"You're right," the grizzled Davion veteran said. "I was beginning to have the same doubts myself. When four pros all trip over the same instinct, maybe it's time to pay attention, eh?"
Through DeVries' official channels, then, they assembled and transmitted the plan revisions throughout the strike force. Bertholi protested until Felsner threatened to have him replaced on the spot, then pitched in and began going over the necessary navigational changes with his approach team himself.
The new plan took shape in the bowels of the HQ combat computers and in the far more important computers in the minds of the command staff. To Lees Hamman and the Capellan March Militia would fall the task of diverting the enemy's forces into believing a major landing was developing on the plains above Steindown. Ran Felsner and his 5th Crucis Lancers would come down along the road north and east of the critical gap called Jordan's Pass, while Ardan's 17th Avalon Hussars would land further west, along the fringe of the Ordolo Basin and west of the ridge. Detached battalions from the 5th Lancers and 17th Hussars would secure the coastal towns and spaceports as far east as Harbor, while the ground armor and heavy vehicles would be offloaded at the spaceport north of Travis as soon as it was secured, to operate as a mobile reserve.
There would be other Liao strongpoints, of course. Thelan and Maris were a pair of large tropical islands (or small island continents, depending on one's point of view) lying south of the Highland Peninsula, and both had several large cities. At the antipodes was Talliferro, a small continent that had a large mining settlement and commercial spaceport. All of these would have to be secured sooner or later, but with planetary invasions, first came first. The heaviest concentration of Liao firepower would be on the Highland Peninsula, and it was there that the crucial battle would take place.
Meanwhile, Ardan, Felsner, and Hamman were received with cool courtesy at the Hasek-Davion headquarters in an imposing mansion on a wooded hill above the spaceport. They passed through an ascending hierarchy of receptionists, functionaries, under-chiefs, chiefs, and executive chiefs of staff until at last they were ushered into the Green Room, where Michael Hasek-Davion burrowed his way through a sheaf of hardcopy printouts and official-looking documents. Ardan found himself wondering if they had been heaped there merely to impress them with the Duke's importance to this sector, as there could be no other reason for that inefficient paper mountain.
The Duke peered over his papers, frowning. "My people tell me your need for an audience was urgent," he said, without preamble. "What is it? I'm a busy man."
"Your Grace." Felsner gave the proper bow of one schooled by long experience at court. "It is indeed surprising to see someone of your rank place himself in the midst of such...confusion. I know well the amenities of New Syrtis. This outpost has few. Your Grace presents a refreshing departure from standard procedure."
Ardan grinned inside but kept his face a carefully neutral mask. He'd never known that Ran had such talents with the sweet oil of flattery.
The Duke's frown transformed into a smile, and he nodded graciously. "My duty calls me to many uncomfortable spots, it's true. But, when one's duty is the good of his people..." He spread his hands helplessly. "Well, what can I do for you, gentlemen?" Listening to him, Ardan realized that the Duke's own courtiers must be such sycophants that he no longer could distinguish the fake from the true.
"A formality only, Your Grace. We are bound to report to you, as the nearest representative of the Prince of the House of Davion and as the sector military commander, a change of plan in the counterinvasion of Stein's Folly. We..."
"What-what-what?" Hasek-Davion's sputter might have been the clicking of an empty autocannon. "Change? Change? What change?"
"We have reason to believe that our original plan, which called for a direct assault on Steindown, may be a trap. Our new plan calls for a landing along the Coast Road and at the fringe of the Ordolo Basin north of the Highland Peninsula. That will place us in the best possible position to.
"Gentlemen." The Duke's momentary affability had vanished. His eyes were cold. "I do not believe that my brother-in-law makes a habit of having his plans questioned—changed!—by his subordinates! I happen to know how much thought went into these plans. I know. I was there! Every factor was considered—the terrain, the probable strength and disposition of the Liao forces, psychological factors, everything! What makes you three think you can rewrite all that planning"—his fingers snapped like a pistol shot—"just like that?"
"Your Grace," Felsner said calmly. "I regret that we have displeased you, but I must inform you that we have already made the decision—and implemented it My orders from the Prince are quite specific in this. I am to keep Your Grace apprised of developments, to seek your council...but the interpretation and implementation of Prince Davion's plans are left to my discretion."
"Interpretation, yes. You puppy, this isn't interpretation. It's wholesale murder!"
"Your Grace?"
"You said that the Ordolo Swamp is your intended drop zone?"
"At the fringe of the swamp, yes, Your Grace. There are grasslands there, and..."
"That whole area is a quagmire, fool! Your ‘Mechs will set down and keep going down—lost in the ooze, without a trace! A regiment could be swallowed up in there, just stepping out onto what they thought was solid ground! Or don't you realize just how heavy a BattleMech is?"
"Your Grace, I assure you..."
"You're doing nothing of the sort! Do you realize that your failure on Stein's Folly will reflect back on me,the supreme commander of this sector? I cannot approve such hairbrained idiocy." Michael seemed to struggle with himself. His face-softened, but his eyes remained cold and hard. "Gentlemen. Such a change—and now, of all times!—is an open invitation to disaster. You are all military men! You must understand this! Think of the confusion! .Think of the chaos if even one of your regiments flounders in the quicksand and mud of the Ordolo Swamps! That whole area is a death trap. Believe me, we considered all these things in the first stages of our own planning!
"It's true that I cannot command you on this. Why the Prince gave direct command to someone other than the supreme military commander of this sector is not for me to say...but I strongly—strongly!—recommend that you adhere to the original plan! Prince Davion's plan had such brilliance! A lightning approach! A dashing strike from the sky at the Liao strongholds! A savage thrust to secure the planet's capital and principal port, followed by a wide-ranging sweep to secure the entire planet, leaving no pockets of resistance. No floundering in the swamps, no half-measures. That, gentlemen, is the mark of strategic military brilliance!"
"Your Grace..." Felsner paused. "Your Grace, certainly, we must consider what you have said most carefully.
The Duke stood behind his desk, leaning on it heavily, his cold eyes level with Felsner's own. "Good. And consider this carefully, too. You have proven yourself a worthy, able officer. An error of this magnitude would most certainly have unfortunate repercussions on a most promising career. You would be...finished...done for. I...I speak as a friend, sir, and as an advisor."
Ran bowed again. "Your Grace is kind. We understand your position and appreciate your frankness. Believe me, Your Grace, we will carefully reconsider our position before commiting ourselves irrevocably."