His voice suddenly tapered off as in dissipation… It seemed as if a cloud was lifting and the storm of thoughts from the entity were breaking up. I could still feel God with me… but His essence was passing from me as Satan seemed to be leaving… The room seemed to stop vibrating with the immense power of detained disorder and discord… Things were returning to normal… Yet, there was an echo in my mind of the divine thought arising from the creative center — the headquarters of our minds. It was as if Satan was saying Heaven lied within our minds, but hell was within our flesh.
Divine thought came from God, up through our spirits, and into our minds. With greater mental capacity, one could interpret such thoughts on a higher plane beyond the instance of existence. Once this process could be maintained, we could protect this ability, preserve it, and bring it to term, continuing to live on a higher frequency of life with wisdom beyond the rustic nature of the physical world. With such power, God would live though us in a greater means on Earth than solely in spirit alone… We were designed to make better use of this ability and not to refer to it as superstition, faith, or mysticism, but a reality that exists beyond rudimentary proofs of science. We were designed to exceed 10% our cognitive ability which is equal to 100% of our sensory perspective in the physical world. Therefore, at the higher levels, the mind is a means to enter the realm where the physical, mental, and spiritual worlds align in true reality — and our minds must be used to a greater capacity to follow suit. We must utilize areas of the mind that assist in our journey to make the unknown, known, and thus understood… But this understanding of such things is not based on measures and scales but more so in “just knowing”, rooted in sensation and experience, acceptance and awareness. Studies claim we engage in analysis on the left side of our brain, but we have negated the right side of our brain in these modern times. The right side is the realm of dreams, visions, and creativity… It is the path where the subconscious — the vanguard of our spirit — often arises in our logical, conscious mind, which we should further expand and journey through often to better understand God’s glory, which is not only instilled but is always active within us.
There is always the need to expand and grow; this was and remains the purpose of creation. We are the created; God is the Creator, and the ability to be creative lies in all… If we would only silence our ego and open our minds, the road map to continued development would allow us not only to accept His glory, but to have a better understanding of what to do with it… As Adam did, we limit ourselves with knowledge when we become fixated in duality and our interpretation of things based solely on ego… When we walk along the bridge in which Christ and all Christ-like figures display, we see a better means to connect the seemingly disassociated paths of wisdom, experience, and speculation; life becomes more fervent and less isolated… We then can embrace our individuality as diverse manifestations of the same glorious unity which lies in God…
We are in this world to experience it, not to become random experiences within it… Embracing the family of humankind and life in all its forms works against the fear of death… For life beyond the physical realm is immortal… Those who seek Heaven within through the spirit as a pathway to God to the creative center, the headquarters, the source of being… they experience existence and growth from everlasting to everlasting…
Suddenly, I seemed to awake. I lied in the fetal position as if reborn. I looked about the room, feeling somewhat transfigured… I had passed between worlds. I looked at the clock… My journey alongside good and evil had been outside of time… for the clock had not moved from the time the entity awoke me… At first, I shrugged at the entire encounter and thought it was an amazing dream until I felt my hands relax — renewed after hours of writing… and saw a manuscript upon my desk. A smoldering, ethereal smoke arose from it — then disappeared the instant I was fully awake. I jumped up astounded and apprehensive, pushing the book along the desktop to see if it was real… The cover was brown and simple… I opened the book and looked at the title. In bold almost unearthly letters… It read, “The Testimony of Satan…”