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It was, to say the least, an unusual situation. One that lasted for an entire weekend. A honeymoon weekend that was to be remembered. The foursome was still laughing and joking on the drive back to the city the following evening. They had all been well sated. They had switched around time and again. They had savored each other from every conceivable angle. The four of them had vowed eternal love for each other. They had vowed that they would be a foursome on their own.

They didn’t need group swapping. They were an ideally matched foursome. They could be content and happy with just each other. They didn’t need any more Duke’s, or Sharon’s. Before they had left the motel, they had made a vow to be their own little swap group. No more outsiders. Just the four of them.

The vow was still with them when they pulled into the driveway of the house Pete and Jennifer had rented. A nice home in the suburbs, but close enough to the city where they both worked at the studio.

When they pulled into the driveway, they were startled to see a young couple sitting on lawn chairs in the patio to the rear of the house.

A very young couple. A young boy who appeared to be no more than nineteen. A young girl who appeared to be no older then sixteen!


Denise was surprised to see the young couple? She didn’t recognize the two youngsters, but it was obvious that Pete and Jennifer did. Pete’s expression was filled with amazement, as was Jennifer’s.

“Mark! Gloria! What are you two doing here?” Pete’s words were lacking in cordiality. It appeared these two people were the last ones in the world he expected to see sitting on his doorstep waiting for their arrival.

Mark lumbered to his feet. His handsome, slightly tanned white face bore the semblance of a grin. “We’ve been waiting for you cats to get home.” He smiled apologetically.

“You knew Jennifer and I had gone off and gotten married.” Pete grumped. Like him, Mark was also a dancer on Sharon’s TV show and knew all that was going on.

Mark nodded. “Yeah, we knew. That’s when me and Gloria decided we may as well get married, too.” He flushed.

“You and Gloria got married?”

Yep. We crossed over the state line last night and got hitched.”

“While I’ll be damned.” Pete eyed the newlyweds with new respect. “But why? After all you’ve hardly known each other any length of time. Hell, you’re just kids. How old are you Gloria?” He eyed the dark-haired, dark-eyed lovely. The small, petite, one hundred and, ten pounds of luscious femininity. The beautiful Gloria was a featured dancer on the TV show.

Gloria thrust out her lovely melons. “I’m seventeen. I’ll soon be eighteen.”

Pete shook his head. “But to run off and get married like you did. Hell, you don’t even have a place to stay.”

Mark smiled. “We were kind of hoping you’d help us out until we get squared away.” He nodded at Pete’s home. “You’ve got a nice place here. We were thinking you’d let us stay for awhile until we could find a place of our own. We’ll pay our way, of course.” He smiled hopefully.

Pete, who’d had no visions of turning his home into a swapper’s paradise, frowned. “Gee, I don’t know, Mark. We hadn’t planned on permanent guests. You see, we do a lot of entertaining, like now…” he quickly introduced Brian and Denise. “We do throw a lot of parties. Like I mean, having another couple around might interfere with what we have in mind.”

“And just what do you have in mind?” Mark grinned.

“Well, like me and Jennifer are swingers. So are Brian and Denise. Hell, the four of us just went on our honeymoon together.”


Pete chuckled. “That’ll give you an idea of what I mean. How would you and Gloria like to spend your honeymoon with another young couple? Share the same room, the same bed, the same bathroom and so on?”

“You did all that?”

“And more!” Pete grinned impishly. “Like now, we were sort of, thinking of finishing off the weekend here at our house before settling down to the routine of, going back to work next week. So you can see that as much as we’d like to have you and Gloria spend some time with us as our guests, it just wouldn’t work out.” His voice contained an edge of finality.

“That is,” cut in Denise, who’d been eyeing Mark with a good deal of interest. “unless you and Gloria would care to spend the rest of your honeymoon weekend with us. A sort of wild party. The six of us. How about it, gang?” She let her glance drift around the group. She realized this could be the start of a new group. A whole new group of swappers.

Brian, who’d been ogling the newlywed Gloria like a cat eyeing a canary perked up at the suggestion. His eyes lit up and his prick hardened. “H’mm. Sounds like it could be fun. How about you, Pete?”

Pete, who’d been staring, at Gloria’s cute butt, nodded approval. He was a man who liked females, and Gloria’s cute little ass, encased in a tight fitting mini skirt was a thing of sheer beauty. He tried not to sound too enthused when he nodded~ his head and replied, “Yeah, I guess we could give it a try.”

Jennifer, who was always in the mood to sample a new prick, added her assent.

“You mean!” gasped Mark, his handsome face flushed. “You’d want me and Gloria to move in with you and become swappers. Like right now? Tonight?”

Pete grinned impishly. “That’s the idea. Take it or leave it.”

“Hold it!” Brian, who’d been weighing all the angles cut in. “I think it would be much better if Mark and Gloria moved in with me and Denise. How ’bout it, hon?” He appealed to his better half, then added, “For one thing we have a much larger place. An extra bedroom. A rumpus room. Besides, Denise doesn’t work. She’ll have plenty of time keeping the house straightened up. Me and her both have far more time on our hands than you working people. Mark and Gloria can move into our spare bedroom. They can pay a certain amount for room and board. You and Jennifer can visit anytime. We’ll be sort of forming our own group. It’ll work out swell, won’t it hon.?” Again he appealed to his better half.

Denise who’d been eying handsome Mark with a good deal of interest nodded absently. The idea was only half percolating through her mind, but it did sound logical. They did have the extra room.

“Good! Then it’s all settled!” Brian, the take charge guy made his move. “Since you folks already have your bags packed in and in your car, we’ll all drive over to our place and get you settled in. How about it, Pete? Jennifer?”

Pete and Jennifer quickly nodded. They didn’t really want permanent guests in their place, but were ready, willing and able for swapping at the drop of a panty.

Mark and Gloria hesitated. Swapping wasn’t in their minds when they impulsively hopped off and got married this weekend. They had vague ideas about a future together as a normal man and wife. The bride and groom bit. Now to be suddenly invited into a strange couple’s house as permanent guests and swappers was a bit too much. Not that either of them had any particular qualms about swapping. Both were experienced in that area. As singles, they had both attended several of Sharon’s affairs.

“Gee, I don’t know…” Gloria’s pleasant voice was hesitant. “It wasn’t exactly what we had in mind…” She glanced at her new husband.

Mark shrugged. He was inclined to agree with her. It definitely wasn’t what they’d had in mind. He’d been thinking in terms of staying with their good friends Pete and Jennifer for a week, or two, until they could get their own place, then move out. Now, being offered a permanent haven. His eyes settled on Denise. The glance helped him make up his mind.

“I guess we could give it a try, dear.” He held Gloria’s hand and squeezed tightly. “After all, we do need a place to stay for awhile. Pete and Jennifer’s place is rather small. And since Brian and Denise are such good friends of Pete and Jennifer, I guess we can see how it’ll work out?” He smiled hopefully.