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"Surely the Mary Deare isn't that old?" Holliday said.

"Nah, nah," O'Keefe said and laughed. "Mary's a young colleen. Built 1944 by J. Pimblott and Sons on the river Weaver in Cheshire. She was used as a water carrier at Rosyth during the war and then laid up by the Admiralty. For a while she was a cargo ferry from Ardrossan in North Ayrshire to the Isle of Man, which was where I bought her for a song, yeah?"

"What sort of cargo do you carry?" Holliday asked. Somehow he suspected that it wasn't always legal. A boat with the Mary Deare's shallow draft could snuggle very close to shore on Moonraker nights.

"Whatever a person is willing to pay for," answered O'Keefe, turning to Holliday, black eyes twinkling, his small mouth puckered in a smile.

"An itinerant tramp steamer captain then." Holliday nodded.

O'Keefe lowered his voice into a rich baritone and recited: "I have been a king, I have been a slave, nor is there anything, fool, rascal, knave, that I have not been, yet upon my breast a myriad heads have lain."

"William Butler Yeats," answered Holliday promptly, and then proceeded to quote the entire text of "The Second Coming."

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph," said O'Keefe, eyes wide and obviously impressed. "You memorized the whole bloody thing and even better you pronounced his name good and proper."

"I used to teach 'The Second Coming' in my World War One classes. I still think it's one of the greatest pieces of poetry ever written. Easily as good as any Shakespeare."

"What's a Yankee teacher doing running from the Gardai on St. Michael's Mount?" O'Keefe asked, raising a dark eyebrow.

"I taught military history at West Point and it's a long story," answered Holliday.

"It's a night and a day to Wicklow Town, which is where we're going, yeah?" said O'Keefe. "All the time in the world and nothing I like better than a good yarn, boyo."

Meg came through the narrow companionway door behind the two men, wearing an old blue cotton boiler suit of O'Keefe's that was ludicrously large. The cuffs were rolled up and so were the sleeves. The word "cute" popped into Holliday's head. Better not go there, he thought.

"Have I missed anything?" she asked brightly.

"We were just getting down to it, my love," said O'Keefe. "Your friend Doc here was about to spin us a tale."

They made their slow way along the Cornish coast while Holliday talked. The rain eased as they went around Land's End between the rocky coast and the Longship's Lighthouse. There they turned north for the long run up the Irish Sea. Running at a respectable eight knots, it would take them a full twenty- four hours. As darkness fell the exhausted pair were bedded down, Meg in the captain's cabin just behind the wheelhouse and Holliday in the smaller engineer's berth farther aft.

As dawn broke O'Keefe awakened Holliday and gave him a short lesson in following a course, keeping the needle of the compass aligned to a single bearing along the Irish Coast, watching the radar screen for any errant blips, and if he did see anything in the fairly crowded sea lanes, always bearing to the right.

While O'Keefe catnapped in his dayroom, Holliday took the plodding Mary Deare past Tremore and Rosslare Harbour, Wexford and Enniscorthy and up to Courtown, where O'Keefe took the wheel again.

While the Irishman piloted the rust-streaked ship, Meg and Holliday cobbled together a meal in the little galley above the old boiler room, making fried egg sandwiches with rashers of streaky bacon and sliced tomatoes on thick slices of Irish soda bread, which O'Keefe had somehow managed to bake himself in the galley's tiny oven.

They made coffee and carried everything up to the wheelhouse, where they picnicked on the small chart table in the corner. An hour after the early afternoon meal the town of Arklow passed on their port side and an hour after that they rounded Wicklow Head and reached the enclosing breakwaters of the old harbor. O'Keefe eased the Mary Deare between the breakwater groynes, backing the engine and warping into the dock as though he was parallel parking a car.

"You make it look easy," said Holliday as a couple of wiry-looking men in heavy sweaters and rubber boots caught the mooring hawsers and snugged the boat in.

"To me it is." The Irishman shrugged and glanced at his wristwatch. It was plain with a black dial and white letters, obviously very old. Holliday immediately knew what he was looking at. It was a Granta World War Two-vintage German military timepiece.

"Interesting watch," he said.

"My father's," said O'Keefe. "Took it off a German pilot down the road in Arklow."

"What was a German pilot doing in Arklow?" Holliday asked.

"Bombing it," said O'Keefe. "He ran out of gas and crashed into the estuary. My father rowed out and picked him up out of the water before the tide got him."

"What happened to the pilot?"

"My father shot him with his old pigeon gun, then took his watch. The bugger killed his brother in the bombing, yeah?"

O'Keefe pushed the engine telegraph to All Stop, stood back from the wheel and stretched.

"How long will we be here?" Holliday asked.

"Long as you like," the Irishman said and shrugged. "I'm not on what you might call a strict schedule. Got a few things to pick up and drop off to the north, but nothing that can't wait a day or so."

"I just thought it'd be nice to stretch our legs."

"Be my guest. I'm doing an Irish stew and boxtys for tea, but that's not for a couple of hours."

"We'll be back," promised Holliday.

Instead of heading directly into town they turned past the lifeboat shed on the far side of the southern groyne and walked up a stony path to the bluffs above the harbor. There was the ruins of what might have been an old castle and a clear, brilliant view all the way across the Irish Sea to the distant smoky hills of Wales on the horizon. Holliday could imagine a Viking standing where he was now, looking out to sea and wondering what worlds there were left to conquer.

"You'd think there would be a plaque or something," commented Meg, looking at the black stone ruins of the ancient fortress.

"The Irish aren't too good at that sort of thing," said Holliday. "I went to a conference once at University College in Cork. They were putting up a parking garage near the river, and during the excavations for the foundation they came upon the remains of an entire Viking settlement, perhaps the first settlement in Cork. Instead of calling in a team of archaeologists they simply put down a sheet of heavy plastic and built right on top of it. Pretty crude."

They walked along the bluffs down to Wicklow Head. It was a cruel and bitter place, dark hills and jutting cliffs running down to the sea. In a storm it would be foul and in a fog it would be dangerous, both to ships and to anyone stupid enough to walk along the cliffs.

"Wuthering Heights." Meg smiled, looking out over the sparkling water. "Catherine calling for Heathcliff across the moor."

"Makes you wonder why people live in places like this," said Holliday.

"You could say the same thing about Minnesota in the wintertime. It depends on what you're used to."

"I suppose," grunted Holliday. They turned and walked back to the Dunbur Road and headed back into town. "What do you think of O'Keefe?" he asked finally.

"It was lucky he was there at St. Michael's Mount," answered Meg.

"Luck's hardly the word," said Holliday.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Think about it," said Holliday. "You don't organize a raid of SWAT cops like that on the fly. It has to be organized and that takes time. Someone knew we were going to be there."

"Who?" Meg said. "These mythical Vatican spies of yours?"

"Someone who could track us through my credit card," said Holliday. "It's the only way they could have known."

"Who could do that?"

"The only people I can think of is the police in Venice," said Holliday, "but that's a stretch."

"What about that bald man in Prague, or the man you… killed on the boat. The one you said was an assassin?"