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He didn’t need to go on. Even with cold water in my cup, I’d got there first. Silly of me, really, ever to have thought that Jarrow was far enough to run. If I’d managed to get here at my age, it was plainly not far enough to deter others. Certainly, Bishop Alexius and the three senators had managed the journey. They’d turned up one Easter in clothes that I could see were spoiled by travelling, but that everyone else had thought ravishingly magnificent. And they’d stayed the better part of a month, variously whining and nagging. If I’d sent them back with a flea in their collective ear, I should have realised that wouldn’t be the end of the matter. You don’t say no to an emperor. You certainly don’t to an emperor like Constantine.

I looked once more about the hall. This time, I saw the leader of the northerners. Not the big Chieftain from outside – I’d not seen him yet – he hadn’t been one of the low creatures who’d made a spectacle of themselves during the siege. Most likely, he’d been the one who arrived the night before. Smaller than the others, and dressed with more concern for the niceties, he sat quietly a few yards along from Joseph and was looking at me with close attention.

‘Do you speak Latin?’ I asked.

He shook his head. I tried him in English. He nodded towards Edward. I pulled myself straight and looked down at Edward. He wasn’t yet fully grown, and I was still a tall man when I took the trouble not to stoop.

‘Do these savages not realise,’ I asked, ‘that even ten miles in this weather would kill me? If they expect to get me on to their open rowing ship, they must be either mad or desperate.’

‘That has been considered,’ he said, now giving up on Latin for English, ‘considered and answered. We have decided that Wilfred should accompany us.’ The man he’d spoken to now reappeared. He was holding a pale, silent Wilfred by the scruff of his neck. ‘Wilfred will come with us. We will do all we can to make your journey safe and easy. If you manage to die, however, he will be killed as Tatfrid was. This time, there will be no Brother Joseph to speed his death.’

You little shit! I wanted to snarl. If you expect either of us to last long outside this monastery, you haven’t thought very hard. But I could see there was no point in arguing. With Bede away, there was no one else here who meant enough to bend me to another’s will. So instead: ‘I suppose you think pretty well of yourself,’ I sneered. And, to be fair, it seemed Edward had every reason so to think. He’d got himself admitted here. He’d put up with months of my snarly abuse at his lack of progress in Latin and God knows what from Cuthbert. All this time, he’d bitten his tongue and waited for a prearranged time – or perhaps for an opportunity that might never come. I’d run networks of professionals in my time – against the Persians, and then against the Saracens. I can tell you the hardest thing with tradecraft is keeping your embedded agents from going native. If Edward was now mightily pleased with himself, he had every reason. I’d underestimated the boy. Such a pity. At the very least, if he was up to this, I could surely have found a better way than I had to get Cicero into his head.

And he had got rid of Cuthbert! Of course, where he and his thirty pieces of silver came in was beyond me. Plainly, he hadn’t known of Edward’s involvement. Perhaps he’d been some kind of dupe. But why kill him? Questions, questions, so many questions – and not much chance here and now of an answer. But Edward had been a very clever lad. That much was clear. I smiled and sat down again.

‘When are we supposed to leave?’ I asked.

Edward looked out into the sunlight. ‘The King and his men are already on their way over,’ he said. ‘We must leave at once.’ He pointed at a couple of bags that had appeared. ‘This will be enough for your journey.’ The leader got up and gave a short command. I heard the crack of a whip outside and the neighing of a horse. ‘The carriage is heated,’ Edward told me. ‘I will sit with you on the journey to the coast. Wilfred travels with the others.’

The horses made hard work of pulling the carriage through the mud of the track that led from the monastery. I had plenty of time for looking back through the open flap. It was one of those chill, cloudless days you sometimes get in a Northumbrian winter. Everything was lit with a bright intensity that allowed even my eyes to take it in. I pretended to ignore the body of the Chieftain and the two other bodies that lay a few yards from his. As before, since I’d get no answers, there was no point letting on that I had any questions. I chose likewise to overlook Edward’s mention of ‘the coast’. Once over the hundred yards of the track, we’d set out to the south-east on the old military road – in the opposite direction to Yellow Tooth Creek.

I looked steadily back in silence. Benedict and the other monks stood outside for a long time, crossing themselves and praying as they watched our departure. At last, they went slowly back inside. Once I’d seen the heavy gate swing shut behind them, I slumped back on to the rough, charcoal-warmed cushions and breathed more easily. Whatever was to happen with me – whatever was to become of my little Wilfred – the monastery stood, and its precious work of civilisation could continue. It wasn’t work as I’d have arranged it. But it was the best that England was likely to get, and it hadn’t yet gone up in smoke.

I tried to ignore the smell of wet embers as we passed by what had been the village. I listened instead to the thin calls of the winter birds. Northumbria isn’t blessed with the kind of scenery that anyone would wish to look on before leaving for ever, so I turned my attention to the contents of the larger bag that had been dumped beside me.

‘Should I compliment you,’ I asked Edward, ‘on the appositeness of your packing the Acts of the Apostles in Greek? It does contain the best account I’ve ever seen of a shipwreck. Or was this a random selection?’

He gave me a thin smile. ‘You poked me hard with your stick when I suggested in class I might wish to learn Greek,’ he said. ‘You told me a scarecrow would sooner pass into your world of light than I could. Taking me there can now be the project that keeps you from more desperate thoughts.’

‘So you have a very long journey in mind?’ I asked with mock earnestness. Except for the hands, he was a pretty boy. One unbiased look at those regular features and the very blond hair, and it wasn’t hard to see why Cuthbert had fancied the arse off him. Twenty years – no, ten years – earlier, and I’d have been up to making a pass of my own.

‘How old were you when you got out of England?’ he asked.

‘I was eighteen,’ I answered, thinking back an age to King Ethelbert and his gelding knife, and good, kind Maximin who’d held him at bay by pure force of personality. ‘I was five years older than you are now.’ I smiled. He was no longer just pretty. The slow boy we’d all mocked and flogged through our various classes might have been stretched out as dead as worthless Cuthbert had been in the monastery. I was sitting now beside an entirely different young man. So far as I had any say in the matter, not dying on him might be interesting.

‘Did you ever intend coming back?’ he asked again.

‘No,’ I said. ‘As you will read of Saint Paul in Corinth, I shook the dust of England from my clothes and got on with the rest of my life. It has been a longer one than I think yours will be.’ I smiled. ‘But I suppose now is as good a time as any to begin your education.’

Chapter 7

‘You really must both get it out of your minds,’ I said, still in lecturing mode, ‘that the Empire “fell” in any meaningful sense. There is no doubt that, several hundred years ago, our own people and their cousins invaded the Western Provinces, and that these places – partly as a result – ceased to be administered from either of the Imperial capitals. The Eastern Provinces, however, passed unscathed through that long crisis; and the remaining Emperor in Constantinople continued as head of the richest and most powerful state in the world.’