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The sudden shouting startled Captain Hilary Cole, senior nurse on duty. Like most of the staff of the 553rd Field Hospital, she had mistaken the sullen discontentment of the rangers for shock and grief. Cole had just managed to stand up and turn to the tent flap that separated the tent where her station was from the tent where the rangers were when the flap was pulled open from the other side. Pausing, Cole watched as the one who had been identified as the Russian major entered her tent with a determined look that bordered on anger. Close behind him, in his shadow, came the young second lieutenant. When the Russian was in front of Cole's desk, he stopped, causing the lieutenant to take one short step to the Russian's left.

Still unsure of the relationship between the Russian major, whom all the rangers took their orders from, and the American lieutenant, Cole looked from one to the other. Though he was dressed in the same maroon bathrobe that the rest of the rangers were wearing, there was no mistaking that the major was the officer in charge. "What seems to be the problem, Major?"

Cole's soft voice, her blue eyes set in a thin heart-shaped face that was framed in blond hair that Ilvanich thought was too short, momentarily took the edge off of his anger. Looking down at her, Ilvanich thought for a moment, refraining his angry demand into as diplomatic a request as he could manage. "Please inform your commanding officer that I must speak to him."

For a moment Cole looked at the Russian, wondering whether she should find out what he wanted or just go ahead and do as he demanded. Looking into his eyes, dark eyes that were fixed in an unblinking stare, she decided to simply pass the message. Picking up the phone on her desk, Cole dialed the commander's office.

Saying nothing and betraying no reaction, Ilvanich listened as the nurse passed on his demand. "Hi, Anna? Is the colonel in? Good. No, I don't need to talk to him, but the Rus— I mean the major in charge of the rangers would like to talk to him now. No, I don't know, but I think he better come over right away. The Rus— I mean the major is waiting here in my office." There was a pause while Cole waited for an answer. During the pause, she looked down at the phone, avoiding Ilvanich's stare. "Great, I'll tell him." Hanging up the phone, Cole looked at Ilvanich, forcing a smile. "The colonel will be over in a minute. If you would return to your area, I'll call you when he is here."

Cole's request brought back Ilvanich's anger. Clenching his fists and narrowing his eyes, he almost hissed when he spoke. "We are not some kind of dangerous things that you can stuff into isolation and forget. Those things in there are your fellow countrymen, elite combat soldiers. Those soldiers have been through a lot in the last seventeen hours and deserve to be treated like the men they are."

For a moment Cole felt the urge to back away from the angry Russian but didn't. "Major, I have my orders. You and your men are to remain in isolation until we can evacuate you back to Landstuhl in Germany." From the other end of the tent where Ilvanich stood, two military policemen who had been posted outside came through the tent flaps when they heard Cole's and Ilvanich's exchange. When she heard them, Cole turned around, motioning that they were to stop where they were and keep out of this for the moment. For several awkward seconds they all looked at each other, wondering what to do next. Only the appearance of Colonel Sandy Holleran, commanding officer of the 553rd, broke the stalemate.

The white doctor's coat that hung over his standard-issue battle dress fatigues was open in the front, accentuating a waistline that was several inches larger than was militarily acceptable. But Holleran was a doctor, a good one who even had a knack for command. So his weight, though deemed somewhat excessive, as well as hair that was slightly too long, was overlooked. When he was in the tent, Holleran looked about. Seeing that everyone was on edge and ready to jump, he decided to take it slow and easy. With a quizzical look he turned to Cole. "What seems to be the problem, Captain?"

Though there was no emblem of rank showing, Ilvanich assumed, by the doctor's demeanor and the deference the MPs showed when he entered, that this was their commanding officer. Coming to a position of attention, Ilvanich spoke before Cole could answer. "Sir, I requested a meeting with you to discuss the manner in which my men have been treated."

Without pausing, Holleran walked up to Cole's desk, grabbing a chair for himself and motioning for Ilvanich to take a seat across from him. Holleran watched as the Russian major moved over, followed by the young American lieutenant who stood behind him. Though he had no idea how it came to be that this Russian had become the commander of an American ranger company, there was no doubt, from what he had heard and what he saw, that the rangers accepted him as such, and Holleran spoke as if this were a natural everyday occurrence. Turning his mind to the matter at hand, Holleran opened the conversation. "Before we get started, I must tell you, Major, in all candor, that the situation we are facing here is entirely new to me and my staff. None of us have ever had to deal with radiation casualties."

Ilvanich leaned forward and cut Holleran off. "We are not casualties. Yes, we have been exposed to radiation, but none of us are suffering from any adverse effects." Ilvanich, of course, was lying. Several hours after reaching the rest of the ranger battalion, both he and Rasper had thrown up. Speaking in private to Rasper, Ilvanich told him that they were both suffering from the effects of radiation. Rasper, his face showing no signs of emotion, merely looked down at his boots and nodded as he spoke, "Yes, sir, I know." Then looking up at Ilvanich, with the hint of a plea in his eyes, Rasper asked if Ilvanich would keep it quiet. Other than the nausea he felt, Rasper said that he was all right So the two men kept their problem to themselves. There was, they felt, no need to panic the rest of the company or anyone else.

That, however, didn't keep everyone they came into contact with from keeping them at arm's distance. This Ilvanich understood. It was expected, since the rangers under his care carried with them radioactive fallout on their clothes, equipment, and even their skin. Before entering the ranger battalion perimeter, Ilvanich had the rangers of Company A halt in a wood lot. There they discarded their outer clothing, overshoes, web belts and suspenders, and anything that was not absolutely critical. Ilvanich then had them do a hasty decontamination of all the equipment they retained, including their protective masks and weapons, by rubbing them down with snow. Still their actions did little to still the fears of whoever came into contact with them. From the beginning everyone, from the battalion commander on down, treated the survivors of Company A as if they were infected with a deadly plague.

Ilvanich leaned back in his seat as he recounted to Holleran their travails. "First, the ranger battalion commander places us outside their regular perimeter. Though we were covered by interlocking fires from the rest of the battalion, my men sat there looking at me and then back where the rest of the battalion was wondering what was going on. When the helicopters came, stripped of everything, including seats, so they could be decontaminated easier after we were delivered, the crews treated us like we all had the AIDS virus. If it wasn't for the intervention of one of the crew chief's from a medical evacuation helicopter who gave us the rations from his own crew, none of us would have had anything to eat."

Slowly, as he spoke, the anger that Ilvanich had contained all day began to boil out. "Then, when we arrived here, they were ordered to land over three kilometers away in order not to contaminate the camp. The pilot of the lead helicopter informed me of this, but then at the last minute he ignored the order. For his troubles and kindness he was reprimanded in front of his crew when we landed."