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The fifth aspect is a point of my mastery. Once you eventually view the divine knowledge and ability to engage in deeper thought as detestable and no longer enjoyable, you will neither want to do it or be able to truly handle the glory… for you will see it as a responsibility you run from… Then from that point with all of the shortcuts and points of editing your mind to simply fit in the limitations I have covertly set before you, you will find such concepts of the human mind and its potential as fanciful and insignificant. Once you yourself no longer struggle, I no longer have to force feed you “anti-thoughts” or impede productive thoughts — you simply are accepting the “reprogramming” without even subconscious uproar — the sense that something is wrong within you, but not being able to put a finger on it. This is the permanent replacement of your path to divine knowledge with only the path of control I set before you.

The sixth aspect is your complete acceptance of my brainwashing and your embrace of pride versus humility as a means to attain greater understanding of the physical world versus spiritual world. You feel as if you have it all figured out and there is little room for growth and learning… You are no longer learned with numerous questions, you are a know-it-all with few interests in the numerous mysteries of the world and beyond. You’re pride feeds your creativity. But, pride can not engender creativity — it merely feeds off of it. But, for lack of deeper contemplation, you use this form of anti-creativity to protect and preserve your sense of inflated pride which is devoid of sincerity or any real substance. With such a gnarled ball of ill emotions and twisted thoughts, but no central foundation to support you, you merely have an augmented façade and like an empty house you feel a draft every time the reality of life blows… yet you seek comfort in this scenario, further depleting the warmth you have within.

The seventh aspect is the ultimate coup de grace — the death blow to your path to divine thought and action, according to His will and grace. You take the step among my minions with complete loyalty to me because you have nothing but loyalty to and concern simply for yourself… To worship the self is selfish and thus you worship me for you no longer seek God in others, experiences, or within yourself. Here is the point where you have completely turned your back on God and thus turned your back on yourself with little hope of realizing what you have done… unless you somehow break free from your current train of thought. Here is where you completely take the notion of divine thought and inspiration and cast it to the side as if into the depth of the cold, dark sea… You then like many dissenters from Moses return to Egypt to labor as if it benefits you to serve under me as your pharaoh…

In many ways, the seven aspects of the knowledge block are like receiving a kidney transplant you received when you were a small child, yet you never needed it in the first place… such is considered unethical… but who am I but unethical? You question whether the kidney is your originally kidney since the operation took place years ago, but the scar reminds you that the operation actually took place. Considering the operation and what you perceive as healthy, you feel you are doing well without the original kidney (divine thought). The transplanted kidney (my knowledge block) does not perform as well; it has its limitations, but you fully accept the fact and continue with little concern. Even though the transplanted kidney performs at only 10% of your original kidney, you suppress thoughts of worry about the kidney endangering your life and replace such ideas with a sense of comfort and complacency. You no longer even fear the fact that your body may one day reject the kidney as foreign and detrimental to your body; you completely toss aside the fact that you had a healthy kidney and the operation completely undermined your overall health.

With this analogy in mind, you feel that the kidney transplant was far greater than the original kidney you were born with and you justify the crime of the unethical operation. Basically, you feel nature — God — was a mistake that was removed, and you are above this nature or better off and living in better health… From this analogy, what most of you fail to surmise is that many of you end up in a place where you don’t know God, and you feel are better off without Him. You no longer want to seek and dwell within His wisdom. You accept a limited and controlled existence under me. You choose Earth as the extent of your reality versus seeking the infinity of Heaven. You have turned in on yourself, serving yourself, and see yourself as the center of your very being; nothing greater lies outside of you. And who you are is based on what I allow you to know or rather what I convert from lies to false truths you believe about the world and yourself. This the keystone upon which the knowledge block is constructed. You will begin to believe either there is no God or that you are a child of mine versus His in that my way of living is far more realistic than His — you will refute His lessons and see no sense in it… and from that I will have satisfaction…

He grew silent musing over his master strategy to infiltrate and undermine the very relationship we had with God that God had embedded in humankind since we had arisen from the dust… I was shocked in that I could see where friends and family at times had shown signs of falling under the knowledge block… I reflected on myself and saw evidence that I too had had bouts of pride where I began to believe my own supposed hype… But, it never was as abrupt or up front where I felt superior to God, by no means. But, I did take short cuts or felt I knew better when the spirit within me — the element of God — would share insight of patience or to take heed of certain things to protect and invigorate me against the seduction of wealth, wrath, or influence… In that sense, I could see that we all — humankind — fell under the weight of the knowledge block at times. But among us, there are those who are always struggling and never feel we are the center of our existence; we are able to refocus on God and reestablish ourselves with Him… and Satan had no power to change that… That was a matter of strength within the human spirit founded in the glory of God…

Chapter Seven

Among your kind, there was always a sense lessened capabilities to have power or rather awareness beyond the physical world… We angels and later demons, both had these abilities — even to effect the natural world whereas you were limited to struggling to have greater awareness of and dependency on God. He did not want you to have such power to wield and to take up arms or power against Him… not that He felt threatened but to save Himself sorrow and to save the evil that may rise among you such defeat. You were made to find strength in being receptive to learning. Thus awareness of the world beyond the physical nature of things was expected to be your path to greatness as His creations, following our creation eons later. Therefore, creativity among your kind was far more valued than simply being able to rearrange or control points in nature and beyond as we do… Here is where the divine thought within you leads to what can be called at the creative center or creative headquarters — which I despise and discourage in humankind…

Those among you who have strove to develop spiritual insight or what your scientists refer to as extrasensory perception use far more than 10% of your mental capacity. Many of you use 25% to even 90% of your mind communicating on numerous levels and dimensions with God within you, outside of you, among other living beings, and even numerous spirits… The means of communication may not solely be with words but emotions or sensations which precede the rather empty forms of words that are often confusing and insightful… Sensations have always been greater than words alone… In addition, there are those among you, who can interpret a number of things outside of the physical world or that interact within it but are not of it along with the ability to travel by means of metaphysics where the psyche and the spirit combine.