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Kopelev, L. 238

Kornai, Janos 359

Korolenko, V.G. 46, 47

Korotich, Vitaly, editor of Ogonyok 342

Kosesnitsky, I.F. 298

Kosterina, Nina 164

Kozhanov, V. 223–6

Kropotkin, Peter, Prince 47, 332

Kryakutnoy, balloonist fantasy 131

Kuban Cossacks 138

Kuvakin, V.A. 28, 61-2

Lakshin, Vladimir 161, 179, 338, 343

on Sozhenitsyn 166, 173, 177

Larin, Sergei 47-8

The Last Term (Rasputin) 219

Latsis, O. 192, 193

Lee, Jerzy 313

Left-wing xi-xii, 208-9, 337-40, 353, 362-4

manifesto 349-52

samizdat 346-7

theoretical languages 348-9

Western 363-4

Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, and Leninism attitudes towards culture 58, 69–71

battls bureaucracy 64, 66, 87

Christianity 27, 29–30

Bolshevik aims 40-1, 42-3, 44-8

intelligentsia and 32, 55-6, 68, 200, 357

New Economic Policy 194-5

on Thermidorian reaction 295

partisanship of literature 93

philosophy 18, 20, 119

workers and serfs 11, 23, 25

see also Bolsheviks; Communism; Marx and Marxism Leonhard, Wolfgang 6, 77, 247

Leonov, L., The Russian Forest 152-3

Lermontov, Mikhail 20

Lewin, Moshe 64, 66

Lezhnev, Isai 53-4, 62-3

liberalization xi, 339

disappointment after Khrushchev 201-3

Gorbachev era x, 318-40

Khrushchev 149-52, 154-5, 174-6, 180, 356

Life and Fate (Grossman) ix, 333-4, 344

Lifshitz, Mikhail 104, 140-1

Lim, A. 211-12

Lisichkin, G. 83-4, 192-5

literature and criticism 4

acceptance of Bolsheviks 49–50

analytic tendency 262-3

anti-Semitic 328-9

anti-Stalinist 164, 173-4, 176-9

book boom of 1970s 261

censorship 108, 189

changes under Gorbachev 320-1, 343-4

criticism 152-4, 165-6

dissident elite 214

history of 20, 95, 156

interpretation by nationalists 233-4

liberalization under Khrushchev 149-61

moral role of writers 6–7, 9, 16, 181-2

nationalism 218-19

post-reform disappointment 202-7

socialist realism 112-15, 116, 137-41

Stalinist control 93-4, 130

see also censorship; culture; publishing; theatre Labanov, M. 227

‘Educated Philistinism’ 229

The Louse (Shevtsov) 168-9

Lukács, Georg 273

Lukin, V. 300, 303

Lunacharsky, A.V. 119, 153

Luxemburg, Rosa 39, 43, 45, 64, 239

Lysenko, T. 121-2, 130, 188-9, 277

Lyubers 336-7

Lyubimov, Yuri 321-2, 324

Maksimov, A. 130, 238

Mal'kov, V. 180

Malevich, Kasimir, ‘Black Square’ 49

Marcuse, Herbert 68, 84, 86, 359

Marek, F. and E. Pischer, What Lenin Really Said 170

Markus, M. 292-3

Martinet, Gilles 91

Martov, Julius 46, 47, 239

Marx, Karl and Marxism alienation 85

Asiatic mode of production 10–11, 82

bureaucracy and 70, 80, 267

on censorship 104-5

‘class’ undefined 81 historical materialism 292-6

internationalism 228

superstructure and base schema 5–6 criticism of 30-1, 48, 78

degradation of 95-6, 176, 303-4

industrialism necessary 22-3, 41, 76, 178

philosophy 30, 272-8, 279-80, 282-8

politics 5, 79

religion of 36n80, 160, 221

renewed interest in 332, 345, 357

replaces local populism 36n57

see also dogma; Engels; philosophy; socialism Marxism in the 20th Century (Garaudy) 274

Mayakovsky, V. 49, 147-8, 200-1

Maydannik, K.L. 296

Medvedev, Roy 102, 148-9, 283, 306n62

on anti-Semitism 129

on exodus of peasants to cities 91

on Khrushchev era 142, 166

on Novy Mir 157

on Red and White terrors 239

Political Diary 9, 165

on Stalin 89, 190

Medvedev, Zhores 48, 51, 52, 147

against Lysenko 188-9, 277

A Meeting of the Party Committee (Gelman) 269-70

Mensheviks 64, 65

split with Bolsheviks 22, 25

Merezhkovsky, D. 28, 29, 34

Meshcheryakov, N. 54-5, 62

Metropol' (Vysotsky) 206

Michnik, A. 311

Mighty Handful 116

Milyukov 25-6, 33

Mlynař, Z. 198

moral criticism 180-2, 214-15

‘Mosaic’ 331

Moscow News 342

Mother (Gorky) 113, 205

Motyl', V. 261

Mounier, Emmanuel 135

music 115, 202

censorship 116, 130

rock 329-30, 331-2, 345

Naan,G. 130

Narodniks 21, 22-3, 332

nationalism 216-37, 337

Stalin 131-5

Slavophiles 17–18, 27, 216, 218-19, 221-31

Nedoshivin, G. 169-70

Nekrich, 22

June 1941 190 New Economic Policy 63, 64, 194-5

Nicaragua 363

Nineteen Eighty Four (Orwell) 80-1

Not By Bread Alone (Dudintsev) 157, 158-9

Novacherkassk strike 175

Novaya Rossiya 62, 63

Novaya Zhizn' 38-9, 42

Novy Mir 141, 166, 338

censorship 104, 105, 136-7, 140

economic theory 191

literary centre 157, 203-4, 213

loss of uniqueness 210-11

on corruption of creativity 120-1

revival 343

The Old Man (Trifanov) 262

On Idols and Ideals (Il'enkov) 273

‘On Sincerity in Literature’ (Pomerantsev) 137-41

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (Solzhenitsyn) 161, 173-4, 176-7, 178, 181

One-Dimensional Man (Marcuse) 86

The Origins of Totalitarianism (Arendt) 42

Orlov, V. 50

Orlova, R. 143

Ortega y Gasset, José 176

Orwell, George 5, 80-1, 288

Osipov, V. 232

Ostrovsky, The Storm 233

Our Revolution (Lenin) 40

Ovechkin, V. 104, 141

Pamyat' (Memory) 335, 348, 354, 356

Parfenov, Kirill 334, 335

Pasternak, Boris, Doctor Zhivago 104, 159, 344

Pavlovksy, Gleb 333, 335, 342

Pelikan, I. 201

People, Years, Life (Ehrenburg) 164-5, 167

Perakh, Mark 140

perestroika see Gorbachev, Mikhaiclass="underline" reforms

Peter I (the Great) 12–13, 41

Petrakov, N. 191, 199

Philosophical Notebooks (Lenin) 273

philosophy 4, 96, 272-8

Bakhtin and culture 278-82

dialectical 200, 273, 276-8

Engels 276-7

Hegel 19, 30, 273, 277

idealism 27, 29

Lenin 272-8, 279-80, 282-8

positivism 27

utopian 285-7

see also Frankfurt School; Marx and Marxism

Pirates of the Twentieth Century 260-1

Pischer, E. and F. Marek, What Lenin Really Said 170

Plan and Market (Lisichkin) 193-5

Plastov 116-17, 134

Plekhanov, ideology 120, 238