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“Are the two families really comparable?” Molly asked. “After all, the Kennedys are in America.”

“What difference does that make?” Kim asked.

“They’ll be safe there.”

“Molly, my dear!” said Kim. “John Kennedy’s funeral is tomorrow.”

“That was the work of a lunatic,” Molly said.

“Agreed. Will you now tell me that the assassination of Diem and Nhu was the work of sane men?”

“I don’t know anything about that,” Molly said.

“You’re offended to have the two assassinations compared,” Kim said. “Why should grief belong only to the Kennedys and the Americans?”

“It shouldn’t. But, forgive me, Kennedy’s death was more important.”

“Ah, Realpolitik in such a beautiful young girl. Really, we backward people have no chance against you-even your women think in terms of power relationships.”

“And yours don’t?” Christopher said. “Didn’t you just mention someone called Madame Nhu?”

Kim had been drinking a great deal of wine. When the waiter brought the second course, he asked for another liter. His face was flushed and his voice vibrated. The conversation excited him.

“Lê Xuan is a remarkable woman,” he said. “She is more Ngo than the Ngos. I’ll tell you a little family history. She comes from a Buddhist family, a very important family called Tran. She always felt that she was the least favorite child-she fought against her mother and father, she hardly tolerates her sister. She married Nhu when she was sixteen. She became a Catholic and an activist, she was imprisoned by the Viet Minh, she found out that the only real power for any human being is in a family that will die for its principles. In the confusion of the Japanese withdrawal in ‘45, one of her husband’s brothers was killed by Ho Chi Minh; Ho apologized to Diem and offered him half of his power, but Diem refused. Ho had killed his brother. Even Diem’s country was not so important as that. Diem and Nhu triumphed, they fell-Lê Xuan saw all that happen. She has not lost heart, she knows the family goes on. There are many, many members of that family. She is one of them as she was never one of her own family. It means everything to her. She believes the family will rise again. She knows its strength.”

Christopher watched Kim as he spoke. The Vietnamese had ceased eating; he pushed back his plate and poured more wine. He was speaking in a low, hard voice, his eyes fixed on Molly’s. He seemed to have forgotten Christopher was there, and Christopher was content to let him go on.

“Its strength?” Molly said. “It’s a family in ruins, hated in its own country, despised in the world, with its leaders destroyed by their own soldiers.”

“So it would seem,” Kim said. “It’s good for the Ngos if the world believes that-especially now. That is part of their power, the insults of their enemies.”

“I don’t see any power there-I’m sorry,” Molly said. She was angry.

“Oh, the Ngos have power,” Kim said. “They’re a force of nature. You can’t understand it, Molly, but they’re a great family. They forget nothing, they forgive nothing. Do you understand French? Ils cracheront de leurs tombes.”

Kim’s speech had begun to blur. He shook his head violently, his small face was deeply flushed. Christopher knew the signs; Kim’s capacity for alcohol was small, and he would soon need to go to sleep.

“Your Kennedys are not powerful in themselves,” Kim said. “They live in a powerful country, that’s all. They were working with their hands, unable to read, when the Nguyêns were kings of the land, and the Ngos were already wise men.”

The waiter brought the bill. Kim handed it to Christopher without looking at it. He wiped his face with his napkin, and folded it carefully before putting it down at the table. He patted Molly’s hand and pushed his chair back across the floor; the chair fell with a clatter behind him, but Kim did not look around.

He lifted his camera to his eye. “Smile,” he said. “I want a souvenir of this most wonderful lunch.” He took four photographs, quickly. He nodded, and walked out of the restaurant, carefully avoiding the chairs around the empty tables.

Molly watched him go. She closed her eyes for a moment, then smiled at Christopher.

“That’s a bitter little man,” she said. “What was that bit in French?”

“Il cracheront de leurs tombes,” Christopher translated. “They would spit out of their graves.’”

Finally they went to Siena. Christopher wanted to be in a quiet place. For a week he thought of nothing but Molly. They walked through the old town with its thin campanile and its buildings that were the color of dry earth. The afternoons turned cold and they lay in bed, reading a novel aloud to one another. They drank hot chocolate with sweet Italian brandy in it. They woke each other often in the night. Afterward, Molly pushed her heavy hair away from her face and looked down, smiling, into Christopher’s face. She fed the cats that gathered around her in the cafes. Christopher loved her so intensely that he felt her move in his own body.

It was Molly who liked to sleep with the window open. When the cold wakened Christopher on the last day in Siena, he noticed again that Molly slept with her lips parted, so that she seemed to be smiling over the day she had just lived through. It was only a few seconds after he had covered her and touched her hair that he went to the window, looked out, and realized what it was that Nguyên Kim, who looked like a brown child, had said to him in the restaurant in Rome.

Christopher went downstairs and booked one seat on an afternoon flight from Rome to the United States.



Patchen listened to Christopher’s theory without speaking. They sat close together, away from the walls, in a sitting room at the Statler Hotel in Washington. Christopher had refused to use a safe house: they were equipped with microphones and tape machines. Even in the hotel room, he had turned on the television and the radio at full volume. Patchen’s face was very close to Christopher’s. The blue flicker of the television screen reflected in Patchen’s glasses.

Patchen said, “Of course. Why didn’t anyone else see it?”

“There’s no evidence yet. It’s just a feeling.”

“It’s obvious. No one else had a motive. All the other theories leave that out. No one had a strong enough motive-except these people.”

“It looks like a perfect operation,” Christopher said. “It may be impossible to string everything together. They’ll have had airtight security. Maybe only two or three people know- and there’s no way of being sure who they are.”

“Do you think they killed Oswald?”

“No,” Christopher said. “If I’m right about how they handled him, it would have been wasteful. He didn’t know who they were. They must have told him they’d get him out after the shooting, set him up as a hero under a fake identity. He would have believed that.”

Patchen said, “They had to find somebody Oswald would trust. Someone he already knew.”

“Who did he know? Nobody. All they needed was someone under discipline; the contact had to have bona fides. Probably a Communist of some kind.”

“But how did they know about Oswald?”

“They went looking. He must have been in a lot of card files,” Christopher said. “They had to have an American gunman. Only a nut would do it-no professional killer is going to shoot the President of the United States. Gangsters are too patriotic.”

“How much have you put together?”

“Only the probabilities-but it’s clear enough why they had to run the operation,” Christopher said. “The psychology can’t be questioned. They believed Kennedy had done this thing to them-whether he did or not doesn’t matter. The way they think, they couldn’t do anything but kill Kennedy in return. It’s an imperative with them-insult for insult, blood for blood.”