Afghanistan 330
Agursky, Mikhail 7, 28
nationalism in literature 218
New Right indifference to politics 235-6
on Smena Vekh 60-1
Aitmatov, The Executioner's Block 328-9
Akhmatova, Requiem 344
alienation 85, 273, 274-5, 280-1
intellectuals and 101, 208-9
analytic tendency 262-71
Anastas'ev, A., anti-Semitism 227
Andropov, Yuri 317
Animal Farm (Orwell) 80-1
anti-Semitism 34n23, 133-4, 235
Babi Yar 150-1
nationalism 227, 233, 254n129, 337
Pamyat' 335, 354, 356
Stalinist anti-intellectualism 108, 128-9, 135
Zionism 225-6
‘Aquarium’ 330, 331
architecture 120
Arendt, Hannah 42
Armenia 132
arrests and punishment ix, xi, 24, 48, 53, 153
Stalinist 142-3
youth movement 147, 148
see also Counter-revolution: Red and White terrors; Stalin Arsen'ev, K.K., on failure of Vekhi 33
art (creativity) see culture
art (painting and painters) 4, 16, 100, 115
censorship of 105, 107, 116
Futurists 49, 167
Khrushchev and 175-6
patriotism 133-4
Asiatic influence autocracy 10–12, 76-7
mode of production 275-6, 286, 297–304
Astaf'ev 337
The Doleful Detective 328-9
Autobiography (Yevtushenko) 166, 200
autocracy 10–14, 76-7
see also Asiatic influence; statocracy
Babi Yar (Yevtushenko) 149-51, 184n96
Bakhtin, M.M., philosophy of culture 95, 278-80
theory of dialogue 233-4
Bakunin, Mikhail 359
Baron, Samuel 15
Batishchev, G., ‘The Active Essence of Man’ 275
Batkin, L., philosophy of culture 218, 280-2
on nationalism 222, 228
Beatles 331
Belinsky, Vissarion 20, 227
Western influences 228, 233
Bely, Andrei 49
Bence see Rakovsky
Berdyaev, Nikolai 14, 17, 31n96, 50, 235
Slavophilism 19, 225, 227, 232
Soviet state 50, 79
Vekhi 26, 27, 29, 30-1, 33
western influence 12, 13, 255n140
Besançon, A. 236
Bettelheim, Charles 84
Bibler, V.S., Thinking as Creativity 278-9
Birman, A. 191-2, 198
Black Hundreds 229, 230-1
see also nationalism 229
‘Black Square’ (Malevich) 49
Bloch, Ernst 313
Bloch, Marc 279
Blok, Alexander 49–50, 57
Bodkhovsky, M. 21
Boffa, Giuseppe 61, 90
Bolsheviks in power 43, 48, 60
on 22nd Congress 172-3
Bolsheviks anti-democratic 42-51
attempt to establish unified order 38–42
attitudes towards culture 56-60
foster intelligentsia 51-5
lose battle against bureaucracy 64-7 1
neo- movement 146, 148
religion and 28
split with Mensheviks 22-3, 25
see also Bukharin; Communism; counter-revolution; Lenin; Trotsky bourgeoisie 11, 39, 98, 227
step to socialism 23, 35n56, 80
Brave New World (Huxley) 59
Brezhnev, Leonid x, 113
rise of dissidents 211-51
stability xi, 181, 191, 312, 317
stagnation under 209-12, 357-8
Britain 132
Bronstein, Lev see Trotsky, Leon Brown, Archie 4
Brus, Wlodzimierz 77, 80, 359
Brym, Robert 25
Bulgakov, S. 31
Bukharin, Nikolai 36n80, 67, 93, 106
hopes for maturing working class 68-9
intelligentsia and 49, 56, 59, 92-3
rehabilitation 333, 354-5, 357
Shatrov makes film about 320-1
see also Bolsheviks
Bukovsky, Volodya 136, 145, 196, 240-1, 256n185
against censorship 147-8, 190
Bulgakov, Mikhail ix, 93, 1 19, 204
Bulgakov, S., Vekhi 26
Bulgarin, poet 205-7
Buravsky, A., Speak… 318
bureaucracy, literature of 158-9
bureaucracy 81, 87, 112, 360-1
nomenklatura rule 80, 83-4
post-revolutionary strengthening 64–71,76
sabotages Gorbachev 323
technocracy and 265-71
Burg, David, on youth movement 144-6
Burlatsky, F. 266-9, 302-3
Riddle and Lesson of N. Machiavelli 268-9
Two Views From One Office 327-8
Burzhuademov, K. (Sokiro) 244, 245, 310-11
Byzantium, Soviet parallels 298
Cadets (Constitutional Democratic Party) 25-6, 31-2, 33
Capital (Marx) 280
capitalism 63, 275-6
Russian 1 1, 294, 356
step to socialism 40, 78-9
Capon,G. 29
Carmichael, Joel 58, 66
de Castris, A.L. 86
censorship ix, 119, 157, 204
Bolshevik policy 43-6, 48, 53
difficulties in abstract arts 116
glasnost' 319, 341
inconsistent character 108-9
influence on culture 103–110
philosophy 286
self-censorship 104, 326-7
social sciences 105-7
Cerroni, Umberto 96
Chaadaev, P. Ya. 17, 224
Chalidze, V., legal Marxism 284
Chalmaev, V., ‘Inevitability’ 229-30
Chavance, Bernard 84
Chekhov, Anton 20, 116
Chernenko, Konstantin 317
Chernyshevsky, N.G. 20
Cheshkov, M.A. 106
history of Vietnam 300-2
state-class 82-3, 85
Chevènement, Jean-Pierre 99
Children of the Arbat (Rybakov) 321, 325,343
China 302-3
class intelligentsia and 6–7, 110-12
state as class 80-4, 85
see also workers and peasants
Claudin, Fernando 95
Club for Social Initiatives xi, 334, 353, 361
Cockburn, Patrick xi
Cohen, Stephen 45, 67
collectivism 91, 208, 287, 290-1, 357
Communism 63, 264, 284
barracks 96, 120, 178, 275-6, 286
crisis of reform ideology 200-11
not necessarily socialist 292
supernatural role of Party 84
‘True’ 242-5
see also Eurocommunism; socialism Concerning Marxism in Linguistics (Stalin) 130
cosmopolitanism see Jews and anti-Semitism counter-revolution 52
brings censorship 44
difficult for intelligentsia 48-51
Red and White terrors 46-7, 52, 63, 12n54, 239, 256n175
critical realism 115
cult of personality 142, 156, 172-3, 300
culture 84, 109
Bakhtin’s philosophy of 278-82
Bolsheviks’ attitude 56–60, 69–71
corruption of submission 120
creativity 94-7, 141, 309-10
cultural-political process 3–7, 16, 68, 250-1
materialism 261, 271
NEP period fruitful 51-5
political pressure on artists 84-5, 85-8, 92-3, 171
revolution causes emigration 50-1
social criticism 9-11, 13
struggle between talent and mediocrity 205-7
tradition 167-8
see also art; films; history; literature; music; science; theatre cybernetics 130, 197
Czechoslovakia economic reforms 194, 200