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“Got it,” she replied with an efficient check mark.

“And double-check to make sure all the food is properly stored.”



Adam cut her off by taking her hands in his own and placing them on his chest. “Lia, I think Julie knows the evening routine by now.”

She’d trusted Julie to open for her today, just like she’d trusted Julie to close for her on those rare nights she ceded control of La Arietta to her sous chef. Tonight should be no different, but she still felt like she was abandoning her child in a way. The more demands Adam made of her time, the less she could dedicate to her business.

But tonight, she was willing to let go of the uptight side of her nature and enjoy her new passion—Adam. “It’s your ship, captain,” she told Julie as she relaxed into him.

“Woo-hoo!” Julie jumped up into the air and ran back into the kitchen. Lia listened carefully as her sous chef continued the closing routine the exact same way she normally did.

Adam guided her chin back to him. “See? Nothing to worry about.”

“You’re right.” She unfastened her chef’s jacket and switched it for the denim one she’d worn to work. “Is there any reason why you came over tonight?”

“Yes, but I’ll tell you later. Right now, I just want to get you home.” He leaned closer to her, his breath grazing her ear as his voice lowered. “When we get there, I’m going to remove all your clothing and explore every inch of your body from the top of your head to tips of your toes.” He paused, pulling her hips forward so the evidence of his arousal pressed against her. “With lots of intermittent stops along the way.”

His arousal was so infectious, she was ready to let him begin his exploration right then and there. Her skin tingled with anticipation. “Then let’s be on our way.”

The drive to his place was short enough that she managed to keep her hands to herself. All restraint disappeared once they got into the elevator, though. She kissed him the same fast and frenzied way he’d done last night. Tonight, she was the one who needed him. She was the one who was tempted to press the stop button in the elevator and find her release before they even made it to his front door.

The ding announcing they’d reached his floor resurrected what was left of her self-control. She pulled away, giving him her best seductive grin.

“Patience,” he said, unlocking the door to his condo. “I meant what I said about taking my time making love to you tonight.”

Making love?

She’d barely had time to comprehend the meaning of the words before a hundred pounds of white fur knocked her to ground. The combination of sniffs and licks would’ve been enough to trigger a panic attack in most people, but Lia wedged her hands between her and the Grand Pyrenees and giggled. “There’s got to be a less aggressive way to greet me, Jasper.”

“Sorry, Lia,” Adam grunted, tugging on the dog’s collar. “I forgot that he seems to be overly fond of you.”

She sat up and wiped the doggy drool off her face. “Is it just me?”

“Unfortunately.” He wrestled Jasper back into the condo. “I would help you up, but I have my hands full at the moment.”

“I’m fine.” She stood and walked inside, scratching Jasper behind the ears as she passed. A large crate that hadn’t been there a few nights ago took up a corner of the dining room. “Dog sitting?”

“Yeah, my mom’s out of town, and we couldn’t get a sitter at the last moment.” He inched the dog closer to his crate. “Why don’t you go into the bedroom while I take care of this menace for you?”

“My hero,” she teased and blew him a kiss. From the other side of the door, she heard Adam playfully threatening him with Doggie Boot Camp surrounded by a bunch of yapping poodles. Jasper replied with a high-pitched bark.

The glow from his laptop screen was the only light in the room. She paused at his desk to turn on the lamp and lingered when she noticed her name on the screen.

She tried to pull herself away from the scathing e-mail someone named Raymond had sent to Adam, but her eyes continued to scan it line by line. He was threatening to sue Adam if she got the lease instead of Schlittler, calling him a fool who was thinking only with his dick. Her cheeks burned as she continued reading until the letters blurred in front of her. Then she closed her eyes and backed away until she bumped into the bed. She’d seen enough to know her relationship with Adam was creating enemies.

Her mother had always warned her that snoops never came to any good end. Once again, she wished she’d followed her mother’s advice. The weight of this new knowledge pressed down on her, buckling her knees and forcing her down onto the edge of the mattress. She’d been selfish to not consider the consequences Adam faced by losing Schlittler’s restaurant. But if he offered the lease to her, would she be able to accept it now that she knew what new problems she was creating for him? As much as she wanted to keep La Arietta, would it be worth knowing she’d dragged Adam into a lawsuit that could destroy his family business?

The sound of the door handle turning pulled her from her thoughts. She forced a smile on her face. The last thing Adam needed now was to know she’d been reading his private e-mail.

“I swear, if Jasper wasn’t a dog, I might have to take a swing at him for jumping all over you.” He shut his laptop as he passed the desk and pulled her off the bed into his arms. “Now, where were we?”

Her worries faded as his kiss coaxed her into a different world without leases and lawsuits. In this world, there was only the two of them and the promise of an evening of bliss. She surrendered to that promise as eagerly as to his touch. One by one, they removed each layer of clothing until they stood naked in each other’s embrace.

Adam laid her gently on the pillows. He hovered over her, his eyes wide as though he were looking at the most beautiful woman in the world instead of her. His hands traced the curves of her body. “Where would you like me to begin?”

“Wherever you want.”

“Then I’ll start here.” He sat back on his knees and ran his finger along her legs. When he reached her toes, he lifted her foot and brought it to his mouth.

Lia had always thought a man sucking on her toes would be kinky—or at the very least, uncomfortable—but Adam turned it into a deliciously sensual experience. Her sex tensed while she watched him give each little nub of flesh special attention, swirling his tongue around it and making her wish it was her clit he was giving such undivided attention to.

He finished with her toes and moved along her feet, placing kisses along the soles and her heels, then to the insides of her ankles. His lips continued up her calves much like he’d done that night with the raspberry sauce, only now there was less licking. Instead, his hands massaged her muscles, followed by the gentle sweep of his lips.

Upward he moved, finally reaching the place that longed for his touch. He ran his finger along her seam. Her hips rose in response, her thighs spreading open to him. Her fingers dug into the pillow. Her body wanted him to end this foreplay and move on to the highlight of the evening, but she managed to rein in her lust long enough to let him finish.

One corner of his mouth rose as he watched her. “Don’t worry, Lia. I’m going to make sure you come again and again.”

He lowered his head and repeated the same sucking and swirling motions on her clit as he had on her toes. The pressure inside her grew stronger and stronger with each nibble of his teeth, each lap of his tongue. Before she could stop the explosion inside her, she was arching her back and crying out his name in pleasure. But instead of stopping there with the satisfaction of knowing he’d made her come, he pressed on, drawing out her orgasm as long as he could until she was left weak and trembling beneath him.