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“Who are you?” he finally asked.

“People trying not to get killed,” I replied. “Not that you’ve helped much.”

“How did you get here?”

“Your wife sent us.”

“My wife? Juliet? Why would she do that?”

My eyes, however, had turned to the Romans approaching the cave’s entrance.

“Be quiet,” I said. “Your new friends are coming to visit.”

Chapter 14

Now I’ve been in some hellish scrapes during my fifty-plus years on this planet, but in spite of all that followed, I can’t think of a time when I felt as much absolute raw terror as I did that morning in the cave.

Lavon, too, had turned pale, as well he might. That the others hadn’t was only due to their blessed ignorance of the typical fate of Roman prisoners.

About twenty feet away, three soldiers stepped cautiously toward the entrance with their swords drawn and their shields held high. The rising sun shone straight into their eyes and I could tell they were hesitant to go charging into the darkness, not knowing what dangers might lurk inside.

That was the only thing keeping our merry little band alive, but it wouldn’t last long. We had to figure something out, and fast.

It’s strange, the thoughts that come to mind in times of mortal peril. I recalled a BBC interview I had seen many years before, featuring a survivor of the Piper Alpha oil rig disaster in the North Sea. The man had jumped over a hundred feet into freezing water. When asked why, he said the choice was simple: the rig was on fire; certain death lay behind; only probable death lay ahead; so he jumped.

I glanced back toward the interior of the cave. I couldn’t see how far it ran, but it surely came to an end. If the Romans came in after us, they would kill everyone and sort it out later. We had no real options.

I leaned over to Lavon and whispered, “Can you tell them we’re travelers, that we’re not their enemies?”

He had reached the same conclusion. He cupped his hands to his mouth and shouted in Greek.

The soldiers stopped, though they did not lower their swords. One, however, called out and moments later, a senior man appeared. The red transverse crest of a centurion topped his helmet.

“Come out,” the officer ordered.

As Lavon translated, I took stock of our odds. Both he and Markowitz were clean shaven, while the Romans’ enemies that morning all had beards — Jewish Zealots, I guessed. We had a plausible chance.

“Tell him not to kill us,” I said. “Tell him we’re not Jews.”

Markowitz spoke for the first time. “I’m Jewish.”

“That’s not something I would advertise right now,” I grunted.

Lavon spoke once more in halting Greek. Nothing happened for a second or two, but then the soldiers lowered their swords. Though the Romans continued to hold their shields high, this was at least a step in the right direction.

We had one last card to play. I tapped Sharon on the shoulder and instructed her to say, in loud English, “We’re a peaceful people. Don’t hurt us please.”

She protested. “They won’t understand a word.”

“Just do it,” I said. “Let them hear a woman’s voice.”

This had the intended effect. The soldiers finally lowered their shields, even though their wary expressions did not entirely disappear.

I turned to Lavon again. “We’re going to have to go out. Tell them we have no weapons.”

He did so; then he lifted Sharon to her feet and pulled back her shawl to expose her blonde hair. After a quick instruction not to resist in any way, I gently nudged her toward the cave’s mouth.

At the sight of her, the centurion visibly relaxed and ordered his men to take a few steps back.

That was progress, I thought. We might live to see the end of this day after all.

She walked slowly toward the Roman with her hands held shoulder-high. As she got close, the centurion pointed to a spot of flat ground off to his right and motioned for her to sit.

Sharon followed these instructions and sat upright, with her arms around her knees. A junior soldier hovered over her, but he made no overtly hostile move.

After watching for a few more seconds, Lavon glanced back and took a deep breath. “Well, here goes nothing.”

He stepped out of the cave with his hands in the air and received the same instruction. This time a Roman pushed him to the ground, though Lavon quickly collected himself and crawled to Bergfeld’s right, where he sat upright in a similar fashion, with his hands easily visible.

The rest of us followed, and after being frisked — none too gently, I might add — we found ourselves seated on the ground, facing the cave’s mouth.

A couple of the soldiers began to rummage through our bags, but found no weapons other than my small folding knife. One of them opened and closed the knife with great curiosity, but the centurion soon ordered him back to his duties.

A second soldier pulled a sack of coins from Markowitz’s bag. The centurion once again shook his head, so the legionnaire replaced the money and joined his comrades — reluctantly, I could tell, since I don’t think their morning’s exertions had brought them much in the way of loot.

I could see right away that our centurion was an old pro. A few minutes later, he called for a torch and sent two men into the cave, just to be sure. They emerged after a short time, shaking their heads, and at that point, the immediate tension abated. Whoever we were, he could see that we were not Zealots.

The soldiers had not yet completed their tasks, though. The officer glanced up the hill and signaled to a legionnaire standing next to their supply wagon. Then he turned and motioned for us to stand up and follow him.

As we trudged up the slope, a handful of nearby Romans searched through the scrub for wounded enemies hiding in the brush. Those they found, they either finished off with swords or crushed their skulls with their heavy shields.

At each splat, Markowitz and Bergfeld gasped, without understanding the kind hand fate had dealt these men. That may seem an odd type of kindness to the uninitiated, but everything’s relative, as we all would see shortly.

Chapter 15

When we got up to the road, a soldier directed us to sit off to one side, across from their supply wagon. The centurion and Lavon got into a conversation, and I watched him point to a short stick about five feet to his right and gesture to the Roman in supplication.

The centurion nodded. Lavon picked up the stick and scratched something in the dirt that looked like a map, as several other legionnaires watched with great interest. For his finishing touch, he drew three large triangles near the bottom right-hand corner of his diagram.

The Roman officer stared at the ground for a minute; then he burst out laughing and directed Lavon back over to join us.

I couldn’t tell what the man found so humorous, but I thought it best to remain silent for the moment. Aside from a few leering glances toward Sharon, the soldiers paid little attention to the strangers in their midst. I wanted to keep it that way.

I looked around and counted about eighty in all. Two legionnaires stood as lookouts at the top of the tallest nearby hill, about a hundred feet away, while twenty or so others gathered equipment that had been scattered in the fight and brought it back to the wagon.

To our west, a group of about a dozen — either men new to the unit or soldiers on punishment detail, I guessed — had the unenviable task of collecting disemboweled Zealot bodies, which they stacked haphazardly by the side of the road.

I counted thirty-eight dead Zealots, and the soldiers gathering the enemy corpses didn’t appear close to finishing their work. Against this, only six Roman casualties had come hobbling back; all but two under their own power.

“Efficient, aren’t they?” I muttered to Lavon.