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I’d rather see fester and be fed on by my minions of cursed vermin and scavengers. You have even challenged the ease of childbirth through the use of so much medication and money to bring children into the world… more children I need to be born in order to turn against their parents and nations to make war and chaos within them… This even challenges my campaign when many die… Yet I still win with less of you alive and at peace upon this earth — an earth which should rightfully be mine!…

Greed has pushed wonderful, so called modern nations to allow many to die simply because they could not afford insurance to cover certain medical challenges when the technology and resources were available… This pleases me… in some fashions… It’s like allowing a child to die of thirst while you hold the glass, but his mother doesn’t have the money to pay for the child simply to live… Greed has killed more people among you than any other sin rooted in the eternal fire… However, the point of temperance that addresses gluttony is similar to the acts of charity used to offset greed.

Charity is among the ethereal fire; it gives without concern of attention or reward. It is not boastful or self-righteous. Problem is it often goes unnoticed and much like chastity, it is not as valued among your kind… And definitely far from valued by me… Chastity provides for those who can not provide for themselves… It is one of the greatest forms of love… if I must refer to it as such… where you truly are doing His work… You are compassionate whereas my minions upon earth would push such people to the side and watch them die without care unless they could make use of them. However, I have been able to turn many of those who originality spoke of charity and serving their supposed fellow man or woman from the path of charity and made them fall into line with my hordes who thrive on greed. This greed is rooted in wealth and fame…. Many feel denied their acknowledgements because this is a weakness in your kind that has existed from the origin of your race… Few of you seek to assist others without acknowledgement…

You are not a selfless race — you are selfish. You place ego in all things. Even in your own birth which is by no means an action of your own doing, you look for acknowledgement simply for existing… but in that sense I can relate… for I was originally created to be adorned, and through me He was acknowledged by beings far beyond your knowledge or understanding…. But I lacked discretion to see I was adored by Him, and I felt I was only a tool of His influence… I wanted power, glory, and greater understanding of what I was for myself… But, I have contended with this failure and made it my strength in every battle against Him… Altruistic charity is rare and truly a path to exuberant ethereal fire and the reduction of the eternal fires of greed… Yet, I continue to win through some of your most adored religious, political, and even media leaders using their pride as a means to make them focus on greed… consuming their humanity.

Envy is a sin of the eternal fire that I have used from the dawn of your age… using it to drive brothers to kill their brothers who are beloved by parents in the eyes of the jealous. It has been used as a form of cunningness by everyone from brothers to nations to seize birthrights to needed resources from others. Envy generates war and rivalries that continue for generations… Envy has been used to push brothers and neighbors to sell each other into slavery or to disclose secrets to their captors to remain enslaved. It feels with me with what you may perceive as delight when I know that most wars and conflicts arise between a few individuals but end up in turmoil and destruction of both the victims and propagators of envy in the millions. Envy has been part of your being since you were driven from the garden. Adam and Eve sought to be like God versus at peace with being in His grace in paradise; they were envious of their creator…. Such was my downfall… I wanted to be God-like versus in service of His glory and thus be glorious… I failed to be at peace with the power I was given, and when I attempted to take greater glory — my power was substantially reduced, diminished, and destroyed…. when I was cast out… Envy is rooted in pride and leads to levels of wrath that burn high… Such is the way of eternal fires of sin, and its power to destroy those who feel it versus those who it is felt toward. Envy is often rooted in such falsehood, and only allows my influence to creep into the soul… Envy clouds the mind; when one should be focused on honoring themselves as in acknowledging Him for their life and capabilities, they sacrifice divine understanding and seek the lesser understanding or acknowledgement from many who may or may not even care for them. This drives them to anger… and I thrive on anger… Envy is an indication of an immature and selfish mind… But, if one has kindness in their heart, there is little I can do to them.

Kindness much like charity drives me from one’s heart. Kindness is a sign that one is like Him, notably when they seek no acknowledgement or praise, and are not moved from the path of their righteousness when they are praised. He is moved by your praise of Him, but far from some form of pride that you humans thrive upon like ants on honey. No His kindness is that given from a parent to child, even when the child is not aware of what is given or even acknowledges it. For instance, a newborn babe is not aware of much in this world; the babe is still connected to heaven… but parents nevertheless take care and provide for the child even before the child is aware of him or herself, aware of their limits… Kindness is of the ethereal fire that quells the eternal fires of envy… True it says in your bible that He is a jealous God, but that is because He Himself is not one of many gods, He is the one God. Therefore, to place gods before Him or even in other religions to see manifestations of God as if they are equal and separate gods in their own right, weakens the connection between truth and the reality that God is God who even made me… in kindness… and as you and your kind have known since you became aware of yourself… This angers Him… I turned God’s kindness aside as if it was a weakness — and I fell… Kindness is the essence of Him that makes all things worth having in your world possible…

The greatest element of the eternal fires of sin is who I am, who I attempted to place above His kindness and glory… It is pride. I thrive on pride for it is truly the source and essence of the eternal fires… It is the point that all sins descend… For if one is filled with the eternal fire of pride, one has the fuel to maintain negative emotions that arise and occur time and time again — synonymous with sin. Pride has been both my strength and weakness. I am even angered that it led me to my fall and yet it helped me realize my place in the universe. Pride both enslaved me and freed me… I know… it may seem a paradox to the human mind… but pride is a point where pain and pleasure unite and become something new…

Pride for me was a muddy point of destroying what was good that He made of me and saw fit, and as painful as it was… I rose above it not as strong or powerful but aware of myself and my choices…. And I could do nothing but accept the consequences… So is pride a downfall or a means of change and taking pleasure in no matter the state of oneself and results? Ha! For me it is a never-ending battle within, and I must satisfy myself with my dilemma even though it is on a path of perpetual defeat in order to continue and to berate, insult, and disturb the very core of your souls. Pride is like an itch from the bite or sting of success or failure… It is at that point one takes into account overcoming opposition whether it be of man, nature, or the reality within. And with such accomplishments, one should learn to be humble to look upon his or her own glory as the glory of God and a gift from Him — whether it be power, beauty, youth, or incite. But, no most look to themselves as the source of their own glory and they have no sense of grace… This is the pride I bathe in as a beast of fire and sin. But even this fire and sin is quelled… my pride would have been quelled… if I had not lost sight of the very nature by which He blesses all… through humility…