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He opened his mouth, closed it again.

She looked at the flowers and took a deep breath. "It's all part of what we do. If you say you're sorry, you make it your fault. Don't say you're sorry. I knew what I was getting into. It's my life. You're not responsible for what happens in it."

"I was in charge."

"You weren't in charge of the men who shot at us. You're not in charge of me, in the field or anywhere else. So get off it. You're feeling sorry for yourself."

He flushed. "That's not fair."

"So? Who said life was fair?"

"Maybe I should go."

"Maybe you should."

Nick looked at her. He laid the flowers on her bedside table. Then he turned and left.

"Thanks for the flowers," she said to the empty room.

Then she cried.


The nights were turning crisp and cool. The election was a few weeks away. Nick had been to California and moved his mother to a private nursing home after her stroke. She hadn't recognized him. His sister was nagging him about putting the house on the market.

His father was dead, which was fine by Nick. His sister was an annoying thorn in his side. His mother didn't know who he was. More and more, he thought of the Project team as his real family, the only people he could rely on. The only ones he cared about.

He and Selena weren't talking much. He was drinking more than usual. Running helped him keep it together.

Nick stepped out for his usual evening run. A black armored Cadillac limo waited at the curb, idling. The driver wore a black suit, dark sunglasses, a white earpiece and a pistol under his jacket. He opened the rear door and waited for Nick to get in.

Shit, Nick thought, here we go again. What now?

The man riding in the back of that car called himself Adam. Nick didn't know who he was or what he looked like or if Adam was his real name. He hadn't been able to find out where he came from or where he went. All he knew was that Adam was a serious player. Adam had told him about the existence of AEON and warned him about the Demeter threat. Whatever the man was about to tell him, Nick was sure it would complicate his life. Nick got in. The driver closed the door. The lock clicked.

The inside of the car was a luxury cocoon of top grain leather and soft halo lighting. The windows were completely blacked out. A partition of opaque, black glass divided the rear compartment down the middle. A speaker was set in the glass. A slot in the partition allowed for something to be passed through. The driver was invisible behind another barrier of black glass.

The Cadillac pulled smoothly away into the unseen traffic. It was very quiet and comfortable inside the car.

"Good evening, Nick."

Even though he knew it was coming, the words startled him. The voice was masked by electronics. There was no way to identify the speaker.


"You must go to Russia."

Adam wasn't much for idle conversation.

"I think you're about to tell me why."

The electronic voice chuckled. It sounded like it was underwater. "A little over three years ago, a clerk cataloging documents in the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade discovered secret plans hidden by Tesla. He sold them on the black market and was killed right after. You met his killer."

"I remember. The one in Prague who came after us. He said his first job for whoever had hired him was a museum clerk."

"It was Foxworth who hired him." The electronic voice continued. "The plans are for a particle beam weapon. Tesla talked about it and even demonstrated a small device that operated in a vacuum. The tabloids of the time called it a death ray. Tesla said he'd overcome problems that prevented the weapon from working in the atmosphere. He also said he hadn't written down the plans. He was lying. Now AEON has them."

"Adam, what the hell is a particle beam weapon?"

"It fires a focused proton beam of high intensity. The beam destabilizes the atomic structure of the target. Picture a building or a tank or a plane suddenly deprived of the atomic glue that holds it together. It would literally disintegrate."

"That sounds like science fiction."

Nick could almost sense Adam nodding in agreement behind the partition.

"Yes. However, it is possible. The theoretical physics are well understood. The United States, Russia, and China have been trying to build one for years. Experimental prototypes exist, but no one has succeeded in constructing a practical application. Not yet. The beam requires enormous power to be effective."

"I take it Tesla wasn't crazy."

"AEON is building it in Russia."

Nick considered that. "Why? They just tried to bring Russia down a few months ago."

"AEON is opportunistic, always operating on many levels. A project like this needs equipment, serious funding, research, secrecy. Only a government can provide that. This weapon will provide a unique strategic advantage. Like the atomic bomb."

"They intend to give this to the Russians?"

"No. The Kremlin is unaware of AEON's real motive."

"What is their motive?"

"Dominance and control. Tesla's weapon will be turned against us and the Russians and anyone else who stands in their way. They have been preparing for years, since they got their hands on Tesla's secret. They've put up a satellite relay system. Once the beam is operational, it can be directed at any target on earth. They found what they needed in Mexico to maximize the power levels. The weapon is in the final stages of construction."

Mexico, again. The ripples of his failure kept spreading.

Adam continued. "My best intelligence says it will be completed soon."

"We're not welcome in Russia."

"General Vysotsky will smooth the way."

"Vysotsky? But he's SVR. He'd as soon lock us up or shoot us if we set foot on Russian territory."

"Vysotsky is a nationalist. Director Harker briefed him. He knows that Ogorov is not acting in the interest of the Federation. He has worked with you before. He respects Harker. He will help you."

"You sound sure."

"I am sure. Ogorov has gained control of the FSB through General Kaminsky. He wants to reestablish the old KGB with Kaminsky as Director. SVR would be reduced in importance. If Vysotsky reveals Ogorov and Kaminsky as traitors, it could gain him the Director's slot at SVR."

"You want to throw us into the middle of an internal power struggle between Russia's security agencies? Christ, Adam."

"Vysotsky only controls Department S. SVR is riddled with informers and political enemies. He can't use his own people except for a few like Major Korov. He needs you and your team."

"Even if we succeed in finding this weapon and stopping AEON, what's to prevent Vysotsky from taking control of it himself?"

"Well, Nick. I rely on you to solve that problem. You must destroy the installation."

"What about Foxworth?"

Distorted laughter came from the other side of the partition.

"You ruined his vacation, Nick. He was quite upset about it. Foxworth will not be a problem much longer. It's Ogorov we have to watch."

"Why won't he be a problem?"

"Foxworth has an inoperable brain tumor, but he doesn't know it. He refused to have the tests that could have saved his life and now it's too late. His judgement is becoming erratic and he's making mistakes. He'll be dead in a year. Sooner, if the rest of AEON discovers the truth."

Nick wondered how Adam knew these things. It didn't matter, if he was right. He'd been right before.

Adam continued. "His instability makes him extremely dangerous. Foxworth is unable to see consequences that don't fit with rewarding his ego. If he uses this weapon against us it will mean war with Russia. Some of the others in AEON's leadership group are getting nervous. They may eliminate him, but not before he does something stupid."