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Rather than being embarrassed, Lewis paused, flashing a slightly wicked smile as the presidential aide backed off and resumed his post. Once he was sure that he had everyone's undivided attention, Lewis bowed slightly. "My humble apologies for being so late." Looking over at the aide, Lewis's smile broadened. "It appears that the rush hour traffic is as bad in here as it is outside." This brought a few chuckles from his colleagues and a scornful look from Soares.

Wilson, though she was not happy that a congressman had managed to upstage her well-orchestrated opening, didn't bat an eye. Instead she lightly touched Rothenberg's arm as she broke off their private conversation and turned in her seat. So that she did not appear to be at a loss as to what to do while she waited for Lewis to take his seat, Wilson played with her notes, already carefully laid out in front of her. Pete Soares had been right, she thought. Lewis, when he wanted to be, could be a real asshole.

When he was sure that they were finally ready to start, Soares began the meeting. "As we all know, the Russian and Ukrainian governments have been unable to come to an agreement over the disposition of nuclear weapons stored in the Ukraine. The seizure of those weapons by the Ukrainian military in November and the Russians' demand that those weapons be returned to the control of the Commonwealth forces have resulted in an impasse. Economic sanctions, including the cutting off of all oil and petroleum products into the Ukraine, have resulted in hardships but no compromise. If anything, the actions by the Russians and the republics that still belong to the Commonwealth have only served to harden the determination of the Ukrainian government. Sovereignty and self-determination are, in their words, at stake."

Soares paused and looked at the assembled congressional delegation when he heard a sigh that sounded remarkably like "Shit." Lewis, who knew what was coming without having to be told, was already shaking his head. "Don't tell me, Pete. Let me guess. Our troops, deployed from their bases in Germany to the Czech and Slovakian republics in an effort to discourage the Hungarians from taking advantage of political upheavals between those two, just happen to be in a position to move into the Ukraine and secure the nuclear weapons in question. And, oh, by the way, the Russians, having publicly encouraged and praised our deployment into the Czech and Slovakian republics, have asked us to use those conveniently located forces to bail their sorry asses out of an embarrassing situation."

Angry at Lewis's rude interruption, Soares was unable to continue. Instead he stood at the end of the table and glared at Lewis. Seeing that the situation was about to get out of hand, Wilson intervened. "It's more than an effort to save the Commonwealth from public embarrassment. We have been able to confirm that the Ukrainian government has been approached by another, non-nuclear government about trading warheads for the economic support that the Commonwealth embargo has denied the Ukraine. With Ukrainian industry and transportation grinding to a halt due to the oil embargo, certain elements in the Ukrainian government have been reported to be taking the offer seriously."

Impatient, Lewis cut in. "So we are going to use military forces to do what the Russians haven't been able to do."

Noting that Wilson was now becoming irritated by Lewis's manner, Secretary of Defense Rothenberg took up the challenge this time. "Yes, Congressman Lewis, we are. At the request of the Commonwealth forces, surgical strikes, using our air and ground units currently deployed in eastern Slovakia, will be used to neutralize the threat. The two storage sites, both in the vicinity of Svalyava, will be seized by rangers who will secure the devices in question and prepare them for transport back to Germany."

Had Rothenberg hit Lewis between the eyes, he couldn't have gotten a more violent reaction. Lewis, having been a member of the National Guard for years and a veteran of the Gulf War, hated it when politicians used terms like "surgical strike" and "neutralize" as if they really meant something. Pushing himself away from the table, Lewis became enraged. "Jesus, Rothenberg. Do you think you're about to present a case in court?" Lewis didn't wait for Rothenberg, who was now becoming upset, to answer. "We're not talking about your law firm back in New York filing a suit against someone. We're talking about war. Real people, our people, going through the Carpathian Mountains in the dead of winter to seize weapons that the Ukrainians are no doubt defending with their best units. And when that happens, when our good little American boys and girls come nose-to-nose with those good little Ukrainian boys in the mountains, there'll be nothing surgical about the outcome. For those of you who haven't been blessed with the experience, there's nothing surgical about being on the receiving end of a 750-pound general purpose bomb."

Like a tag team wrestling match, Wilson took over from Rothenberg. "Congressman Lewis, we appreciate your concerns and understand your feelings." Though angry at having her carefully prepared briefing upset by Lewis, Wilson maintained the calm, steady demeanor that had made her famous and politically unbeatable. "Believe me, we have looked at every option and weighed all the risks. If there were another way to resolve this, I would have been the first to try it. We cannot, however, allow continued nuclear proliferation. It is time to draw the line."

Lewis, about to comment on Wilson's melodramatic use of "It is time to draw the line," bit his tongue. This was no time, he thought, for personal attacks. Best, he reasoned, to stick to the critical issues at hand. Looking down at his hands, now folded in his lap, Lewis spoke in a low and controlled voice. "Do we know, Madam President, who this nation is? I mean, wouldn't it be easier just to tighten the blockade on the Ukraine?"

Taking his turn, Soares responded to Lewis without commenting any further on Lewis's question of the blockade. "No, Congressman, we do not know who has approached the Ukrainians. Our source within the Ukrainian government only knows that the offer was made and the details about the transfer of the weapons are currently being discussed."

"So, when in doubt, send in the Marines."

Wilson looked Lewis in the eye. "Yes, Congressman, something like that."

"What do the Czech and German governments have to say about this impending invasion?"

In a rather offhanded manner, one that surprised most of the assembled senators and congressmen, Rothenberg brushed off Lewis's concerns. "This is not a matter that concerns either of those governments directly. Besides, for reasons of operational security it was felt that the fewer governments involved the better. The request made by the Commonwealth directly to President Wilson is not a matter that directly concerns any of the other European countries at this time. After the operation is under way, they will be briefed. Given the purpose of the operation and its objective, they will see the wisdom of our decision and support us."

For a moment there was silence. Then Lewis in a rather subdued manner asked Rothenberg if he really thought that the Germans would calmly allow U.S. forces to use their country as a jump-off point for the invasion of another country.

Soares's response sounded like a lecture. "I need not remind you, Congressman Lewis, that it has been the policy of Germany since unification to disarm. This includes nuclear weapons." Soares paused to correct himself. "Especially nuclear weapons. Besides, since the foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany, the policies of our two nations have been as one. We, after all, were instrumental in bringing about the unification of the two Germanys. They will not, Congressman Lewis, forget that."