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2. A big bad wolf is unable to destroy the third pig’s house, made of sticks.

3. A big bad wolf is unable to destroy the third pig’s house, made of bricks.

4. A big bad wolf is unable to destroy the third pig’s house, made of glass.

2. How does the wolf attempt to trick the pig out of the house?

1. The wolf attempts to trick the pig out of the house by showing him turnips.

2. The wolf attempts to trick the pig out of the house by asking to meet him at various places.

3. The wolf attempts to trick the pig out of the house by giving him red apples.

4. The wolf attempts to trick the pig out of the house by offering him some help.

3. What is a chin?

1. one of the two channels of the nose

2. the organ of vision

3. the lowermost part of the face

4. the organ that detects sound

4. Where does the pig catch the wolf?

1. The pig catches the wolf in a cauldron of cold water.

2. The pig catches the wolf in a box.

3. The pig catches the wolf in a jar.

4. The pig catches the wolf in a cauldron of boiling water.

5. The most well-known version of the story is an award-winning cartoon, which was produced by ___________________.

1. Jack Elrod

2. Charles Gibson

3. Walt Disney

4. Benjamin Franklin

6. Выберите правильный вариант:

1. A big bad wolf is able to blow down the first two pigs’ houses, made of bricks and wood respectively.

2. A big bad wolf is able to blow down the first two pigs’ houses, made of straw and wood respectively.

3. A big bad wolf is able to blow down the first two pigs’ houses, made of straw and bricks respectively.

4. A big bad wolf is able to blow down the first two pigs’ houses, made of glass and wood respectively.

7. What does it mean, “to seek their fortune”?

1. to go in search or quest of luck

2. to ask for advice

3. to try to obtain some food

4. to attempt to do something

8. Why did the first pig build his house out of straw?

1. Because he was nervous.

2. Because he had much straw.

3. Because it was the easiest thing to do.

4. Because he did not know what to do.

9. Выберите нужный глагол:

The wolf then _____________ to the house of sticks and knocked at the door.

1. blew

2. gave

3. came

4. come

10. Выберите нужные глаголы:

When the wolf finally _____________ the hole in the chimney he ____________ down the chimney and ___________ right into the pot.

1. found, fell, crawled

2. crawled, fell, found

3. fell, found, crawled

4. found, crawled, fell

11. Выберите нужный послелог:

for – of – out – on

The third pig’s brick house turns _____________ to be the only one which is adequate to withstand the wolf.

12. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. How many animals are mentioned in the story?

2. What Merry Garden?

3. What have you learned about the piggies?

4. What do you like and what don’t you like in the story?

5. What would you do if you were[16] the main character of the story?

6. What is the end of the story?

7. Retell the story.

13. Заполните таблицу:


1. A big bad wolf is unable to destroy the third pig’s house, made of bricks.

2. The wolf attempts to trick the pig out of the house by asking to meet him at various places.

3. the lowermost part of the face

4. The pig catches the wolf in a cauldron of boiling water.

5. The most well-known version of the story is an award-winning cartoon, which was produced by Walt Disney.

6. A big bad wolf is able to blow down the first two pigs’ houses, made of straw and wood respectively.

7. to go in search or quest of luck

8. Because it was the easiest thing to do.

9. The wolf then came to the house of sticks and knocked at the door.

10. When the wolf finally found the hole in the chimney he crawled down the chimney and fell right into the pot.


out; The third pig’s brick house turns out to be the only one which is adequate to withstand the wolf.


The Fish and the Ring

Once upon a time, there was a mighty Baron in the North Country who was a great magician and knew everything that would come to pass.[17] So one day, when his little boy was four years old, he looked into the Book of Fate[18] to see what would happen to him. And to his dismay, he found that his son would wed a lowly maid[19] that had just been born in a small house. Now the Baron knew the father of the little girl was very, very poor, and he had five children already. So he called for his horse, and rode to the father’s house, and saw him sitting by the door, sad and doleful. So he dismounted and went up to him and said, “What is the matter, my good man?” And the man said, “Well, your honour,[20] the fact is, I have five children already, and now the sixth one comes, a little girl, and where to get the bread from to fill their mouths, that’s more than I can say.”

“Don’t cry, my dear man,” said the Baron. “If that’s your trouble, I can help you. I’ll take away the last little one, and you won’t have to bother about her.”

“Thank you kindly, sir,” said the man; and he went in and brought out the little girl and gave her to the Baron, who mounted his horse and rode away with her. And when he got by the bank of the river, he threw the little girl into the river, and rode off to his castle.

But the little girl didn’t sink; her clothes kept her up for a time,[21] and she floated, and she floated, till she was cast ashore just in front of a fisherman’s hut. There the fisherman found her, and took pity on the poor little girl and took her into his house, and she lived there till she was fifteen years old. So she became a fine handsome girl.

One day it happened that the Baron went out hunting[22] with some companions along the banks of the river, and stopped at the fisherman’s hut to get a drink, and the girl came out to give it to them. They all noticed her beauty, and one of them said to the Baron, “You can read fates, Baron, whom will she marry, how do you think?”

“Oh! that’s easy to guess,” said the Baron; “some farmer or other. But I’ll cast her horoscope. Come here, girl, and tell me on what day you were born.”

“I don’t know, sir,” said the girl, “I was picked up just here. The river brought me down[23] about fifteen years ago.”

Then the Baron knew who she was, and when they went away, he rode back and said to the girl, “Listen to me, girl, I will make your fortune. Take this letter to my brother, and you will be settled for life.” And the girl took the letter and said she would go. Now this is what he had written in the letter:

“Dear brother,

Take the bearer and put her to death immediately.”

So soon after the girl left, and slept for the night at a little inn. Now that very night[24] a band of robbers broke into the inn, and searched the girl, who had no money, and only the letter. So they opened this and read it. The captain of the robbers took a pen and paper and wrote this letter:



What would you do if you were – что бы вы сделали на месте



knew everything that would come to pass – знал всё, что произойдёт



the Book of Fate – Книга Судеб



a lowly maid – девушка из низшего сословия



your honour – ваша часть



kept her up for a time – держали её некоторое время на плаву



went out hunting – отправился на охоту



the river brought me down – река вынесла меня



now that very night – и как раз в ту самую ночь