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She quickly retracted. Forcing an impish smile, she hedged, “I was only kidding. Getting a few laughs. We’ll keep the action straight. Shall we get back to the bed for some straight fucking?”

When she picked the camera up from the bar and headed back toward the bed, Pete grabbed her, and held her. “Hold it, honey. Let’s talk about it some more.”

“About what?” She stood before her group.

Pete mused, his eyes alight with lewd gleams, “Pictures of you and Jennifer. Me and Brian. H’mmm.” He cut loose with a low whistle. “Like wow!” Turning to Brian, he asked, “What do you think, old buddy?”

Brian flushed. “Gee, I don’t know. It sounds kind of far out. I never went in for that kind of action.”

“Me neither, but there’s always a first time. And Denise only wants to take a few shots, for your swap album. It might be fun?” Pete chuckled nervously.

Denise stepped into the breech. “Let’s forget it, gang. I was only joking.”

“No.” Brian shook his head. The thought of seeing his lovely brown-haired wife and this equally lovely blonde-haired girl sucking each other off rolled round in his mind. He had gone to a few stag parties while in college where girls did their thing to each other. He recalled the pleasure he’d gotten from viewing such actions Jennifer and Denise. It was thought provoking. “Let’s discuss it some more.”

He turned to Jennifer. “How about you, hon.?” She was the unknown element. Pete had already indicated his willingness. He, too, was very willing. Denise had suggested it. Now if this small girl with the tiny cunt and asshole could be talked into it.

Jennifer sighed. Again she was the focal point of interest. It seemed like the entire success, or failure, of this session somehow depended on her. She sipped slowly at her drink. Pete was eyeing her closely, a half smile on his handsome face. His eyes were alight with lustful gleams. He wanted her to consent. To agree to this wild idea. She shuddered. They weren’t even married yet and he was willing to degrade her, humiliate her and ask the impossible of her.

She shuddered to think of what it would be like if she ever married the guy. Yet, she knew she couldn’t refuse to go along with him, because if she did, the wedding bells would never ring for them. Again she squared her shoulders manfully and nodded, “I’ve never done anything like that before, but I’m willing to give it a try.” She smiled bravely to hide her nervousness.

The die was cast! Denise’s suggestion had been carried by unanimous vote.

Denise, who’d only been half joking when she put forth her wild idea, quickly assumed charge. Everyone seemed to be looking to her for guidance this evening. Handing the camera to Brian; she said, “Okay, it’ll be me and Jennifer first. I know you two guys wouldn’t want to start this kind of action. C’mon, Jennifer.” She took the trembling girl by the hand and led her to the bed.

She eased the lovely blonde-haired teenager onto her back. She spread her lovely, creamy white legs wide, lifted her knees and completely exposed the tiny cunt.

She was impressed by the sight of the tiny, golden-haired pussy. It seemed so small, so virginal. Cute, pouty virginal lips fringed by curly, golden colored hair. A tiny ditty button, barely visible at the base of the tiny slit. Denise wasn’t exactly a newcomer to the lesbian bit. In high school, a few times, she’d been subjected to girls of the outer limits. Girls who’d sucked her pussy a few times.

It had all been very fleeting then. A few guilty passes made by nervous Nellie’s with a yen for cunts, instead of boys. But even the few brief samplings she’d had at the time had excited her. Now here she was, staring hard at the loveliest pussy she’d ever gawked at. A pretty, tiny, golden-haired snatch. Seeing that Brian was in readiness with the camera, she touched the pouty vaginal lips and spread them apart “Take a picture of me playing with her snatch!”


Denise squatted on her haunches alongside the little lovely, eased her face down and shoved out her tongue. Enroute she issued another instruction. “Take one of me with my tongue in her cunt!”


She no longer issued instructions. Brian had gotten the message and knew exactly what to do. Denise sucked the adorable pussy for a few more seconds, then reluctantly withdrew her face from the cunt before the boys, and the girl got funny notions. Next, she sucked at Jennifer’s creamy mounds and fondled them.

She nipped at the taut nipples. She sucked the big, round melons. She posed lewdly in all sorts of lesbian type poses. Then she made way for some sucking on the part of Jennifer. The pretty little blonde was nervous and uptight at first, sucking at Denise’s pussy, and breasts, but she soon relaxed and gave with several wonderful poses.

Then the two girls gave a brief session of sucking each other off, which was dutifully captured on film by the horny bastards who were at bedside giving words of encouragement and suggestions. The two bastards were having a ball while the girls sucked and nipped at each other for filming purposes.

Denise, very reluctantly broke off the action. There bad been enough shots of her and Jennifer. She didn’t want to run out of film, or flash cubes, and she figured it was the boys’ turn.

Hopping from the bed, she smiled sweetly. “Okay, you queer bastards. It’s your turn.”

Brian flushed and backed away, Heading for the bar, he poured a round of drinks. “I’ve changed my mind. I’m not about to suck a cock. No offense, buddy!” He grinned nervously at Pete who had joined him at the bar.

“I’m with you.” Pete, who’d been anxious to get with it a few minutes ago sidled up onto a bar stool and sipped at his drink. He had accomplished his mission. Getting the girls to blow each other. Like Brian, he didn’t feel like sucking a cock. He’d never sucked one before. He wasn’t about to start.

Denise pouted. The boys had tricked her. Standing in the center of the room, she glared. “Damn you bastards!”

“Aw, relax, hon. Come join us in a drink.” Brian chuckled. “At least we’ve got pictures of you and Jennifer in action. That’ll be something to see.” He rolled his eyes ceiling ward and pursed his lips. “How about it, Pete?” He chuckled lewdly.

“It sure will,” agreed Pete. “There’s something about two girls sucking each other off that really turns me on.” He inclined his head toward the bed. “How about if you and Jennifer get back on the bed and finish what you started? I mean, give each other a real blow job? From stem to stern?”

Denise did a silent burn. Damn these grinning bastards who’d tricked her. That’s all they’d wanted. To see her and Jennifer in action. And get pictures of the action. A slow smile came to her face. She began fumbling with the back of the camera. “Okay, you guys want to chicken out. So be it.”

“Hey, what’re you doing?” Brian grabbed for the camera.

She held it away from him. “I’m going to expose this film. If you guys won’t go through with your end of the bargain, then I’ll be damned if I’ll let you see on film what me and Jennifer just did.” She held her hand at the catch that would open the back of the camera and expose the in completed film. “Well… ?” she teased, keeping her finger on the catch. “What’ll it be? Expose the film? Or will you two bastards do what you agreed to do?”

The two bastards glanced at each other.

Brian sighed. He didn’t want her to expose the film. There had been too many good poses of the action so far. Him and Pete fucking the girls in the ass. Getting sucked off by the girls. Blowing the girls. All this would be ruined if Denise opened the camera and pulled out the film. He ogled Pete who was seated at the bar, sipping his drink. His glance swept to Pete’s cock. He shuddered. Him suck that ugly looking thing? Ugh! The thought was terrifying. He’d never sucked a cock in his life.