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Vedalia is startled and jumps up because she is both surprised and offended at being called a granny. And once again becomes young. And then looks at Lizy evaluating her. They both look at each other carefully.

VEDALIA – What kind of granny am I? I’m just a mature woman.

LIZY – Of course, I didn’t mean to upset you. For your age you are preserved very well. Obviously, you keep yourself in a dark, dry, and cool place.

VEDALIA – Who are you and how did you get here?

LIZY – I am Lizy. And my fiancé is called Gelo. Have you met him?

VEDALIA(Her expression changes) Ah is that so! Come in dear. So that means your Gelo’s fiancé?

LIZY – You know him?! Has he been here? When? Where did he go?

VEDALIA – Wait a minute! Stop asking all these questions. Tell me a little bit about yourself first.

LIZY – Well I already told you that my name is Lizy. I am trying to catch up with Gelo so that I can help him to get the MIRACLE. I have been following his path for a few weeks now, but I’m always late. I am ready to give up everything for him! Even my life…

VEDALIA – Why sacrifice yourself, especially for a man? What can a modern woman find in a modern man… apart from money?!

LIZY – Love!

VEDALIA – Nonsense! Love was invented by poor men who couldn’t afford to keep their women. You have to understand that all men are the same; the only difference between them is the size of their… wallets. At first, they seduce us with sweet and passionate words. They promise us a star from the sky or to sacrifice their life for just one kiss. Then they attack us with unbelievable tenderness and gentleness or with strength and boldness. And when they have seized us, they drink us like a glass of clean spring water. And we end up drained and unwanted. And they search for passion and youth elsewhere, again. And on top of this they reproach us and say that we have become old and lifeless by giving ourselves to them completely. My dear, I know men! You can’t trust them, especially those who are obsessed with work and duty. They only notice us when they are wooing us. And as soon as they reach their goal, they act as if they are possessed and can forget about us for months on end. You could put on the most extravagant dresses and unusual jewellery and it wouldn’t make a difference, he will look at you as if you were thin air. Imagine for a moment this horrible feeling when your man doesn’t notice you!

LIZY(Sad) I know…

VEDALIA – You see! It is worse than any torture. It would even be better if he cursed at you or was jealous. Let him even cheat, but not that. A woman can be anything: she can be loved or unloved, beautiful, or unattractive, kind or bitchy, but she can’t be empty! … And these kinds of men, even in bed, do not love you but fulfil their duty. As if they didn’t care if they were with you or with your girlfriend…

LIZY – That’s going to far! I and Gelo will always stay faithful to each other. He will never cheat on me.

VEDALIA – Nonsense, Lizy! Only dead men can be faithful forever.

LIZY (Proudly and daring) I wouldn’t let anyone seduce my Gelo!

VEDALIA(Sneers) You’re so self-confident.

LIZY – I’m not self-confident. He loves me and I know my value.

VEDALIA – My dear, if you know your value never reveal it to a man, and especially your girlfriends. Instead tell me honestly, woman to woman, how did you manage to convince Gelo that he loves you?

LIZY – I didn’t convince him. He really loves me, and I love him. And we want to get married. As soon as he becomes a Wizard we will marry.

VEDALIA – This is understandable! For a woman marriage is very important. If you marry a prince, you will be a princess. Marry a fool and you will be a fool yourself. It is easier for a man. But I understand you! (coquettishly) We women are so weak and defenseless that it is impossible to be saved from us.

LIZY – You seem to speak very strangely. I don’t understand you. It would be better if you told me where Gelo is? I need to hurry.

VEDALIA – Don’t worry you don’t have to hurry. I’ll give him back to you.

LIZY – He’s here?!!!

VEDALIA – Yes, he is. But you have to promise me one thing.

LIZY – For Gelo, I will do anything!

VEDALIA(In a formidable voice) You have to take an oath, when Gelo reaches the MIRACLE; you have to do everything in your power to help him get it. Whatever the price! If you break this oath you will die.

LIZY – I promise that I will do everything in my power to help Gelo get the MIRACLE. I know his happiness depends on it. If he achieves this, then his dreams will come true. His life depends on it…

VEDALIA – Do you swear?!

LIZY – I swear!

The gong sounds three times. An alarmed Gelo walks on stage.

GELO – What is going on? (Notices Lizy and looks at her puzzled) Lizy?! What are you doing here?!

LIZY – Gelo!!! (Excitedly jumps to hug him) Dear Gelo! I’ve missed you so much.

GELO – I missed you too! But how did you get here?

LIZY – The week after you left, I decided to go after you.

GELO – Lizy! How could you! It’s so dangerous. Anything could have happened to you.

LIZY – I’m alright and everything is fine.

GELO – But why, why did you do it?

LIZY – Because I wanted to help you so much.

GELO – Silly…I don’t need any help.

LIZY – Because I was sick with worry.

GELO – Nonsense! A proper wife should be patient.

LIZY (Sadly) Because I love you very much…

GELO – … I love you too…

VEDALIA – Gelo, you shouldn’t scold her for what she has done. Nobody knows their own destiny. But everything important and significant which happens in people’s lives doesn’t just happen by chance. As a Sorceress I sense that without Lizy you wouldn’t be able to get the MIRACLE, that’s why it would be better if you continued the journey together. I will give you a magic thread, with it you won’t get lost.

GELO – Thank you! So, let’s get on our way then! Come on, Lizy.

LIZY – With you I’ll go anywhere, even to the end of the world…

VEDALIA – But remember Lizy, you took an oath! And if you break it then both you and Gelo will be doomed.

GELO – What oath?!

VEDALIA – Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just woman’s talk, isn’t it Lizy?

LIZY – Yes, It’s just woman’s talk.

GELO(suspiciously) Ok then, we have to hurry.

Hand in hand Gelo and Lizy walk off stage. Vedalia watches them with a heavy stare. Gradually her back is hunched, and she turns back into an old woman.

Music plays. Blackout. Curtains.

* * * * *

Scene Six.

Nighttime, the moon, and stars are shining. Gelo and Lizy sit by a fire. Only one half of the stage is lit.