

“Shall we go down to the basement and join our horny bastards?” She referred to the rumpus room she and Brian had fixed up in the basement. A large, air conditioned room designed for fun and games, with a built-in bar, two day bed couches, a pool table, a dart board and hi-fl and television set. An ideal spot for what they all had in mind. All, that is, apparently, except Jennifer. The blonde haired beauty definitely wasn’t in the mood for swap. At least not yet.

The task of getting Jennifer into the proper mood had fallen on Denise. Brian had given explicit instructions that she should get with it, and take the initiative with Pete.

Feeling like she was leading a lamb to the slaughter, she took her houseguest down to join the boys. The boys were shooting a game of pool between drinks. They were both feeling gay and seemed very much in the mood for fun and games.

She smiled at Pete-her target for the night. He was a handsome hunk of manhood. Six feet tall. One hundred and sixty pounds. Dark very long hair and dark eyes. A pretty boy in tip top shape, due to his being a ballet dancer on Sharon’s TV show. A lovely boy, who was giving her a lewd smile and a come-on look.

“Hi, boys. Can we join in the game.”

“Heck yeah. Grab a cue stick.” Pete cut loose with a huge smile. “I’ll play you a game first. Then maybe Brian can play Jennifer a match?”

“Sounds good.” Denise lined up the balls in the rack, reached for a cue stick, and nodded. “I’ll let you break them, Pete.”

Taking his cue from the two pool players, Brian eased Jennifer to the other end of the room. He poured around of drinks and sat next to the nervous girl, making small talk and trying to put her at her ease.

Pete slammed into the pack with his cue ball, scattering the other balls all over the green surface.

Stepping back, he grinned, “Your shot, pretty girl.”

Denise took a big swallow of liquor from the glass Brian had poured for her. She chalked her cue stick, bent over the pool table and expertly ran off a string of seven before missing a shot.

Pete took his turn, and a few more sips from his glass. He ran a few balls and missed. The game and the drinking was in full swing. With each shot, and each sip, she and Pete became more chummy. The game paled into in significance as they grew more intimate. They laughed, giggled and huddled at the pool table.

“Here-let me help you with that shot!” Pete, giggling, eased up to Denise who was bent far over the table trying to line up a difficult shot. He slid in between her spread legs and nuzzled the front of his slacks against her asscheeks which were covered by a pair of pink panties which were plainly visible from the position she was in. He rubbed his hardening cock, hidden by his slacks, against her pink panties.

He held this rubbing position for a long moment, deliberately moving his hardening cock against her ass. He was bent over the table with her, hands on cue stick along with hers., They both chuckled and made no effort to finish the shot.

Denise wiggled her butt against his slacks impishly. “Maybe if I use that cue stick, I could make the shot?” She pushed her butt against his half hard cock.

Taking his cue from his playmate, Pete chuckled. “Let’s give it a try!” He unzipped his fly and pulled his surging cock out. “Chalk it up, honey and I’ll shoot.”