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“I told you.” Tasha felt a twinge of guilt, but the ache between her thighs overrode it. “Business trip.” He didn’t travel often-a few times a year-and the convenience of this trip had been a coincidental gift from the universe, leaving the two women home alone on the eve of their first real sex-machine-party.

“Then I’ll be all yours,” Ashley breathed, her knee pressing higher under Tasha’s skirt, parting her thighs.

Tasha grinned in the dark. “You already are.”

She pulled the door open, going out and expecting Ashley to follow. They passed two more closed doors before they came to the “party” room. The room capacity (taking fire laws into account) was set at twenty, and for the first time, they were completely maxed out. The difference between this party and every other Tasha’d ever held before was that this was the first co-ed venture she’d ever attempted. There were nine men and eleven women, all couples.

The mood of the room was already full of anticipation. The sex machines were each draped with black silk, and there were pillows all over the floor. She had invested in dozens of those “Liberator” wedges, which she and Max had tried out themselves. They certainly lived up to their advertising, lifting her pelvis and offering him much deeper penetration and delicious navigation toward her g-spot. She couldn’t help remembering their “test run” as she saw her neighbor, Chloe, lounging back on one of the wedged pillows with a drink in her hand, talking quietly to her husband.

I already wish I hadn’t invited them. Tasha gave Ray a brief smile when he waved, his eyes bright as he sat up next to his wife. She had been careful to keep the traffic to and from the house down as much as she could to hide what she was doing from the neighbors, but Ray had cornered Kim, the young mother who came to ride at least once a week. She was one of Tasha’s more timid and gullible customers, and Ray managed to get her to tell him all about The Sybian Club on the way out one Saturday afternoon.

Word of mouth was her best form of advertising, of course-it wasn’t as if there was a first (or second) rule of Sybian Club that they not talk about Sybian Club or anything! In fact, Tasha encouraged clients to tell others, but she just wished she could have kept it a little more quiet in the neighborhood. After that, Ray wouldn’t leave her alone, asking all sorts of questions about “The Club,” until he had finally weaseled his way into an invitation.

Tasha looked around at the other couples. Regina and Emily, the two leather-clad lesbians, had become regular customers. The others were various members of The Club with differing attendance rates. There was Holly, the young blonde who had taped a video for her boyfriend, Rick-he was here to experience her on the Sybian live for the first time. Kim, the young nursing mother, had brought along her husband, Paul. Kim’s best friend, Nicki, had brought her husband, Tom.

She felt Ashley’s hand squeeze hers and Tasha smiled, a genuine smile this time. Ashley knew about Ray, and the gentle pressure was just a reminder. I’m here, it’s gonna be okay. Tasha took a deep breath, looking around the room. There wasn’t much interaction between the couples-yet-but Tasha knew Ashley’s demonstration would help change that.

“Can I have your attention, everyone?” Tasha used a switch on the wall to turn down the soft music she had piped in from the upstairs stereo. It was subtle, hardly noticeable until it was gone. All eyes were on them then and Tasha could almost feel the heat of her girlfriend’s flush. “I know you’re all anxious to get started…”

“I definitely am now!” Ray gave a hoot, running a hand over his thinning hair as Ashley slipped the black silk robe off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. The other couples tittered and chuckled, except for Regina, the tall, blonde lesbian. Her eyes flashed and fixed on him, narrowing slightly. They were all wearing short, silk robes, similar to Ashley’s, only red, and Regina’s eyes fell on the rising hemline of Ray’s as she sneered at him.

Tasha went on as if he hadn’t spoken. “Most of you have been in The Club for a while, but some of you are new, so we’d like to give you a demonstration of how to use the Sybian.” Ashley pulled the black silk covering off the machine on a low table in the middle of the room and swung her leg up over the side to straddle it as Tasha talked, telling them about safety and sanitation. She had already gone over most of it during their informational meeting a week before, but it was good to refresh.

“We have lots of machines for you to try out,” she explained, going around the circle and pulling off the black silk coverings, one by one. There were two other Sybians and four different fucking-machines. There were also various hand-held toys scattered around the room between all of the Liberator wedge pillows. There was also a huge basket of condoms and tubes of KY lubrication in the middle of the room. Behind her, Ashley sat naked on the Sybian, waiting.

“But the Sybian is still our most popular.” Tasha slapped the back of the machine as if it were the rump of a horse, and the sound made Ashley gasp and Regina chuckle. Tasha’s voice was soft as she spoke just to Ashley, squirting a large amount of KY down onto the shaft. “Up you go.”

Ashley used Tasha’s help to steady herself as she slipped the head of the shaft between her shaved lips. Tasha admired the smoothness of her girlfriend’s skin, remembering how she had shaved her bare just hours ago. Ray gave a low whistle as Ashley sank down, and he craned his neck around his wife’s shoulder to see better. Tasha gave an almost imperceptible shake of her head, her eyes on Ashley’s saying, Never mind him, I’m the only one here, ride it for me, baby… And somehow Ashley heard the message, her body slowly relaxing onto the machine as Tasha picked up the controls.

“Those of you who have been riding the Sybian a while know that it takes time to build up to longer and longer sessions.” Tasha turned on the controls, seeing Ashley bite her lip, her eyes closing at the sensation. “So you might get overstimulated very quickly. Here’s how the controls work.” Tasha turned the vibration up slowly to the maximum, making Ashley’s face twist in pleasure. Her eyes flew open when Tasha began to describe the rotation controls, turning that up as well.

“How’s that feel?” Ray called out over his wife’s shoulder. Chloe flipped her long, dark hair over her shoulder and Tasha tried not to smile as the length of it hit him squarely in the face.

“Good,” Ashley whispered too low for him to hear, closing her eyes again and rocking her hips. Good girl, Tasha thought, watching her begin to ride it, both controls turned up all the way. She knew Ashley couldn’t hold out for long at that speed, and she was right. Ashley’s back arched, her eyelids fluttered, and Tasha had to restrain a nearly overwhelming urge to reach out and tweak her hard, dark nipples as her body began to tremble with her orgasm.

Ashley grasped the front of the machine, her nails digging into the leather cover, her hips rocking as she came. The room was utterly silent except for the hum of the machine and Ashley’s low, trembling moan. Her head fell forward, her hair still long enough to cover her flushed cheeks and quivering breasts. She gave a sweet sigh as Tasha turned the controls down, and the whole room seemed to sigh with her.

“Any questions?” Tasha met Ashley’s just opening eyes. They were still glassy and far away.

“Can I see that again?” Ray waved his hand, grinning, and Chloe made a hushing noise and pushed his hand back down.

“Now it’s your turn.” Tasha nodded at the machine to the left of the couple. “You can watch your wife take a ride.” She suppressed a smile as Chloe quickly clambered up onto the Sybian. All of the couples were finding a machine, now, and Tasha helped Ashley down, feeling the slight tremble in her limbs still. She turned her face into Ashley’s ear, whispering, “You were incredible,” and enjoyed the flush that spread over her cheeks.