"Oh," Lucy said, sounding deflated. "Well, it was a lovely fancy. While it lasted." "Yes."
The sun was already starting to tilt against the tip-top crowns of the trees; in the long spring light the countless green buds of summer leaves to come flamed into perfect gold. Just beyond them a rainbow began to form, the colors growing truer and firmer as she watched.
A pair of birds soared through it, free as the wind, and for a very brief instant Paola allowed herself the luxury of imagining what it might be like, to fly like that, to sail through clear, enchanted colors and sky.
A lovely fancy, indeed.
Did they live or did they perish?
Which ripple of time stretched through the dark sparkling universe with the most profound force?
In some, the drakon thrived, grew vibrant in their secret worlds, bred stronger and stronger and lived to dance with their particular mesmerizing elegance in and out of the human race, changing histories, changing destinies, all unseen by the lesser beings.
In some, war lived, and nothing else.
Rez and her prince leapt ahead into a future that had not been written. Their bonded hearts forged their way, and through war or peace, they loved. Rez was right: That never changed.
In the center of it all, the Dragon of Time opens his eyes and cranes his monstrous head, searching for his meal, never sated.
But in our deep spreading ripple, the drakon dance among us still.
About the Author
SHANA ABE is the award-winning author of twelve novels, including The Smoke Thief, The Dream Thief, Queen of Dragons, and The Treasure Keeper. She lives in the Denver area with five surly pet house rabbits, all rescued, and a big goofy dog.