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3. What is magic?

1. the act of producing musical sounds with the voice

2. a form of communication between two demons

3. a performing art that entertains audiences

4. the use of paranormal methods to manipulate natural forces

4. What did the foolish pupil one day do with the magic book?

1. The foolish pupil decided to burn it.

2. The foolish pupil brought it to the library.

3. The foolish pupil did absolutely nothing.

4. The foolish pupil began to study.

5. What did the demon do when the pupil summoned him?

1. The demon tried to steal the book.

2. The demon appeared and demanded a task from the foolish pupil.

3. The demon disappeared at once.

4. The demon wanted to play magic games.

6. Закончите предложение:

The demon went on watering the flower until _______________________________.

7. Выберите правильный вариант:

1. The master remembered that he had left his book unlocked, returned and dispelled the demon.

2. The master remembered that he had left his money at home and returned.

3. The master did not want to dispell the demon.

4. The master never returned.

8. Why did the pupil order the demon to water the flower?

1. Just in case.[40]

2. He wanted to have a good garden.

3. He liked plants very much.

4. He wanted to save his life.

9. Выберите правильный ответ:

“Enough, enough!” cried the lad; but the demon did not hear him. Why?

1. Because the demon was deaf.

2. Because the lad didn’t know the words by which to send the demon away.

3. Because the demon was angry with the boy.

4. Because the demon did not speak English.

10. Выберите нужный глагол:

The water _____________ to the boy’s knees and still more water was poured.

1. rise

2. rising

3. rose

4. risen

11. Выберите нужный предлог:

in – with – on – out

The master remembered _____________ his journey that he had not locked his book, and therefore returned.

12. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. How many persons are mentioned in the story?

2. What is the master’s occupation?

3. What do magicians usually do?

4. What do you like and what don’t you like in the characters?

5. What would you do if you were the main character of the story?

6. What is the end of the story?

7. Retell the story.

13. Заполните таблицу:


1. A learned man had a book in which he had the knowledge to control demons.

2. A demon is a supernatural, malevolent being.

3: the use of paranormal methods to manipulate natural forces

4. The foolish pupil one day found it open and read a spell from it.

5. The demon appeared and demanded a task from the foolish pupil.

6. The demon went on watering the flower until the room was filling with water.

7. The master remembered that he had left his book unlocked, returned and dispelled the demon.

8. He wanted to save his life.

9. Because the lad didn’t know the words by which to send the demon away.

10. rose; The water rose to the boy’s knees and still more water was poured.


The master remembered on his journey that he had not locked his book, and therefore returned.


Jack the Giant-Killer

When good King Arthur[41] reigned, there lived a farmer who had one only son called Jack. He was brisk and very smart, so nobody or nothing could worst him.

In those days the country was kept by a huge giant. He was eighteen feet in height, and about three yards round the waist, of a fierce and grim countenance, the terror of all the neighbouring towns and villages. He lived in a cave in the midst of the Mount, and whenever he wanted food he would go and furnish himself with whatever came in his way.[42] Everybody at his approach ran out of their houses, while he seized on their cattle. The Giant could carry a dozen oxen on his back at a time;[43] and as for their sheep and hogs, he would tie them round his waist. He had done this for many years, so that all the people were in despair.

One day Jack came to the town-hall when the magistrates were sitting in council about the Giant. He asked, “What reward will be given to the man who kills the Giant?” “The giant’s treasure,” they said, “will be the reward.” Jack said, “Then let me undertake it.[44]

So he got a horn, shovel, and axe, and went over to the Mount in the beginning of a dark winter’s evening, when he began to work. Before morning he had dug a pit twenty-two feet deep, and nearly as broad, covering it over with long sticks and straw. Then he strewed a little mould over it, so that it appeared like[45] plain ground. Jack then sat on the opposite side of the pit, farthest from the Giant’s lodging, and, just at the break of day, he put the horn to his mouth, and blew very hard.

This noise roused the Giant, who rushed from his cave, crying, “Hey you, have you come here to disturb my rest? You shall pay dearly for this.[46] I will have satisfaction! I will take you whole and broil you for breakfast.”

He had no sooner uttered this, than he tumbled into the pit, and made the very foundations of the Mount to shake. “Oh, Giant,” said Jack, “where are you now? I can’t believe your threatening words: what do you think now of broiling me for your breakfast? Will no other diet serve you but poor Jack?” Then he gave him a very weighty knock with his axe on the very crown of his head, and killed him on the spot.

Jack then filled up the pit with earth, and went to search the cave, where he found much treasure. So he become rich and happy even more.

The Golden Arm

Here was once a man who travelled the land all over[47] in search of a wife. He saw young and old, rich and poor, pretty and plain, and could not meet with one to his mind.[48] At last he found a woman, young, fair, and rich, who possessed a right arm of solid gold. He married her at once, and thought no man so fortunate as he was.[49] They lived happily together, but, though he wished people to think otherwise, he was fonder of the golden arm[50] than of all his wife’s gifts besides.

At last she died. The husband put on black clothes, and pulled the longest face at the funeral. But in the middle of the night, he dug up the body, and cut off the golden arm. He hurried home to hide his treasure, and thought no one would know.

The following night he put the golden arm under his pillow, and was just falling asleep, when the ghost of his dead wife glided into the room. Stalking up to the bedside it drew the curtain, and looked at him reproachfully. Pretending not to be afraid, he spoke to the ghost, and said, “What have you done with your red cheeks?”

“All withered and wasted away,” replied the ghost, in a hollow tone.



Just in case. – На всякий случай.



King Arthur – король Артур (легендарный вождь бриттов V–VI вв., собравший при своём дворе доблестнейших и благороднейших рыцарей Круглого стола. О подвигах Артура и его рыцарей существуют многочисленные легенды и рыцарские романы).



with whatever came in his way – тем, что попадалось у него на пути



at a time – за раз



Then let me undertake it. – Тогда давайте я за это возьмусь.



so that it appeared like – чтобы она выглядела как



You shall pay dearly for this. – Ты за это дорого заплатишь.



who travelled the land all over – который изъездил весь свет



could not meet with one to his mind – не мог себе найти никого по душе



no man so fortunate as he was – никто не был столь удачлив, как он



he was fonder of the golden arm – он больше любил золотую руку

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