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“Almost there,” came the reply, his voice having been picked up by the ship’s internal microphones.

“Do you want to pilot, or me?” Kaylor asked Adam.

“I’m already here. Everyone buckle in. I’m blowing the bay doors as soon as Jym gets here.”

On queue, Jym drifted into the room, towing with him two large bags, both as large as he and bugling through their sides. Everyone just looked at each other and shook their heads.

Adam keyed the emergency egress control and the double cargo bay doors exploded outward, propelled by the rush of escaping atmosphere. Adam initiated the chemical engines and the shuttle shot out into space; almost immediately the tiny internal gravity-well engaged and all aboard felt the welcoming and familiar sensation of muscle control return to their bodies.

The shuttle was only about three hundred meters away when the Klin ship on the right flared an electric-blue bolt of electricity at the JU-224. The bolt streaked out from the Klin ship and impacted Kaylor’s ship directly in the pilothouse section. The viewport burst, first inward from the bolt, and then outward with the sudden escape of air. Then a second bolt followed the first, penetrating deeply into the ship through the hole made by the first shot. Explosions began to flash from inside the ship, through the portholes and through numerous additional hull breaches, yet the ship didn’t explode. It was now simply a useless shell of metal, drifting in the infinite vastness of space.

Adam steered the shuttle toward the center Klin ship and swept underneath the large disk. A gaping lighted opening greeted him, and he maneuvered the shuttle up into the interior of the starship. Once inside, he slid the shuttle over onto a smooth metal floor as the double hatch doors to the landing bay began to slide shut. By the time Adam had cut the chemical drive and dissolved the internal gravity, the doors to the bay were secure and atmosphere was filling the large room.

None of the Humans or aliens had been aboard a Klin ship this large before, and they all craned to look through the viewport at the room outside. It was huge, with several smaller shuttles lining the outer wall of the circular room, with the access port they’d entered through located at the very center. Once atmosphere was restored, several large creatures entered the landing bay, each armed with a flash rifle. They were scaly-looking things, with heads disproportionally large for their bodies. A dozen of them lined up outside the shuttle’s side entrance and waited. No Klin were to be seen.

Adam looked around at the others in the pilothouse. “Well, let’s go see what they want. Unfortunately, I don’t think they’re offering to give us an express ticket back to the Fringe.”

They stepped out onto the surface of the landing bay, Adam in the lead, with Sherri close by his side. The line of aliens just stood there, weapons leveled at them, before a tall, thin creature dressed all in silver appeared from the left side. The Klin stepped up to Adam with a look of mild amusement on his narrow face.

“Adam Cain,” he stated confidently. And then he looked around at the others, “As well as Riyad Tarazi and Sherri Valentine. This is an unexpected bonus. We were only expecting Mr. Cain to be the prize.”

“What’s this all about?” Adam asked. “I thought we’re supposed to be on the same side.”

The Klin grinned. “Oh, I think we all know what the real truth is regarding that matter, Mr. Cain. And even though our two races are publically allies in the current war with the Juireans, you, and your companions in particular, have never fully subscribed to that belief, now have you?”

“So what do you want? You’ve gone through a lot of trouble to get us here.”

“All in good time, Mr. Cain. But first let me say this…” The Klin looked around at the rest of the creatures in Adam’s entourage, “We are all quite impressed with your escape from the Juireans. A Class-3 battlecruiser is not an easy target to assault, especially with so few combatants. Your companions are quite remarkable and capable, Mr. Cain. We were ourselves preparing to liberate you from your Juirean captors, either alive or dead. And now your friends have saved us the trouble.”

“You still haven’t answered the question, asshole,” Tindal said from behind Adam. “What are you going to do with us?”

The Klin considered the fiery young petty officer for a moment and with that same bemused looked on his face. “First of all, I’m taking all of you to a place very few Humans even know exists. Once there, my three prizes will meet with the Pleabaen — what you would consider the leader of the Klin.” And then he looked straight into Tindal’s eyes. “As for the rest of you, you are of no value to us. Your fates have already sealed.” The Klin turned to the guards. “Take them to their cells, and please put these three together,” the Klin said, indicating Adam, Sherri and Riyad, before abruptly turning away and leaving the landing bay.

Chapter 42

The cell the trio was placed in ended up being a two bedroom suite aboard the large Klin ship. Since their feelings had building for quite a while now, Adam and Sherri claimed one of the bedrooms for themselves, dispelling any pretense about their current or future relationship. This left Riyad with a room of his own, which was infinitely to his liking. There was small sitting area between the rooms, as well as a small grooming station — but no kitchen.

After they had surveyed their accommodations thoroughly, the three of them decided it was pointless trying to escape at this point. Even if they could commandeer the Klin ship, there were two others in the convoy to contend with. The fact once again surfaced that if the Klin had wanted them dead, they would have already done so. Sometimes it was best just to wait and see what happens….

They didn’t know how long the trip would take to this mysterious destination of the Klin’s, so the trio settled into a somewhat boring routine. Food was brought to them on a very precise schedule, and they kept themselves well-groomed in the restroom within the suite.

After a few days, Adam was allowed to see the others in his party and found that they, too, were also being treated well, being held in similar quarters. Even Kaylor and Jym seemed to be enjoying their forced vacation.

The Klin captain — Ludl Vizon — came to see the three of them after the first few days of their captivity. He was a little more talkative at the time around, actually appearing to be in a very good mood. He told them that the Pleabaen, a Klin by the name of Linuso Summlin, was very anxious to meet the three of them, and that that meeting would take place in three weeks’ time. Until then, the Humans should just relax and not cause any trouble. All would be revealed to them by the Pleabaen.

A week into the trip, Adam was allowed to visit Tobias and the other two SEALs again in their quarters.

“Any more news about how much longer we’re going to be cooped up here, Captain,” Petty Officer John Tindal asked as Adam entered the cabin. Adam knew the young sailor was more concerned about the thinly-veiled threat the Klin had leveled at him a week before. Although the journey was comfortable, Tindal knew that at its conclusion something very bad could happen to him and his teammates.

“I was told the trip would take a total of three weeks, so we’re about a third of the way there, John.” Adam tapped his right ear nonchalantly, indicating to the SEALs that the room may be bugged. Their eyes all relayed understanding. “I recommend that we all just kick back and enjoy the ride for now.”

Lt. Tobias nodded. “I agree. We really don’t have anything to fear from the Klin. After all, they are our allies against the Juireans.”

“That’s right, Lieutenant,” Adam said. “I believe they just misunderstood my concerns back on Earth. I was confused and didn’t have all the facts at the time. I’m sure that once we get to wherever we’re going, that all of this will be worked out.”