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He grinned when he noticed the tears of happiness in her soft, brown eyes. She was such a tender, sentimental girl. An emotional little beauty. He kept his prick in her cunt as long as he could, still trying to push more cock in deeper and give with more juices. Nature finally prevailed. The stiffness receded. His cock grew limp. It plopped dejectedly out of the seething cauldron.

He eased from her lushness and flopped onto his back. “Like wow!” he breathed, panting somewhat from the exertion. “It was really something tonight!” He rested his hand on her still spasming pussy, and gently scratched.

Denise tickled his man sized titties. She wasn’t breathless like him. She had the feeling of contentment, of a job well done.

“It’s always something,” she agreed, snuggling close, and grabbing a handful of soft cock. Placing her head on his heaving breast, she peered up at him, eyes still misted with tears of happiness. Sucking in a deep breath, she re-opened the old argument. “That’s why I can’t understand why you’d want someone else. Why you want to swap.” Her eyes begged for understanding.

An expression of annoyance swept to his face. His dark eyes, so filled with contentment, suddenly turned cool. “Honey, please? Don’t rehash all your silly arguments against swapping. We agreed to at least give it a try. We’ve already written to the Edwards and said we’d be at their place next weekend. Now stop trying to get out of it. We’re going through with it. At least this once!”

She bit back the retort that sprang to her lips. She knew it would be futile to renew the old argument. Brian was a knot head. Once his mind was made up-that was it.

“It’s just that I’m kind of scared,” she whispered easing around on the bed and heading down toward his cock-with her mouth.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of,” he assured her easing her up and over. They were in a sixty-nine position. He was staring directly at her cunt and asshole.

Holding his limp cock in her hand, she spoke to the cock, and loud enough for him to hear. “It’s just that I’ve never had another man but you before, dear.” A true statement. She’d been a virgin of seventeen when he’d married her, a scant two years ago.

“I understand, lion,” he replied, addressing his remarks to her tiny, brown-haired pussy. He kissed the wet, gooey vaginal lips tenderly. Licking the tiny crack, he mumbled, his voice slightly muffled by the hairy snatch he was half kissing, “but I’ve promised that if you don’t want to go through with it, after we arrive, we can back out. The Edwards agreed to that in their letters. So relax, hon. Relax.” He stroked her cute butt and massaged her creamy asscheeks.

Holding his half hard prick erect, she licked the sides and the slit at the top, which was still oozing cum. She shoved her fears aside as she shoved his cock into her mouth. Maybe she was just being childish, making such a big thing about swapping. She was letting her morals show through. She was such a square. She couldn’t help that, of course. Mom and Dad were two of the squarest people in existence. Her upbringing had been strait laced.

She sighed and sucked. Sucked and sighed. Soon the sighs disappeared. Only the sucking was left. She concentrated on the job at hand. Getting Brian hard.

She succeeded.


They drove twice around the block which the Edwards lived on before heading into the driveway of their house. Denise could almost feel her knees knocking together while sitting beside Brian, who was driving. She tried to relax, but she was all tensed up. Brian, despite his air of bravado, also seamed up tight.

Their initial evaluation of the Edward’s place was favorable. It was a large home in a very nice neighborhood in one of the better sections of the suburbs, well within easy driving range of the city.

The neighborhood was on a par with their own neighborhood on the other side of the city suburbs. Denise breathed a sigh of relief. So far, so good. Brian drove into the driveway and parked next to a late model, four door sedan. Close by was another car, a sports model. Like the home, the cars were high class, expensive item.

A slight twinge of disappointment swept through her when the door opened and they met the Edwards in person for the first time. Duke Edwards did not measure up to the photos that had been sent as part of their pen pal letters through the swinger magazine.

Duke Edwards was twenty-eight. He was chubby, far chubbier than he’d looked in his pictures. He was five foot, ten inches and pushed the scales at two hundred and ten pounds. He had light brownish colored hair, styled rather long and mod, and he had pale blue eyes. His eyes were rather close set and beady, and his nose was bulbous. The entire effect was that of a hoggish type man, with fat jowls.

She beat down her feeling of disappointment and cut loose with a charming smile, and a soft, “Pleased to meet you, Duke.” She tried to keep her voice calm.

Sharon Edwards was an exact opposite of her ugly husband. She was a lush, twenty-three-year old beauty. She was five foot, seven inches of curvy shape with a pair of knockers that were out of this world. She was a phony blonde, with grey eyes and exuded sex appeal, from every curvy pound of her one hundred and thirty pound creamy, pinkish-white physique.

From their correspondence, they already knew quite a bit about this couple. Duke was a television show producer in the city. Very successful. Sharon was a singer and an active television personality. She often appeared on many of the shows Duke was connected with. Being a very photogenic girl, she was in demand by most of the studios.

Denise felt almost awed in the presence of this couple. Duke, the genial host led them into their sumptuous living room and poured a round of drinks. He was dressed in casual slacks and sports shirt, as was Brian. The girls had on mini dress outfits. Casualness seemed to be the order of the day.

Duke, eyeing Denise hungrily, grinned at her from behind the bar where he’d established himself as the genial host. His groupies were seated at bar stools before him, while he attended their wants. Cutting loose with a big smile, he murmured, his eyes roving up and down her lovely shape, “The pictures you sent hardly do you justice, m’dear. You’re much prettier than in your pictures.”

She blushed, and wished she could return the compliment. Truthfully she couldn’t. Duke looked uglier and more piggish in person than he had in the pictures he’d sent. She murmured a polite, “thank you, sir.”

“Listen to the girl!” hooted Duke, slapping the bar. “Calling me sir!” Reaching over, he gathered one of her warm hands in his, and said, “The name’s Duke, honey.” He winked lewdly.

She withdrew her hand and mumbled, “Okay—Duke.” Her fears built. This man was coming on too strong. She didn’t like his looks, or his attitude. She forced a smile, slid from the bar stool and sat on a big recliner chair nearby and sipped slowly at her drink as she tried desperately to calm her jumpy nerves.

Sharon, sensing Denise’s fears, quickly jumped into the breech. She sat on a chair nearby and cut loose with a disarming smile. “This is a first time for you, darling? Swapping, I mean. In your letters you mentioned you were new at this?”

Denise nodded. “It… will be a first time… if we go through with it.” She downed the drink and handed her glass to Brian for a refill. The warming liquor calmed her. She smiled thankfully at the other girl.

“Yeah, I know just how you feel.” Sharon chuckled. “I felt the same way the first time I tried out for a part in a musical on Broadway. My knees were knocking, my throat felt parched and I was sure I wouldn’t be able to sing a note.”

Duke, having poured another round of drinks, came from behind the bar and perched on a stool. Grinning, he remarked, “You should hear her belt out a song now. And the things she does when she sings at parties. How about giving them a sample, hon?”

Sharon nodded. She finished her drink, got up from her chair, turned on the hi-fi set and went into her act.