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If you only knew.

“When you said boat, I wasn’t expecting a small yacht,” she said as they stopped in front of the sleek thirty-one-foot powerboat.

He shrugged as though it were a wooden canoe and helped her on board. “It’s not the most impressive thing on the lake, but it has a small galley below if you want a glass of wine.”

She stepped into the cramped room below. The “galley” consisted of a small fridge—stocked with beer, wine and soda—a microwave, and a cooktop with two eyes. It wasn’t much, but it would do for a day on the lake. Of course, she didn’t miss the small bed tucked into the nook at the forward end of the cabin. How many women had gone on sunset cruises and ended up under those covers?

The boat rocked from side to side, and the motor roared to life. She poured a glass of chardonnay for each of them and climbed back up to the deck, settling in the seat next to Adam. “Do you get to take this out often?”

He shook his head. “My brothers get more use out of it than I do. I haven’t been on the boat in a couple of years.”

So scratch the idea of taking a tumble under the covers below.

The boat glided through the water at a calm speed as Adam pointed out some of his neighbors’ homes and the different landmarks. The stars were twinkling above them by the time he turned around and started back to the house. “Sorry to sound like a tour guide.”

“Don’t apologize. It’s a nice cruise.” She didn’t know if it was the wine or the fact she’d just spent half an hour in his company without any of the sexual tension they’d had before, but she had finally become comfortable with Adam Kelly.

He stared straight ahead at the water. “So are you seeing anyone?”

“No. I’m too busy with my restaurant. I’m there every night, which leaves me no time for dating.” Dear God, did that really sound as pathetic as I think it did?

“I totally understand. Work keeps me pretty busy, too.”

At least I’m not the only one so obsessed with work to the point of having no social life. “What kind of work do you do?”

“I manage some properties my father built. When he died, I had to step into his shoes.”

“And is that what you wanted to do?”

He shrugged again. “I’m the eldest. It was what I was expected to do.”

“So? My mom expected me to get married right out of college and give her half a dozen grandkids by now, but you see I haven’t done that. What’s your excuse?”

The moonlight flashed off his white teeth as he grinned. “Okay, you got me. I enjoy the business. It’s always a challenge to take what my father left and turn it into something better. For example, I’m trying to get Amadeus Schlittler to open a restaurant in one of my buildings downtown.”

Her eyes widened. “The Amadeus Schlittler?”

“The one and same.”

She let out a low whistle. “If you can get him to do that, you’d be set. I heard his New York restaurant is booked out a year in advance.”

“Bingo. And it will help increase revenue to the other business in the building, which in turn would allow me to increase their rent, which in turn would increase my profit.”

“Sounds like you have it all planned out. You’d be a fool to let this opportunity slip through your fingers.”

“Well, it’s still up in the air. I have a place that might do for him, but there are a few matters I have to take care of first.”

“I hope it all goes according to plan.”

A gust of wind whipped across the lake, tearing through the thin fabric of her shirt and covering her skin with gooseflesh. She shivered and crossed her arms over her chest.

Adam stopped the engines. “Let me get you a blanket.” He returned from the galley moment later and draped a fleece throw around her shoulders. “I forgot how chilly the nights can be out on the water, even though it’s almost summer.”

She pulled the blanket tighter around her. “Thank you.”

He knelt in front of her and rubbed her arms, his motions getting slower with each pass. He grew still and stared at her. “You know, I still haven’t gotten what I wanted tonight.”

She braced herself for the grand overture that would involve a request for sex, but instead, Adam simply leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers in the softest of kisses. A wave of heat rushed through her, starting at her mouth and flowing to the tips of her fingers. She forgot about the cold during those few seconds.

“Now I’ve gotten what I wanted,” he said, his voice husky with restraint.

“And is that all you wanted?” The words slipped out before she knew what she was saying, but his kiss left her hungry for more. She wanted his lips against hers again, his arms around her, his body pressed against hers while he kissed her until she grew dizzy from holding her breath.

“I didn’t want to presume too much.”

“I appreciate that.” She threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled him toward her until their lips met again.

This time there was nothing sweet and hesitant about the kiss. She gladly opened her mouth to him when his tongue swept along the seam and clung to him as he took her to that head-spinning state she craved. The blanket slipped from her shoulders, followed by her button-down shirt, leaving her in the thin-strapped, cami-style tank top.

His hands chased away any of the cold that threatened her bare skin, caressing her arms, her shoulders. His lips followed, blazing a trail of heat along her neck and down her chest. One of the straps fell off her shoulder, followed by a tug along her neckline that allowed him access to her breast. He ran his thumb across the taut peak, teasing it for a second before taking it into his mouth.

A moan rose from her mouth as Adam alternated between using his teeth and his tongue on the sensitive bit of flesh. She slid out of her chair and straddled his lap, pressing her body against his. The hard ridge of his cock through his jeans both delighted and tormented her. She rocked against him, encouraging him to continue.

“Oh, God, Lia.” He grabbed her hips and held her still. His lips abandoned her breast and devoured her mouth once again until they were both left gasping for air. “You taste more delicious than I could’ve imagined.”

“Then don’t stop,” she urged before she lost her courage. Maybe she didn’t have time to date, but she wasn’t going to turn down what could possibly be the best sex in her life if the foreplay was any indication.

His t-shirt came off in an instant, followed by her tank top. The coarse hair on his chest scratched against her already-tender nipples. Her sex clenched each time his tongue danced around hers, each time his hands ran down her back, each time he ground his erection against her. If she wasn’t careful, she’d be coming before he even got inside her.

His fingers hooked the waist of her jeans. His kisses quickened, revealing his desire was just as desperate as hers. He reached behind her for the blanket and wrapped it around her bare back before lowering her to the deck. Then, with what had to be well-practiced skill, he unzipped her jeans and worked his hand into her panties.

She moaned his name when he found her clit, unable to say anything else in her drunken haze of lust. He varied the pressure of his strokes, sliding from the tiny nub down to the deeper recess of her sex. Each movement drew her closer and closer to the brink, to the point of release.

But instead of a blinding orgasm, she got a blinding spotlight in the face, followed by a voice across a bullhorn saying, “Is anyone on board?”

Adam cursed and wrapped the blanket around her bare chest, moving between her and the police boat’s searchlight. “We’re fine, Bob. Just stopped the boat for a moment.”

Lia wanted nothing more than to vaporize right there on the deck. If she and Adam had been a couple of horny teenagers, getting caught by the cops wouldn’t have been so mortifying. But they were adults, and the police had probably gotten more than an eyeful of her as she’d writhed around half-naked under Adam moments before.