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‘Ask the driver to wait please!’ Cædmon called out. Bending over, he retrieved his piece of carry-on luggage, slipping the leather strap on to his shoulder.

‘I wish you’d booked a later flight. There’s still time to call and cancel,’ Kate added, smiling winsomely.

‘Needs must.’ He wasn’t about to admit that he felt like a third wheel. Overcome with an unexpected burst of nostalgia, he grabbed her by the shoulders, warmly kissing her on each cheek. ‘Goodbye, Kate. You’re in good hands now.’

Farewells always awkward, he left it at that. Hitching the luggage strap a bit higher on his shoulder, he walked towards the waiting taxi, meeting the commando midway.

‘Come on, buddy. Why don’t you stay another day?’ McGuire entreated, placing a congenial hand on his shoulder. ‘There’s a great pizza joint –’

‘Thank you, but I really must catch my flight.’ Then, with a self-deprecating snort, he said, ‘My Grail quest has finally come to an end.’

‘If it’s any consolation, Cædmon, you made a believer out of me.’

‘High praise, indeed, coming from such a diehard sceptic. Good luck, Finn.’ Cædmon extended his right hand in a heartfelt show of friendship. ‘And pity the poor lads who have you as a drill instructor.’

‘Yeah, I’m looking forward to becoming the most hated man at Fort Bragg,’ the commando retorted with his trademark smirk.

‘But loved by the one person who matters.’ Cædmon glanced pointedly at Kate, who stood waiting by the bistro table. Two weeks ago, he had mistakenly thought them strange bedfellows. He knew better now.

Ducking his head, Cædmon slid into the back seat of the taxi. ‘Ronald Reagan National Airport, please.’

As the cab pulled away from the kerb, he peered out of the window, casting his gaze towards the western horizon. The sun’s fiery last light had softened into a burgundy blush, making for a breathtakingly beautiful sight. He stared, awestruck.

‘’Tis not too late to seek a new world.’

Smiling at the thought, he folded his arms across his chest.

Eat. Sleep. Live to fight another day. But it was the moments that took one’s breath away that made it all worth while.

And the fact that it did, gave him hope.


The author would like to thank Jeanne Chitty and Peter Scheer for assisting with the book illustrations.


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First published 2011

Copyright © C. M. Palov, 2011

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ISBN: 978-0-14-196066-1