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Under the name Baphomet, I was given power even in sources that oppose my cause. I am beyond male or female. I am neither the union nor separation of them — for I was before them… Yet Baphomet is my given name by many of the lost among you… It has made you attack your fellow man who worship the prophet Muhammad or Maphomet. Baphomet was a corruption of his name, thus corrupting his followers, followers of Ishmael against those among you who followed Israel… the nephew of Ishmael… Some say this name came from the cryptic and often ambivalent Knights Templar, who made discoveries beyond the watchful eyes of their kings and their pope — and with this influence and power came chaos. Who knows if Freemasonry and Gnosticism are truly practices of my own invention? And then there is Ba Neb Tet Tet — the ram-headed god of Egypt whose benevolence as a protector of women and children was later twisted to serve the images you chose to depict me…

It was then I understood that he had been using such profound levels of inception from the beginning of the sentience and sapience of man. The entity had been diluting and blending the diversity of beliefs and practices with the formula for destroying the spirit. He had made poison as if it were candy, and the world was falling under its own weight for just a taste… The world craved greater knowledge and wisdom, but at such a cost — they lost… All was and remains ignorance, miscommunication, and tragedy. The family of humanity was and is at each other’s throats for the same wisdom and power that would and can elevate us, but the foundation of love had been destroyed by Satan eons ago…

Just as God is a great multiplier among nations, I am the great divider among people. I even divide individuals from their very own souls. I place dissonance between you and God, dividing the very relationships you have with the divine. I divide religions, philosophies, ideologies, families, friends, races, classes and any means of plurality that would otherwise bring beauty to the world if you truly knew the value. But I despise such unity among those who differ. Equality among you makes you strong with God and I can not prosper. I use difference of opinion or belief to my advantage. I will not win every battle, but I am a patient warrior, and there is more of God’s capabilities that I am aware of than the human race in life or death shall ever know. I was the most loyal, but now I loathe Him the most…

I am the author of seduction. I will lead you outside of God and remove your comfort, your protection, and you will be mine to command. You will communicate with none who are still with Him once you are with me. You will be put out as one among the sick… and all of your goodness will perish as my rage and destruction fill you… You will be incarnate of the unclean, die as unclean, and remain unclean under me… I will deny all resources of salvation from you… but I will not keep wisdom from you… For wisdom is power and the root of strength of both good and evil… Just as it was portrayed in the Garden: it was not that God didn’t wish for you to become aware and knowledgeable, it was that you did not know the time and were not ready… But I prevailed and pushed you to eat of the fruit, and you became wise of the gifts you had lost and the toils you would gain… You were babes tossed from your swaddling clothes onto the dust of Earth and made to be men and women who would struggle from then on…

I seek to control the masses, but those masses must not be ignorant; they must be wise in order to control greater masses upon Earth in my name. My mastery is in media from the time the walls of tombs to the libraries of tablets were covered in glyphs and words…. It is only a decisive mind that utilizes discretion that can turn away from my luring… It is the peace of God that lies deep within you that I wish to separate from you; this is the eternal wisdom of your spirit… I am accused of attacking the church, the synagogue, the temples, the mosques, and yet I am invited into these hallowed halls on their sacred days… I will not enter any edifice in which I am not welcomed…

I knew what the entity spoke of… It was as if he had truly been part of the very foundation upon which all religions were built. All religions seemed so fixated with his evil and influence over the world that they in fact did his work for him. They kept the minds of the masses on Satan by acknowledging the need to avoid his influences more than embracing the love and glory of God. There were more interpretations of Satan’s capabilities as addressed in these religions than he actually had the will to execute. In essence, the world had given him greater power by focusing on him and attacking each other as his minions for the lack of understanding their differences in worshipping God. It was a strange form of anti-worship, an antithesis to the available, eternal existence and prevailing power of God… was it fear or fancy that had driven humankind among the highest ranks of religious leaders and the media to adore Satan with curses? For even a child who seeks negative attention is given power over adults who feed into the child’s ill will. Our disdain of Satan only draws us further into his grasp, when we should be rallying in celebration to know and live with God.

I made a mockery of Job and his faith because God invited me to do so… A frivolous battle to seize all but the life of a man who was loved and did serve God… I was unable to shake him for he was not solely of this world in which I have power over most. I could not inspire him to loose himself from God in disobedience. I could not move him through self-esteem with pride, fear, lust, greed, slothfulness, despair, rage, doubt, or disbelief… but he was only one of a chosen few. Though I am blamed for dissonance that is natural to your minds and body, to marriage, to your religions, to ailments, disease, and death… these things are established in your mortal condition and freewill… They are what you were expected to overcome to see the depth within yourselves where the Lord lies… but you continuously fail, and I profit from the illusions and fallacies you generate about me being the cause of problems that are innate to you and not of me unless you let me take control… Since you fail to see the source of your own problems, you blame me, but I am honored like a guest when you do so…

One of the clearest and easiest ways for you to converse with Him, yet many of you fail to do so, is through prayer. Prayer comes from the Latin root “precari”. “Precari” means to ask earnestly or to plea. Prayer is a means of evoking Him — call out or calling Him forth to be before you in a means that you can recognize with your limited senses… when He is always present. You also pray to invoke Him in that He can enhance and take over your corporeal vessels so that you may be far more powerful or profound with greater strength or insights… Many of you who come under my power even pray to me — though I do not assist you for your benefit but solely for my purpose… The purpose of prayer is to bind yourself to the deity as in to be at a level of collaboration and alliance. This alliance is between spirits and physical beings, even one’s dead relatives… which is forbidden in most of your modern religions such as channeling… To most of you, prayer is a one-sided conversation. You may recognize that He, his hosts, and saints listen, yet may not recognize when they respond because they do not respond as men or women or any living creature of your world. Prayers take many forms: alone or among many, in the form of songs, chants, prostration, creeds, utterances, or ramblings of those in tune with the somewhat… higher existence…. Prayers serve as means to petition, request, question, beg, grieve, give thanks, worship, praise, confess, or simply for some form of consolation.