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The Sword of Aldones blazed blue fire! Like a living thing it leaped from my hand and clattered down, coruscating blue fire from hilt to point. The two swords lay crossed on the ground, streams of wild blue flame cascading about them. Kadarin was reeling.

I picked myself up. We stood back, neither daring to approach the fallen blades.

But Kathie darted between us and caught up both swords. To her, I think, they were only swords. She held one in either hand, carefully. The blue flames died.

“That won’t help,” Kadarin said, and added grimly, “Don’t be a self-sacrificing fool. Give me the Sharra matrix and go. We couldn’t take the Sword of Aldones, maybe. But we can take the Sharra one, and we will. You could kill me, kill Dyan, kill Thyra — but you can’t kill them all!”

Of course there was no choice. I had the women to guard. “Give it to him, Kathie,” I said at last. This was only a draw. The real fight would come later.

“Give it up? Now?”

“I’m no hero,” I said savagely, “and you’ve never seen the Trailmen fight.” I took Sharra’s matrix from her hand. Dyan stepped forward, but Kadarin elbowed him away. “Not you!”

It was fortunate we had Kadarin to deal with. When we fought, it would be to death — but it would be fair. “We can go. His word’s good.”

But Thyra flung herself forward, the knife bright in her hand. I twisted, just too late; she drove the knife into my side.

I got my arm up and knocked her hard, stunningly, across the face; then I sat down, hard, my hand to the numb slash. Blood dripped through my fingers. I heard Kadarin cry out like a berserker; dimly saw him shaking Thyra with maniac strength, back and forth, and finally he cast her to the ground, where she lay moaning. She had violated his word.

And then I blacked out.

There was a roaring sound around me. I was lying with my head in Kathie’s lap.

“Lie still. They’re taking us to Thendara in a rocket-car.”

“Keep him quiet, Kathie.”

I reached for Callina’s hand, but it was the cool brittle fingertips of Ashara that were fetters on my wrist, her cold eyes in the grayness. I jolted awake; something had touched my mind. Marja! I reached for her, but where she had been was only an empty, place in the world—

I shook my brain free of delirium for a minute. Of course I could not touch Marja. Not in pain like this. I would not want to let her share this now.

But a man’s mind is so alone, shut up inside the bones of the skull.

I sank into the gray night again.

I was walking…

There was an arm beneath my shoulders, and Kadarin’s voice said, “Easy! He can walk. It’s just a scratch, the knife turned on the ribs.”

My eyes wouldn’t focus. I heard someone say sharply “Good God! come in here, and sit down.”

The dizziness cleared. I was standing in the Terran HQ, a rolling view of the spaceport lying far below me, and straight before me, at a big glass-topped desk, Dan Lawton was standing, looking at me with surprise and concern. Kadarin’s arm was still holding me upright. I pulled away; from somewhere out of my range of vision, Regis Hastur got up, came to me, took me firmly by the shoulders and put me into a chair.

“Who in the hell are you?”

Kadarin bowed, ever so slightly.

“Robert Raymon Kadarin, z’par servu. And you?”

Behind us, a door opened and Kathie’s voice said anxiously, “Is he really — oh, hello, Dan.”

The Terran Legate shook his head. “In a minute,” he said to nobody in particular, “I shall begin to gibber. Hello, Kathie. It is you?”

She looked dubiously at me. “May I tell him?”

“Wait, wait. One thing at a time. I’ll go nuts, if I have to unravel anything more just now. Kadarin. I’ve wanted to set eyes on you for quite a while. You know you’ve finally stepped over the line?”

“I claim immunity,” Kadarin said harshly. “Lew Alton would have died at Hall I had given him safe-conduct, and his life has been formally claimed; it is mine to dispose of as I will. I brought him here of my own free will, when I could have preserved my own immunity by staying away and letting him die. I claim immunity.”

Lawton groaned. But Kadarin had the legal right of it. “All right. But no telepathic tricks.”

He smiled bitterly. “I couldn’t, if I would. Dyan Ardais ran off with the Sharra matrix. I’m as helpless as Lew, here!”

Rafe Scott came suddenly into the office. The boy’s face took on a stunned look, as he saw me, and Regis, and Kadarin, and Kathie; but he spoke to Lawton.

“Why have you locked Thyra up downstairs?”

“Do you know that woman?” Lawton demanded sharply.

“She’s my sister,” Kadarin said, while Rafe was still sputtering.

“Damn it!” Lawton exploded, “every troublemaker on the planet is related to you one way or another, Rafe! She tried to murder Lew Alton, that’s all. When we brought her in, all of a sudden we had a screeching maniac on our hands, so I had the doctor give her a shot, and dumped her in a cell to cool off.”

Rafe came to me, his voice urgent. “Lew, why would Thyra—”

“Let him alone, you!” Regis shoved Rafe roughly away. I gripped Regis’ arm. “Don’t start another fight,” I implored. “Don’t! Don’t!”

A moment he resisted, then shrugged, and sat on the arm of my chair, glaring at Rafe. “Wasn’t Callina with you?”

“The medical officer kept her too,” Kathie said. “She was dizzy — sick. She kept falling asleep.”

Trance again? I sat upright, feeling lightheaded. “I’ve got to get to her!”

“You can’t do anything now,” Regis said.

“What are you doing here?”

Lawton answered for him. “I sent, last night, for the Regent, and we’ve been talking most of the night.”

Regis said quietly, “We’re finished, Lew. The Comyn will have to make terms. Even Grandfather realizes that. And if Sharra gets out of hand—”

The Sword of Aldones was lying across Lawton’s desk, Kadarin came and stood over it. “I let Sharra loose,” he said, “It was an experiment that misfired, that’s all. But our damned idiot hero here made matters worse by taking the Sharra matrix off-world, and for six years, all those activated spots just ran wild. And now Dyan has it!” He turned restlessly, a prowling animal. “I knew Alton wouldn’t deal with me on any terms. So I tried to find someone in the Comyn, anyone who would steal the thing back for me. Just so I could monitor those sites, and then destroy the matrix. But after all that work — “his shoulders sagged. “I walked from the trap to the cookpot, when I tried to deal with Dyan Ardais!”

“Did he kill Marius to get it?” Regis asked.

“I imagine so, I’m not sure, but I’m not very wise in the accomplices I choose, am? That—” he pointed at the Sword of Aldones, “is a last resort. It will put Sharra out, permanently, but it’s murder. Anyone who’s ever been keyed into the Sharra matrix—”

Lawton said, “I’ll keep it for the time being.”

Kadarin laughed, a harsh animal sound. “Just try! Now that it’s been crossed with Sharra’s, even I—” he reached for the sword, then his hands contracted visibly, and he drew back with an audible gasp. Shaking his fingers, agonized, he glanced at Rafe and said, “You try.”

“Not if I know it!” Rafe backed away.

Lawton was no coward. He reached over and took the hilt firmly. Then, in a shower of blue sparks, he went flying across the room. He crashed into the wall, fell, and picked himself up, dazed, rubbing his head. “Good lord!”

“My turn.” I reached for the Sword, which had fallen to the floor. I managed to lift it to the desk, but finally, trembling, had to let it fall. “I can touch it,” I said, feeling the hot, unbearable tingling, “but I can’t hang on to it.”