Humility… funny how it is so close to humiliation in a number of your languages… there is nothing humbling about being humiliated — and yet maybe it is a fact that one must humble him or herself despite being disrespected, attacked, or demeaned or in light of praise, acknowledgement, and being exalted. Many are filled with wrath when they are attacked and humility seems to be the furthest thing from their minds. Wrath is one path of pride. Lust is another. When a man is praised for his craftsmanship or physique by women — whether he is married or not he either commits adulterous acts or fornicates because he places his pride before the desires of God and the natural course of things. If he is married, humility would dictate that he simply thank such women for their comments, but he would keep in mind his love for his wife and his God — through His covenant of marriage and the sanctity of cleanliness. However, pride muddies the waters of what is just and unjust for those who may know with their minds, but do not live such ways in their hearts… and lust does them and others grave harm.
Pride rises in those who feel they should have acknowledgement, yet humility turns such fires aside and makes the act of greatness one knows for him or herself even if he or she did not receive reward. For if one simply did great deeds for praise then the deeds themselves are rooted in pride and do even those the deed was done for harm or disgrace. Humility turns aside the feeling of being above others. The humble man exalts those who are in many ways beneath him — and places them above him. Here is where I failed greatly. Yes it is true that you have the power to drive me from your heart and even the hearts and minds of others, but you have to be pure in your exertion of such power, but in many ways I am your superior — I am the greater creation. I was placed to be as such, yet I was not humble and did not lower myself before you and exalt you above me… not for love of Him, but love of myself — because of pride — and now I am even lower than your race when it comes to God not through humility but by humiliating myself.
He paused reflecting on the number of vices he had established in sin, yet he himself felt powerless because he no longer had the power of God with him but against him. In many ways, he knew this, and it appeared the archfiend had some form of sadness. It was strange to think of such sensations in the master of doom and death, but it made sense in that death and destruction have no power over rejuvenation and life. And to be outside of this power or to simply not be filled with it was a greater hell than any that the human mind could conceive in life. True, the most evil among us may thrive on the fantasy, but the beast knew the truth of the glories of God and now hung on threads of his many realities outside the light of God with no means of escaping the emptiness of his accursed perdition and eternal punishment… He continued…
Unnatural death and disbelief are at an all-time high — a zenith… All the things that God considers against His will from which I receive greater power on Earth have overrun the summit upon which the Messiah gave his sermon… Whether physical or metaphysical, this truth is evident as the Holy Lands you Children of Adam have sanctified run red with the blood of the innocent for the sake of greed, wealth, and vanity… all to serve your pride. I am the master of pride… I am the one who engineered its nature to ensnare you by means of what you desire. Humankind is desperate, not knowing the day or hour of the end, has made many seek a new means to elevate themselves and they fail to elevate the common understanding needed to assist the rise in the spirits of each other. This pride encourages me to take more action in my endeavors to undermine Him through you… The more you make pride your path as I did and continue to… the more you will be like me and thus you will serve my needs… and your eternity will be mine…
You have failed to recall that you were created as an eternal spirit with the light of God inside you, yet you focus on your bodies which will never be immortal. Death is more inevitable than the chance of living… for all the unborn may never be born, but all that live will one day die… God seeks no passion or pleasure from tormenting you for eternity that is why spirits that roam are considered abominations upon the earth. Once you have passed, where you go is based on what you did in life. To wander means you never lived to your fullest purpose and this works against the order of things…
I fell as far as one can fall from God. And after the fallen angels who followed me roamed the earth, He could no longer fathom his new creation roaming the earth in death in such an unnatural state… when the day of the New Jerusalem would come… This would be the day of your transfiguration, when you would come close to the simplest things we did as angels in Heaven…. But only He and He as the Messiah know the nature of your end… and mine…
When you are judged, you will not be able to prepare; thus, you will be at your best, even if your best is your worst… Every spirit has its root in the Father, yet I am the father of lies. If you follow my lies, you are my child. If you follow His path, you are His… Freewill… I guess is your blessing and your burden since you have no other the power close to that of the original angels; although, you have their intentions… You have not the claws, teeth, or venom of the animals, but you have their savagery… You are like mules… beasts burdened by your own transgressions and limitations. You are infertile in means to truly change your physical world. You can change its surface, how it may be arranged to the most minute detail, but your efforts are inert. Yet, you are expected to be God-like… As fathers in our own right, He knows what’s best for you… I know what’s best for me… He serves His children… my children serve me… but those who praise God will never serve me — and I have no need of them…
You must never make the mistake and believe your advantage in God is a given to resist my cleverness… I do not fight fair, and I have no intention to lose. I am the opposition and accuser of the human plight; I am the slanderer and prosecutor of your kind. I am Satanael, prince of the Grigori, the fallen Watchers who made monsters and giants through the wombs the enraptured daughters of mankind. I am the progenitor of the villain in every mind that has ever conjured tales of good and evil. I embody sin, yet I know sanctity. I am Mastema, once let loose upon mankind to test them as God commanded, and yet I took power of my own will against Him through their sins… Gabriel may have steadied Abraham’s hand above Isaac, ready with his dagger to place in the child’s throat, but it was I who tempted him beyond God’s will to see if he would take such action. Michael took arms against me under God, yet I stood over him, Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel, and others before time began. I was their leader.
Be’elzebub, lord of the flies, Ba’al Nabul, prince of the world, prince of the power of the air, Meririm, the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience, god of the world, Lucifer, Shaitan, Baphomet… all are names and titles attributed to me… I am the lord of fallacies that He, Who is All, opposes… and though I come from Him, I oppose His love for you, and so I will lead you astray among the wilds of the flesh, the mind, and spirit. I am lawlessness… I am opposed to him that came after me… the Messiah, who too was called the Morning Star… and yet He is God Incarnate and by no means could I undermine him even on Earth. But, many of you are not of Him… not with him. And so, I shall make merry of your malaise and melancholy… It is your heart — your truth I seek to twist and control… There are many among you who preach and posture as if to be one among the angels themselves who did not fall… yet in their hearts they are my minions and my army… a subtle force that moves among the unwary and weak-minded — adding to my flock…