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No man was near me on the path, nor woman, either. The closest soul was a housewife more than a hundred paces to the north who sat upon a bench before her door, enjoying a watery sun while she mended some article of clothing. She would not hear what I said.

In a loud whisper, without breaking my limping gait, I said, “Amice, if you are in this house, knock upon the door.”

I slowed my already slack pace to give the woman time to reply, was she in the house. I was past the toft, near to a broken-down fence, when I heard the soft reply.

I sat heavily upon a pile of coppiced poles which had once, perhaps, been an enclosure in which sheep were folded. With my head bent to the ground so no man might see my moving lips, I said, “’Tis Master Hugh. Knock again if you hear.”

This time the answering tap came immediately.

“If you are alone, knock once. If your children are there also, knock twice.”

Two gentle raps sounded upon the door. I was surprised that children could remain so silent.

“Are you well? Can you travel this night? Knock once if yes, twice if no.”

A single soft blow rattled the door upon its rusting hinges. I turned my face again to the ground and said, “An hour after night falls I will come for you. Be ready. Knock once if you understand.”

The answering knock was immediate, and straight after I heard her whisper through the door: “Men come in the night. I hear them walk about, sometimes rattling the door.”

I was warned. Releasing Amice Thatcher, now that I had found her, might prove troublesome.

Chapter 13

I did not wish to raise suspicion by retracing my steps through the town. Poor men may often be seen upon the roads, but they generally do not change their destination and return to some starting-place. I continued west, toward another village, West Hanney, until I came to a place where the road crossed a small stream. No man was about to see me, so I abandoned both the road and my limp and plunged through the forest northward, until I guessed I was beyond Sir Philip’s meadow. I turned then to the east, found the stone wall which edged the meadow, and soon came upon Arthur. He had heard my approach, and hid himself behind a large beech tree till he was sure who came his way.

I told him of my discovery, and we sat with our backs to the wall and plotted how we might free Amice Thatcher.

“No guards in the day?” Arthur asked.

“I saw none.”

“Sure of their prisoner.”

“Amice warned that a watchman is assigned in the night. We must approach the house with caution. The men who seized her in Abingdon must have known that Sir Philip held Sybil Montagu in his derelict hencoop. It gave them the notion to capture Amice and hold her in much the same way, for a kind of ransom.”

“Ransom bein’ she must tell ’em where the chapman found ’is loot?”


We sat with our backs to the wall and consumed a cold supper of bread and cheese, waiting for darkness. Before the forest was obscured I told Arthur to join me in searching out some sturdy fallen tree limbs. Such were few, for villagers had recently scoured this wood seeking downed boughs for winter fuel.

“What we need these for?” Arthur asked, when we had found what we sought. “We got daggers.”

“They are not for a beadle, or a guard. If we see such fellows, we’ll try to avoid them.”

A nearly full moon would rise this night a short time after darkness came. I wished to have Amice Thatcher safely out of the village before its light would make our flight visible to an alert watcher. When we were well away from East Hanney, moonlight would be welcome.

Small as East Hanney was, it might have a beadle assigned to watch and warn, or we might run afoul of a man sent to patrol the path and toft around Amice’s jail. We must be cautious, or risk joining the woman and her children as captives.

We passed Bruce and the old palfrey as through the dark forest we sought the road. They whinnied softly, no doubt hungry and thirsty and curious as to why they were so often tethered in this place.

Occasional clouds obscured the stars, so we were able to enter the village in such darkness that, was there a beadle prowling the streets, he could not have seen us unless he was nearly upon us. He would have been more likely to hear us, so I urged Arthur to silence as we crept past the chapel and entered the path to the house where Amice Thatcher awaited us.

As we entered this narrow, overgrown lane, the cloud which had covered the village drifted on, and the rising moon to the east provided increased visibility. I motioned to Arthur to follow, and we hugged the chapel wall till we reached the western end of the structure. From that place to the house there was no cover.

I strained to see if any watchman was near, but such effort was useless. If a man was near, he probably sat with his back to a wall or a tree, hidden in the shadows. Unless he moved or coughed we would never know of his presence.

We stood silently against the chapel wall, and in the stillness of the night I heard a sound which should not have been there. Arthur heard also, and plucked at my sleeve. A man snored softly somewhere near. A nearby house, with a torn window, might account for such a low rumble, but there was no house close, yawning window or not. A guard, asleep and failing his duty, was somewhere near.

So long as we heard him snoring we could be sure we were undiscovered, unless two men were posted here, and one remained alert while the other dozed. That was a risk we must take. Soon the moon would lift above bare branches and the door to Amice’s prison would be illuminated as if with a torch. We must act or flee.

If we reached the house undetected the barred door would become our next obstacle. That was why I wanted branches from the forest floor. I hoped that the wood of the jamb was decayed enough that, when two poles were used together, we might lever the bolts from the wood.

“Don’t see nuthin’,” Arthur whispered after we had spent several minutes staring into darkness toward the abandoned house. “Where do you suppose that fellow is?”

“See the tree across the lane from the house?”

Arthur nodded.

“He sleeps propped against its roots, I think.”

I whispered to Arthur my plan to use the downed branches to pry the bar and hasp from the door jamb.

“What if it don’t work?”

“The house is much decayed. A plague house, from many years past, I believe. Daub has broken away from the wattles in many places. If we cannot force the door we will go to the rear of the house, find some place where wattles are open, and pull them away. If need be, we can cut through with our daggers.”

I touched Arthur upon his arm and we crept from the protection of the chapel’s shadow. I expected with each step to hear a loud challenge from an alerted watchman.

We reached the door unobserved and unheard. In the silence of the night I heard the watchman’s steady snores. I whispered through the door to Amice that we had arrived.

“We are ready,” came the reply.

I sent Arthur to the path to watch and be ready should our business awaken the sleeping sentry. Then I held one pole against the door just below the iron bar and near the hasp. The other limb I fitted over the first pole and under the bar, which was just far enough out from the door that the branch would slide beneath it.

The house was surely untenanted for many years, but the jamb was not so decayed as I had hoped. I pried so forcefully against the iron bar that the branch I used for the purpose cracked under the strain. It was more rotted than the jamb.

The sound of the pry-bar snapping seemed loud as a thunderclap. I stopped all movement and listened to hear if the watchman would awaken. He spluttered, and seemed to shift his position, but a few heartbeats later his regular breathing resumed. The breaking branch had not awakened him. Yet.