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Then, without releasing the turgid stiffness that penetrated her lust-wracked lips, she swiveled her hips around behind her and climbed upon his chest in such a manner that her nakedly splayed wet pussy lips ended up in full view and only inches from his face! Looking head on into the narrow hair-rimmed lips of her vagina, Larry Hanger let out a low-pitched whistle. Merely the sight of so perfectly formed a pair of puckering labia stimulated his fondest sense of admiration and regard! "Ooooh, honey, this is as nice a little cunt as I've ever had the privilege of!"

With his fingers she took hold of the two clit-wet labia and spread them out so that he had an unencumbered view of her aroused clit. "Say," he commented, "you got a pretty nice-sized little button here, honey!" And this, from Larry Hangers's point of view, was quite an understatement, for the young blonde girl's clitoris was easily three-quarters of an inch long and somewhat fatter than the back of a tack. "Oooh, yeah, baby, this is gonna be some fun!"

She backed up slightly when she heard him say that, and without hesitating for even an instant, Larry lifted his head to close the distance between his mouth and her cunt and began sliding his slippery tongue against her glistening, puckered pubic lips.

"Uuuuuunnnnnnhhh," she moaned with obvious obscene pleasure, and so taken was she by the sudden shudder of desirous chill that charged her spine and shook her hips that she had to release his cock temporarily from her mouth and simply pant for breath! "Oooooh, Gawd…! Faawwwwkkkk…! Gawd…!" she groaned animalishly as his tongue swabbed the knobby little clitoral flesh in her vagina labia. Every now and then he pressed his tongue into the narrow wet tunnel itself, and on such occasions Angela stopped breathing all together so that she could concentrate that much more on the feel of the thick tongue flesh inside her belly!

Larry opened his eyes between tongue-fucks and espied the young blonde girl's asshole. The rubbery orifice beckoned to him, and he could feel his prick re-doubling in strength with the thought of what he planned to do sometime, someday, with that little asshole of hers! "Ooooh, yeah," he hissed, and he dove back into her pussy, hungrily licking and sucking her inflamed labia and her aroused clitoris!

After another moment or two of this oral fucking in her cunt, after adjusting to the flame like passions that licked and burned between her comely warm thighs, which from time to time she clamped tightly around Larry's face, Angela Heet went back to licking and sucking his glistening wet prick! So carried away were the twosome with their oral fucking that neither of them heard Ken Atwell stand up to answer a knock at the front door. Nor did Larry Hanger or Angela Heet hear Cindy Hanger's first jealous, frightful wail, the short screech under her breath that she let out upon seeing her husband obscenely sprawled beneath and licking another woman's cunt!


"Oo-oh!" Cindy cried pitiably upon seeing the lewd spectacle of her husband of less than two months glued in adulterous oral contact to the saucy wet gash of her best friend, Angela Heet. She stood dumbfounded at the front door alongside Ken Atwell, who was naked and gaining another erection merely from imagining what it would be like to get his hands on the young bride. "Come in, come in," he said, shutting the door behind her. "Don't just stand there, come in!"

She stepped forward slightly, more in awe of the strange naked coupling in front of her on the living room floor than for any other reason, and she stood staring, gazing down on the obscenely tangled couple as they furiously licked each other's genitals into more and more arousal.

"Wh-Wh-What are they doing?" she stammered at Ken Atwell, and then she looked up and down his body, for the first time realizing that he stood there completely naked before her! She raised her hand to her mouth in horror and secret fascination, wondering what this amazing scene was all about!

"Why, I think they're eating pizza! That must be it! Why yes, they must be eating pizza," said Ken Atwell sarcastically. "Let's join them, shall we?" He took her arm and she backed away nervously, still in shock and not. comprehending the obscene orgy-like nature of the little sex play being acted out in front of her.

They must be crazy! She told herself. She calls me up and says to come over here… and there she is on the floor… with my husband! She shook her head numbly back and forth, stepping backwards against the living room wall, and then the shock of the scene hit her completely and she let out a short, strong shout, "Larry! God, Larry, what on earth are you doin?!"

Stunned and surprised, having completely forgotten that his wife was on her way over, Larry Hanger pulled his head out from between Angela Heet's warm clasping thighs and he wiped his mouth of the glistening wet clit juice that was there from his licking in Angela's overheated pussy. "Oh, Cindy," he said softly, "I'm glad you're here. I-I-I was just telling Angela about, ah, how I was glad she'd called you and-" It had been one thing to think about turning his wife on sexually, about having an orgy, but it was entirely a different thing to actually explain to her what he had in mind.

"This is incredible," she moaned. "My best friend, my new husband, some strange man…" She looked at Ken Atwell. "You're all naked!"

They looked down at their aroused naked genitals the way a drunk would regard the forgotten bottle in his hands and then back at Cindy Hanger. "So?" said Angela Heet, the first to speak. "You saw me naked like this just this afternoon, right!?"

"Well, yes, but you weren't with my husband then!"

"No, I wasn't, but the reason I'm with your husband now is because he, wants to help you get excited sexually, and so does Ken. That's why we're all here. We just want to help you 'with your sexual problems."

"No thank you!" she moaned with obvious pain in her voice, trying to avert her eyes from the sight of the naked man and woman. "Angela, we've been friends for years! How could you do this to me?" She turned around and faced away from them.

It was then that Ken Atwell inspected the young bride, as if for the first time. She was wearing a short mauve skirt and a clinging yellow tank-top. Her hips and buttocks were full well-rounded and yet, somehow, girlish. Even with her back partially to him, he could tell that Cindy Hanger had large, curvacious breasts. Already a new hardness was springing between his legs, just from imagining what it would be like to seduce this arousing young woman in front of him.

"Say, Larry," said Ken, "would you mind if I went first with your wife? Just to kind of get the ball rolling?"

"No, Ken, that would be just fine with me," said Larry from the floor, leaning on his elbow between Angela's splayed thighs. "Why don't you warm her up some, just for kicks." This last was said with such coolness that it even surprised Angela.

Cindy turned around on all of them. "No thank you," she said under her breath, and she started for the door again. "I'm going home to pack my things, Larry. I think we can get an annulment and that will be that." The look on her face was fierce and determined. She started for the door.

But before she could get anywhere near it, Larry Hanger was up and off the living room floor, across the room in one quick step and grabbing hold of his young bride around the arm. "You're not going anywhere. Not for a while, anyhow. You're going to stay here with us until I say you can leave. Then you can have your annulment."

She shook free for an instant of his hold on her arm and started forward. Ken Atwell stepped in front of her, his huge naked body gleaming like a flesh roadblock. "Please get out of my way," she said. "I want to leave."

"I don't think your husband wants you to leave," said Ken Atwell, taking his cock in his hand and stroking it softly while talking to the young girl. "And I know I don't want you to leave. How about you, Angela? Do you want Cindy to leave?"

Angela's young eyes caressed Cindy's fine body, and she said, "No, I don't want her to leave. I want her to stay, stay, stay as a matter of fact!"

"Looks like you're out voted," said Ken Atwell. "Why not just take off your clothes and enjoy yourself-with the rest of us!"

She looked down to where he was fondling himself and closed her eyes in disgust. She'd never seen a man stroking his cock like that, and even the sight of it offended her. "I, ah… please… please let me go home!" she said softly, her voice bleating and fearful.

"Now, now," said Ken Atwell, extending one hand to her shoulder and touching her lightly there, "you just-"

Cindy recoiled from his touch, backing away. "Larry," she intoned, "please, let me go! I won't bother you… I won't bother you at all! Just let me go home! You and your friends can have all the sex you want, and-"

"No, Cindy," said Larry, an angry rage burning in his voice. "I spent three months courting you, listening to your lousy promises, hearing you beg your way out of this situation and out of that one, promising me that you'd come around sooner or later. Well, tonight you're going to come around for sure! No more promises. No more getting out of it. Tonight, my darling young bride, before you go and leave home and get your annulment, before you promise me anything else, you're going to give me everything! You hear me? Everything!"

Fearfully, never having heard her husband angry like this, she backed against the living room wall. Her shoulders trembled with fright, for she had a terrible overwhelming sensation of powerlessness. She looked from one to the other of them, hoping for mercy and compassion. Instead, they slowly but surely closed in on her, their naked sweating bodies suddenly predominating her helplessness.

"Please…? Please…?" she begged pitiably, but they kept coming until they were all three of them upon her!