The fifth suggestion is similar to procrastination, but you are far more conscious of your act of resistance to the natural drive to accomplish things in a timely manner. You are in fact fighting the sense of peace and merit that you would experience when you accomplish things… Quite depressing… but your depression always makes me smile. The fifth suggestion presses that you should not rush into things, but allow the advice or often the distraction of others who are not involved, supportive, concerned, or who are well-informed to impede your forward progression to meet goals with frivolous input or misinformation. Often you know what to do when beginning a project and you could easily begin and maintain a strong work flow as you headed toward your goals. But, instead due to my fifth suggestion you turn aside and begin to listen to others or your drawn into their drama, projects, or even lack of real pursuit and drive in their own endeavors, and you sit with them in stagnation… Stagnation of the human mind is a gift to me in my battles, and I enjoy when you are complaining, daydreaming endlessly, and taking no real action — just running in circles like confused ants, precariously alongside my boot… What is the point of shopping around and continuously preparing for something when that becomes the main activity above the activity of pursuing actual accomplishment of your goals? Strangely enough, more of you do this over years, especially when it comes to business, vacations, projects, even relationships… especially when it comes to the relationship with Him…
The sixth suggestion is more so a means of putting off the matter of pursuing dreams and having the audacity to in some fashions place the stake of those dreams on God. Ha! This in itself is a travesty of your faith. You don’t place wagers on God… God has placed wagers on you… If you fail in life specifically based in projects that never came to fruition that was never His fault… There is no fault in Him which seems beyond even my understanding at times when it comes to the suffering you fall under via Him — not that I care — but it makes little sense at times… testing your faith I suppose. But either way, to place your projects, which are extensions of your very life, on God without any true action of your own is foolish. Praying means nothing without an action attributed to it or connected to it. You humans fail to see how aligning the body, the mind, and the spirit allow for greater ecstasy and awareness… So prayers with no action are empty words and sit in darkness with me… Waiting on God to do for you is foolish when God instilled divine strengths within you from the point of your creation… Therefore, the answer lied in the question before it ever left the mouth from which it was asked… In order to receive divine strength you have to exhaust the strength originally afforded to you by the divine… such is in life or your pursuits… but my pursuit to discourage you from this path is accomplished many times through the sixth suggestion.
The seventh and the final suggestion is when you seek to substitute a pure project for something less complicated, bawdy, glitzy, or commercial… This is a matter of short-changing yourself further undermining yourself and reducing your vision and investment in augmenting your own potential. Taking short cuts can help on physical journeys, but never in areas of development and growth… Frogs never take short cuts. They go from eggs to tadpoles to young, tail-having frogs to adults. If they skipped periods of growth for the sake of satisfying their need to exist with a weaker alternative, they would literally be degenerates and in a number of ways lesser, weaker creatures. So, with the same logic, why would one sacrifice platinum only to reach for tin… when tin could be sold, and the funds raised may one day be invested to earn platinum? Well, the seventh suggestion brings many to consider relinquishing an actual plan that would lead to a better way of life or greater accomplishment for a lesser choice… such is the way in projects, love, and wisdom… among to your kind… Consider the project of a book with all of its details and means of engendering profound reflection and thoughts in readers; yet instead of writing the book, you take the path of limiting your vision to a movie… greatness gets lost in translation — once edited and transformed into lower media that do not challenge the mind to dissect, digest, or dissolving fertile or disturbing thoughts… True, more people will see a movie, simply because most of your kind seems not to truly enjoy the involvement of thinking for themselves anymore… Why else would I have such a hand in media and politics? The fact is the book was the original idea that I through suggestion undermined, and made you settle for less no matter how much you would be paid as a result… Sacrificing greatness for mediocrity is priceless to me… The seven suggestion is full of lies, but have elements of some truth, common sense, different perspectives, wisdom, rational thinking, easier alternatives, and seemingly better options. How else could I sell you an idea that’s mine that you most often accept on unconscious levels as your own?
Many times, humanity has been on the right path toward greatness by not seeking it, but in fact by simply being natural in their course of actions to serve and thus be like God… But with my added suggestions you fall to the wayside of greatness. The longer I can keep you off the path or remain with an idle mind, the greater my victory over your accomplishments. The idle mind is not solely my workshop for He can arise as a pure thought from within it as well, blessing you with supposed greatness. Why blame me for the folly of your minds when folly lies in its original design. I do not mind the praise or rather anti-praise and accolades through your supposed attacks, but it is not my fault that at times you fail to think and allow me entry into your subconscious… However, such entry has led to victories I either have won or have been awarded by default… or rather your fault…
How do I accomplish placing the seven suggestions in your mind with such ease is based on the fact that your kind fails to see that the physical and spiritual worlds are aligned and function simultaneously… Often they clash or flow with each other because they are rooted in the same ethereal substance which is God… the mind is a development that arose in your kind to be an equilibrium between the spirit world and the physical world; thus, whatever is presented to you on an unconscious, spiritual level takes hold in your perspective of the conscious, physical world. The skill to develop is one to focus greater with the spirit and less with the flesh — though I doubt you’ll be able to do it — but this will allow you to anticipate when I approach, and you can avoid me entering your psyche like a fly laying eggs that will grow in your mind like maggots, feeding off of dead thoughts that once could have brought forth life and creativity. Protect your ability to cultivate divine thought in the spirit realm or lose it to my will… As always, it’s your choice…