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Jennifer flushed, then nodded. She drew Denise to her in a tight, loving embrace. Two pairs of solid, well rounded high titties meshed together.

Two pair of hot lips met in a tender, loving soul kiss. Soft brown eyes stared deep into baby blue eyes.

“I love you, darling,” whispered Denise, between kisses.

“I love you, dear,” whimpered Jennifer, between kisses.

The girls were still very much loving a long time later when the two rejuvenated boys reappeared on the scene. The two boys weren’t shocked. They had kind of expected to witness such a scene.

Two pricks hardened almost instantly at the sight of the two loving girls.

The swap session entered a new, exciting phase. Two young, loving couples had found each other. Perfect matching. Perfect pairing.


Denise ogled the pictures again and again. She no longer blushed, or cut loose with remarks about the lewd photos. The pictures were better than a thousand words. Sharp. Clear. The photography had been excellent. The swap session with Pete and Jennifer had been clearly recorded on film for posterity. she’d had an extra set printed up for the other couple and had sent them to Jennifer.

She reasoned that Pete and Jennifer were also studying the results and giving with their comments, just like she and Brian were doing.

Brian clucked his tongue and finally set the pictures aside. Shaking his head, he said, “We sure had ourselves a good time, didn’t we?”

He pulled Denise onto his lap and shoved a few kisses onto her mouth. “You’re not too upset about what we did, hon.?”

She shrugged. “It was fun-while we were doing it. But I still don’t think we should become full time swappers.”

“Why not?” Brian ran his fingers up under her mini skirt and toyed with her pussy which was covered by her pink panties.

“It’s just not right. I mean, we’re married. We’re happy. We love each other. Why should we have to swap?” Until now, her arguments against swapping had been more vehement. She had definitely been very much opposed to it. Now, her objections had been muffled. Ever since the marvelous session with Pete and Jennifer a week ago. But she felt she still had to lodge some objections.

Brian, still recalling vividly his fucking of the glorious Jennifer, nodded sagely. “I kind of agree with you, hon.”

“You do?” Panic seeped in. She hadn’t meant for him to agree. “You mean-no more swapping?”

“I mean we shouldn’t become full time swappers,” he corrected.

“Oh?” Relief set in. She nestled closer into his embrace and helped him stroke her pussy by placing his hand over his and guiding it. “Which reminds me. Sharon called me today.”

His eyes lit up. “Oh? What did she want?”

“They’re having another swap session next weekend. A two day affair. She’s got her new group about lined up. Three new couples, you and me, and some singles.”

“How about Pete and Jennifer?”

“Yeah, they’ve been invited, too. Sharon says it’ll be a wonderful group session.”

“H’mmm.” The idea was intriguing. Brian recalled the last party he’d attended-without Denise. That had been quite a session. Now, with Denise, a true swapper, and with lovely little Jennifer, along with the lovelies that Sharon managed to get, a guy could have a field day. “What did you tell her?”

“I said I’d talk it over with you. I mentioned that we’d probably be there, but that I’d call her back later this week and let her know for sure. But now that you don’t want to become a full time swapper… ?”

He grimaced and eased a finger up her snatch. Him, and his big mouth. He’d just tossed that thought out for her benefit. “I guess we kind Of owe it to Sharon and Duke to go to their party. After all, it was through them that we met Pete and Jennifer. Who knows, maybe we’ll meet some more couples we’ll really like and we can form our own group?” He slid her panties off, then her skirt and blouse.

She helped him undress arid then plopped back onto his naked lap.

Toying with his hardening cock, she murmured, “What do you really think about the whole thing, dear. Swapping, I mean? We’ve been doing it for a few times. Do you think it’s our bag? Really?” She drew his face down and pressed her lips to his to give him time to think up an answer.

They, were in their living room. She had, cleaned up the dinner dishes some time ago and they were now relaxing, half watching TV, reading the evening papers, and now, after having ogled the lewd pictures for the umpteenth time, they were having this serious talk that could decide their future,, She wasn’t sure, even in her own mind, whether she wanted to continue being a swapper, or not.

Brian savored his wife’s tender kisses for a few minutes, before replying. Like her, he, too, was somewhat puzzled in his own mind about swapping. He thoroughly enjoyed fucking and sucking other girls, like Sharon and Jennifer. This kind of action turned him on. But there was the nagging doubts about swapping. The doubts that came into sharp focus every time he watched another guy shove prick into Denise.

The picture they’d taken had shocked him. Pictures of Pete with his big cock shoved into Denise’s cunt, ass and mouth. And from the pictorial evidence it was obvious that she was thoroughly enjoying getting pricks shoved into her ass, mouth and cunt.

If there was only some way he could rearrange the normal swap procedure. Some way in which he would be the swapper in the family, and not have Denise swap.

He realized that this kind of thinking had been bugging husbands since swapping began. Males had a tendency to want other girls, without wanting their wives with other guys. There was no set procedure for this to happen, however. Swapping meant just that. Swapping.

While she toyed with his cock, he toyed with the idea of suggesting that he attend Sharon and Duke’s upcoming party alone. Like he had done the last time. He quickly rejected this line of thinking. She wouldn’t stand for another deal like that. If they went to the party, it would have to be as a team. He’d get his prick into the other girls present, but, at the same time, the other cocks present would be shoved into Denise.

He sighed and nuzzled her close. He was in no rush. They had all night. It was early evening. His time was his own at the office. He had no big deals cooking at the moment.

Stroking her round melons, and tweaking at the taut nipples, he murmured, “I like swapping, hon., except for one thing.” He squeezed tittie.

“Oh? What?”

“The part when I see a guy shove his cock into you!” he blurted. “That I don’t like!”

She bristled. “And how do you think I feel when I see you fucking another girl?”

“It’s not so much I object while it’s actually happening,” he explained. “It’s the after shock. Like when we were with Pete and Jennifer, it was marvelous. I enjoyed every fucking minute we spent with them. I didn’t seem to mind at all what we did to each other, while we were doing it! It’s only afterwards, when I get to thinking of it, that I get upset. And looking at these pictures to remind me of what we did!” He picked up a few pictures and stared.

“You know something, dear?” She snuggled in his embrace and continued fondling his cock. “I feel the same way. While we’re doing it, I feel wonderful. But, like you say, afterwards, I have some regrets.”

He shrugged. “I guess that’s normal. Pete tells me he has the same feelings afterwards. Duke mentioned he used to feel the same way, but they’ve been swapping so long, he doesn’t have any regrets. Neither does Sharon. What we’re experiencing, I guess, is guilt feelings. We’re doing something that’s not exactly an accepted thing, so we feel guilty. I’m not sure what’s the answer. The question is-shall we continue?”

“That’s up-to you, dear. You’re the boss. You give me the word, and I’ll call Sharon up and tell her we’ll be there. You say no, I’ll tell her no. Either way.”