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LIZY – Gelo, have a look at the stars…aren't they beautiful tonight. You could just drown in them.

GELO – Lizy! How can you gawk at the sky when we haven’t even eaten yet! Quickly make us something to eat.

LIZY – Of course, my love. I’ll do it straight away. But still, the stars are so wonderful! Just think they existed before us. And they will shine forever. Even when we are gone… and our children will be able to admire them as well. They will dream, love, and remember us…

GELO – If you do not feed me right now, we won’t have any children.

LIZY (laughs) So men can only have children when they’ve had something to eat?

GELO – No! It’s just men who are undernourished can get weak and unfertile!

LIZY – Oh! I’ll do it right away. (Sets up the kettle on the fire) Gelo, what if we are attacked by robbers? What would you do? We don’t have any weapons to protect ourselves.

GELO – I don’t know Lizy. I can’t fight. I don’t have the right to die. I really need to reach my goal.

LIZY(Thoughtfully) Alright, I will fight them. I will try to protect you… even though I don’t know how… but I will try!

GELO – Lizy, why are you talking such nonsense? While you cook, I'll go and collect some wood for the night.

He stands up and slowly walks to the dark side of the stage with a spotlight following him.

GELO(Suddenly screams) Lizy! Lizy!

LIZY(Alarmed she jumps up and picks up a big stick) What happened?!

GELO – Look, I think we have found it… this is the place Vedalia and Fadrius were talking about.

The dark side of the stage is lights up; there lies a twinkling object.

GELO(Very excited and thrilled) It’s the MIRACLE! I have finally found it! I have achieved what I’ve always wanted! Now I will bring it home and everybody will be astounded. I knew I could do it. I believed I would succeed. This belief stayed with me throughout the journey. I really wanted to find the MIRACLE and become a Great Wizard. I believed in the righteousness of my choice, my way, and my dreams. Nothing could get in my way. Nobody could persuade me that my goal was wrong. The only thing that worried me was that someone else would get there first and leave me behind with nothing. This treacherous thought sometimes spoiled my mood; it crept from the depth of my consciousness like a sharp cold blade and thrust itself into my mind and imagination. But I chased it away. I protected myself from this gross injustice, telling myself it would never happen. Because only I am ready to sacrifice everything in this life for the sake of my dream. I so badly want to become a Great Wizard and to make the whole world happy. My goal is noble. I want to be helpful to the world. I’m not doing it for myself. The people need this. That’s why I need the MIRACLE more than others, because if someone else where to have it, it would be just unfair. The world should contain not only Great Truth, but Great Justice as well. The world is not perfect. And bad things happen in it sometimes. Justice doesn’t always prevail. But not this time, not now, because right now we are talking about a great purpose – the purpose of all my life. And I feel everything should fall into place. With every cell in my body and every corner of my soul I felt I would succeed. And now when I return to the city, I will be able to shout loudly “Look I’ve done it”!

LIZY – Gelo, my dearest Gelo! I’m so happy for you. You can’t even imagine how happy I am. I have tears of joy for you.

GELO – That’s the last thing I need right now! Instead move out the way and don’t get in my way.

Walks up to the twinkling MIRACLE. When Gelo is about to touch it, there is a loud voice of the Keeper of Miracle.

VOICE OF KEEPER – Stop Gelo! You haven’t accomplished all the conditions of possessing the MIRACLE. Your soul is still very young and inexperienced. It floats in the dimension of dreams. You still haven’t learned the difference between confidence and arrogance, love and narcissism, self-sacrifice, and vanity. But your thoughts are pure. And because of this you can get the MIRACLE. But there is a price for everything. That’s why you have to sacrifice the most precious, sacred and true thing in your life.

GELO – What?! What should I sacrifice?

V.O.K. – You must sacrifice you love. You have to let go of Lizy. Don’t worry about her. Everything will be alright with her. But you will never see each other again, under any circumstances.

LIZY – Oh! How horrible.

GELO – No, I can’t. I love her.

V.O.K. – Then you won’t be able to obtain the MIRACLE. The realization of your dream requires the highest price. You have to choose what is more important to you: duty and vacation or love.

LIZY – It’s cruel! You can’t!

GELO – Wait. I’m ready to give up everything except Lizy.

V.O.K. – Gelo, you can’t haggle here. Take it or leave it!

Gelo is confused and upset. He sits down. Lizy sits down next to him and starts sniffling.

GELO – I don’t know what to do…

LIZY – Gelo, my darling! I feel as if I’m going to die right now.

GELO – Me too. I can’t leave without the MIRACLE. And without you I cannot…

LIZY – It must be fate. Obviously, we are doomed, and are not destined to be together.

GELO – Why are you talking like this? I haven’t even made my decision yet.

LIZY – No, the decision has already been made. It was decided when I went after you to help you achieve your goal. It was decided when Fadrius explained to me how I should act if I really loved you. And this decision was secured by my oath to Vedalia.

GELO – What oath? Why don’t I know anything about this oath?

LIZY – I took an oath so that I would do everything in my power to help you obtain the MIRACLE. I didn’t know it would turn out like this. Now the only way I will stay alive if you take the MIRACLE. And I have to stay alive; otherwise, I will break the oath and will die…

GELO – How could you do this!

LIZY – Don’t be angry with me please. For the sake of your dreams, I was ready to do anything.

GELO – You women are so egotistical after all. You didn’t even ask my opinion.

LIZY – Dear, Gelo. I’m devastated too…

GELO – Well, the decision has been made. There is nothing I can do but accept this. (Stands up and walks up to the MIRACLE) Keeper of the MIRACLE! I am ready to pay your price.

V.O.K. – Don’t worry about Lizy. She will live a good life, but very far away from you. You will never come across one another again. And remember the MIRACLE can only grant you one wish. Any but only one, don’t make a mistake! You can go home now. Your way back will be quick and easy. The MIRACLE will protect you from all obstacles. I wish you luck, young Wizard.

GELO – Thank you… Lizy, it’s time to say goodbye. I don’t even know what to say… On the one hand I feel happy because I have achieved my goal, but on the other hand I feel as if I have died…

LIZY – Don’t be upset Gelo. Everything will be all right with you. You will become a Great Wizard. You will be able to help people, and you will be happy because of it. And I will be happy to know that you are happy, love is the ability to make people you love happy.