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But passion wasn’t far behind. Lightning burned through her system, beginning with where their lips touched and searing through her senses. She came alive in an instant. She opened her mouth wide, seeking to devour him, but he was there before her.

His arm wrapped around her waist, gripping her tightly to him. His mouth slanted over hers and his tongue thrust into her. She matched him in intensity, but not in skill. He knew just how to excite her. His tongue teased then pushed, toyed then thrust. In and out while she tried to keep up. In the end, she gave herself up to the experience. No, she gave herself to him. It was time for her to become a woman in all senses, and she wanted to do it with him.

Tracy burrowed her hands into his silky black hair and arched into his embrace. When he broke off the kiss to breathe, she dropped her head against his shoulder and trembled from the force of their desire.

“This isn’t practice,” he said. “I’m not being a teacher. Teachers don’t kiss. Teachers don’t—”

She pulled his head back to her mouth. She didn’t want an instructor—she wanted a man. She wanted him. “Tell me what to do,” she said against his lips. “Tell me what you want.”

“Let me open your yin gates,” he said, already pushing her down onto the floor.

She went willingly, gripping his broad shoulders for balance. “What can I do for you? What—”

He hovered over her, his dark eyes piercing even in shadow. “I want to drink you up. I need to feel you surround me. Please.” His hands coiled under her shirt, trembling over her bare belly but not pushing higher.

“Yes,” she answered, not even knowing what he wanted.

He pulled off her loose T-shirt in one quick movement. She helped as best she could, raising her arms so that the fabric could fly free. And while her hands were still in the air, he popped the clasp on her bra.

“You’ve done this before,” she commented drily.

Nathan shook his head. “Not like this. Not as a man.”

She smiled, unaccountably pleased by his words. She lay down now, her upper body completely exposed to him. He looked at her for a long moment, his right hand hovering ever so tentatively over her belly, then higher to shape the air above her left breast.

“You are a water soul,” he said as he looked at her. “Your body is full and round.”

“Is that your way of saying I’m fat?”

He glanced startled at her face. “No. It means whenever I see you, I think of full mountain streams, of glorious oceans. Your body nourishes whatever you touch, you give life to the world.”

He saw her as some sort of water goddess, lush and full? Tracy touched his face to reassure herself that he was real. That this stunningly beautiful man was looking at her as if she were the answer to his prayers. His skin burned fever hot beneath her fingers, and she tugged at his dress shirt. “Take it off,” she urged.

He did, though his hands fumbled with the buttons. He hadn’t even stripped it fully off before his mouth descended to her breast. He began with tiny bites in the skin around the areola that had her toes curling in delight. And just like in her kitchen, a power began to build inside her chest. “My breasts feel like they’re ten times larger than before. It’s like there’s something there, trying to break free.”

“It is your yin power. Your breasts are the lesser yin gates.” He leaned down, pressing a long, tender kiss at the shallow spot between each breast. “I can open it, Tracy. I want to open it, but it will be intense.”

More intense than this? She almost giggled at the thought. But then she realized he was serious. “More than that first night at my house? I mean, this feels similar….”

He lifted up. “I pulled your energy out last time. This will be different. I will open the gates to your breasts first, then move lower down to your cinnabar cave.”

This time she did laugh. “My what?”

His hands dropped to the clasp of her jeans, toying with the rivet there. “If they are both open, a circle flow can begin. Drawing in from below, pumping up to your breasts, and then back down.”

“Like before?”

He nodded. “But better. Stronger.” He flashed her a grin. “I will be bathed in your power and you will scream.”

She felt her lips curl in a slow smile. “A good scream?”

He grinned. “A very good scream. And it will last for a long, long time.” Then he paused. “But think carefully, Tracy. Once I do this, you can never go back. Your tigress will be fully released. There will be no—”

“I don’t want to go back to sleep. I don’t want it gone.” She gripped his shoulders, pulling herself up to kiss him with all the hunger inside her. He opened himself to her demand, meeting her tongue with his own powerful thrust. Then he eased her back down onto the cushion.

“You must remove your jeans, Tracy. Know that you choose this.”

He was trying to make her hesitate, to think of the consequences of her actions. She didn’t need to doubt herself. She knew what she wanted. She stripped with quick motions. And when she lay naked before him, she looked him in the eyes.

“This is what I want,” she said clearly. “And I want you to do it.” Did he understand? Did he know that she trusted him and no other? There wasn’t time to explain.

At her words, his nostrils flared. His hands came to her chest, but then stopped and hovered just above her skin. “Close your eyes. I want you to feel every second of what is to come.”

She shook her head. “I want to see you.”

He arched a single sculpted brow in surprise. “So be it.” And with that he began to touch her breasts. She felt a fine tremor in his caress, a vibration in his fingers that told her he was not nearly as confident as he seemed. But then thought faded beneath other sensations. He was a master at this. He began with simple strokes, shaping her breasts into a fine point, then tweaking the nipples at unexpected moments. Her body became a pulsing wave of sensation, and yet her mind remained clear. While she gasped and trembled beneath his strokes, she watched his face, his eyes.

He was fully absorbed in what he did. His attention focused entirely on her pleasure. This was more than sex to him. He believed it was a spiritual awakening. Sex your way to heaven. It was ridiculous, and yet the more he caressed her, the more she felt a power building. Not orgasm, though she was certainly headed in that direction. This was more.

“Look at me,” she gasped.

He did, his hands slowing only the tiniest bit. “Tracy?”

“What does this mean?”

He frowned. “I am opening—”

“To you, Nathan. What does this mean to you?” Was this just sex to him?

She could tell he didn’t understand her question. And in truth, she wasn’t sure she wanted an honest answer. Much better to simply close her eyes and enjoy what he gave her. And yet she kept her eyes stubbornly open.

“I am helping you reach your full potential.” He smiled. “Are you ready?”

She nodded. A lie. She had no idea if she was ready or not. But his smile reassured her. He cupped each breast, shaping them such that the nipples stretched toward him. Then he began to squeeze—not painfully, but in a rhythm that her body quickly began to echo. Then he leaned down to suck on one breast. A light kiss, then a stronger nip. Then a long hard pull that had her arching up, her breath caught in her throat. It felt as if he were pulling on a cord, one that connected her breast to her brain and her womb. And each pull on that cord arched through her like a bow, drawing the power inside her tighter, stronger and more focused at the point where his mouth licked her nipple.

Then he moved to the other breast and repeated the process. Kiss. Nip. Pull. Back and forth he went between breasts, keeping the rhythm steady. And with each sequence, the power inside her became more focused, more insistent.