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"Subjects for such a report will be found to suggest themselves very abundantly, though you may not perhaps think so at first. The Committee may be empowered, not only to state the particulars in which things are going wrong, but the methods by which they may be made right. Let them present us with any suggestions they please. If we do not like them, we are not obliged to adopt them. For instance, it is generally the case whenever a recitation is attended in the corner yonder, that an end of one of the benches is put against the door, so as to occasion a serious interruption to the exercises when a person wishes to come in or go out. It would come within the province of the Committee to attend to such a case as this, that is, to bring it up in the report. The remedy in such a case is a very simple one. Suppose however, that instead of the simple remedy, our Committee should propose that the classes reciting in the said corner should be dissolved and the studies abolished. We should know the proposal was an absurd one; but then it would do no hurt;-we should have only to reject it."

"Again, besides our faults, let our Committee notice the respects in which we are doing particularly well, that we may be encouraged to go on doing well, or even to do better. If they think for example, that we are deserving of credit for the neatness with which books are kept,-for their freedom from blots or scribblings, or dog's-ears, by which school-books are so commonly defaced, let them tell us so. And the same of any other excellence."

With the plan as thus presented, the scholars were very much pleased. It was proposed by one individual that such a Committee should be appointed immediately, and a report prepared for the ensuing week. This was done. The Committee were chosen by ballot. The following may be taken as a specimen of their reports.


'The Committee appointed to write the weekly report have noticed

several things which they think wrong. In the first place there

have been a greater number of tardy scholars, during the past week

than usual. Much of this tardiness we suppose is owing to the

interest felt in building the bower; but we think this business

ought to be attended to only in play hours: If only one or two come

in late when we are reading in the morning, or after we have

composed ourselves to study at the close of the recess, every

scholar must look up from her book,-we do not say they ought to do

so, but only that they will do so. However, we anticipate an

improvement in this respect, as we know "a word to the wise is


'In the two back rows we are sorry to say that we have noticed

whispering. We know that this fact will very much distress our

Teacher, as she expects assistance, and not trouble from our older

scholars. It is not our business to reprove any one's misconduct,

but it is our duty to mention it, however disagreeable it may be.

We think the younger scholars during the past week have much

improved in this respect. Only three cases of whispering among them

have occurred to our knowledge.

'We remember some remarks made a few weeks ago, by our Teacher, on

the practice of prompting each other in the classes. We wish she

would repeat them, for we fear that by some they are forgotten. In

the class in Geography, particularly in the questions on the map,

we have noticed sly whispers, which we suppose were the hints of

some kind friend designed to refresh the memory of her less

attentive companion. We propose that the following question be now

put to vote. Shall the practice of prompting in the classes be any

longer continued?

'We would propose that we have a composition exercise this week

similar to the one on Thursday last. It was very interesting, and

we think all would be willing to try their thinking powers once

more. We would propose also that the readers of the compositions

should sit near the centre of the room, as last week many fine

sentences escaped the ears of those seated in the remote corners.

'We were requested by a very public-spirited individual to mention

once more the want of three nails, for bonnets in the entry. Also,

to say that the air from the broken pane of glass on the east side

of the room, is very unpleasant to these who sit near.

'Proposed that the girls who exhibited so much taste and ingenuity

in the arrangement of the festoons of evergreen, and tumblers of

flowers around the Teacher's desk, be now requested to remove the

faded roses and drooping violets. We have gazed on these sad

emblems long enough.

'Finally, proposed that greater care be taken by those who stay at

noon, to place their dinner baskets in proper places. The contents

of more than one, were partly strewed upon the entry floor this


If such a measure as this is adopted, it should not be continued uninterrupted for a very long time. Every thing of this sort should be occasionally changed, or it sooner or later becomes only a form.

14. THE SHOPPING EXERCISE. c. I have often when going a shopping found difficulty and trouble in making change. I could never calculate very readily and in the hurry and perplexity of the moment, I was always making mistakes. I have heard others often make the same complaint, and I resolved to try the experiment of regularly teaching children to make change. I had a bright little class in Arithmetic, who were always ready to engage with interest in any thing new, and to them I proposed my plan. It was to be called the Shopping Exercise. I first requested each individual to write something upon her slate, which she would like to buy, if she was going a shopping, stating the quantity she wished and the price of it. To make the first lesson as simple as possible, I requested no one to go above ten, either in the quantity or price. When all were ready, I called upon some one to read what she had written. Her next neighbor was then requested to tell us how much the purchase would amount to; then the first one named a bill, which she supposed to be offered in payment, and the second showed what change was needed. A short specimen of the exercise will probably make it clearer than mere description.

Mary. Eight ounces of candy at seven cents. Susan. Fifty-six cents. Mary. One dollar. Susan. Forty-four cents.

Susan. Nine yards of lace at eight cents. Anna. Seventy-two cents. Susan. Two dollars. Anna. One dollar and twenty-eight cents.

Anna. Three pieces of tape at five cents. Jane. Fifteen cents. Anna. Three dollars. Jane. Eighty-five cents. Several voices. Wrong. Jane. Two dollars and eighty-five cents.