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Angela's young eyes caressed Cindy's fine body, and she said, "No, I don't want her to leave. I want her to stay, stay, stay as a matter of fact!"

"Looks like you're out voted," said Ken Atwell. "Why not just take off your clothes and enjoy yourself-with the rest of us!"

She looked down to where he was fondling himself and closed her eyes in disgust. She'd never seen a man stroking his cock like that, and even the sight of it offended her. "I, ah… please… please let me go home!" she said softly, her voice bleating and fearful.

"Now, now," said Ken Atwell, extending one hand to her shoulder and touching her lightly there, "you just-"

Cindy recoiled from his touch, backing away. "Larry," she intoned, "please, let me go! I won't bother you… I won't bother you at all! Just let me go home! You and your friends can have all the sex you want, and-"

"No, Cindy," said Larry, an angry rage burning in his voice. "I spent three months courting you, listening to your lousy promises, hearing you beg your way out of this situation and out of that one, promising me that you'd come around sooner or later. Well, tonight you're going to come around for sure! No more promises. No more getting out of it. Tonight, my darling young bride, before you go and leave home and get your annulment, before you promise me anything else, you're going to give me everything! You hear me? Everything!"

Fearfully, never having heard her husband angry like this, she backed against the living room wall. Her shoulders trembled with fright, for she had a terrible overwhelming sensation of powerlessness. She looked from one to the other of them, hoping for mercy and compassion. Instead, they slowly but surely closed in on her, their naked sweating bodies suddenly predominating her helplessness.

"Please…? Please…?" she begged pitiably, but they kept coming until they were all three of them upon her!


"Let's take her clothes off," said Larry Hanger, his eyes burning red like coals. "Come on!"

He took hold of his trembling wife by the arm and dragged her into the center of the living room. With one quick hand he ripped down the middle of her simple cotton blouse and opened up the front of it, revealing the big halter brassiere which she wore to support her comely voluptuous breasts.

"No, Ken… Please… No more…" She shook her head back and forth, pleading with, him, but she could see from the intense look in his eyes that he had no intention of stopping. Suddenly he grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her up against his chest. He reached around behind her and undid the clasp of her brassiere, pulling down as he pushed her away the shreds of her blouse. Her big white breasts came pouring out from under the protection of her brassiere and the nipples were sticking upright, aroused with fright.

"Wow!" groaned Ken Atwell. "Your wife's got nice big tits, man! You know? Really nice ones!"

"Wouldn't you love to suck on one of those?!" said Larry Hanger with a snarl. "Sure you would." He reached out and cupped one of the large, creamy breasts, pressing the nipple into his palm. "Sure you would," he continued. "You'd love to suck on this big ripe white breast, Ken, right? But just try to. This little lady here doesn't know about what turns her on, see? So you suck on a tit like this, you put your tongue on the nipple and you think maybe she'll get just a little bit hot, right? But no, not her! She's got to hold back. You could suck those breasts-" He let go of her voluptuous white breast and turned away for a moment. "-all fucking night long, and you'd be lucky if she so much as smiled or breathed a little deeper…"

"That cold, eh?" said Ken Atwell.

"Please," she said, sobbingly shaking her head and beginning to cry on account of the humiliation. "I'm not like that. And Larry, this isn't right. You know it's not right, and-"

He turned back around and grabbed her by the hips, again pulling her forward. "Lemme show you something else about this little lady, Ken," he said, tugging on the waistband of her skirt. "Lemme show you how her cunt is, too!" He yanked on the zipper that held her skirt closed, and then he pulled the snap undone and revealed her panties and the garters that held up her stockings. "Look at all that paraphernalia she's got on there. It's enough to stop a tank, right?"

He snickered at his own little description of his young bride-wife, and then he started grabbing for her silky panties and for the stockings which covered her long shapely legs. "I'm gonna undress you, honey, right here in front of these kind friends of ours, and then you're gonna put out! For the first time in your life, you're really going to put out! You know what I mean?"

It took him a minute, fighting against her flailing arms and kicking legs, but he managed to undress her. She was crying big salty wet tears, and the streaming down her cheeks left little white streaks on her heated, blushing face. She was struggling with him all the way to the floor, but finally, laying flat under him on Ken Atwell's living room, she gave way for a moment, hissing in an angry whisper instead in his ear: "I'll never forgive you for humiliating me this way… Never! Do you hear? Never… never… never…!"

"Baby," he said, sitting up a little off of her body, "I want to tell you something: I'll never forgive you for holding out on me on the one thing I wanted from you. You hear me? That's why you're here tonight. That's why these people are gonna help me. So that you give me what you should have given me a long, long time ago." He leaned down and kissed his wife harshly on the lips, filling her mouth and resistant throat with his tongue.

She tried to refuse the familiar feel of his Frenching tongue, but somehow it was a learned response in her to provide him in this small way, and she couldn't help but let him kiss her passionately. She tried to slow her body's responding heat, too, because she knew that it wouldn't be enough to just fuck him on this night, that he was going to ask for much, much more, and that if she let him get a little hold on her now, he would take everything… and she was afraid of that… desperately afraid… and ashamed, too!

"Please!" she groaned when he let her breathe again. "Please! Let me go!"

But he leaned down into her again, this time kissing her even longer, beginning to pump his hips against her pelvis, pulling one leg up between her long smooth loins and providing the inner slicks of her supple, ample thighs with his muscularly pumping upper leg. His thickened cock rested comfortably against the hollow of her pelvis, the blood-engorged head of his throbbing member sliding and grinding right alongside her pubic triangle. He held her two voluptuous creamy breasts in his squeezing hands while he continued to kiss her passionately.

Up above, watching like hungry crows, Ken Atwell and Angela Heet looked upon the beginning of this ravishing defilement with lewd vicarious satisfaction. They watched the way the young bride struggled unsuccessfully for her much desired freedom and Ken Atwell especially enjoyed seeing Cindy slowly but surely submit to the unwanted passions of her voluptuous body!

"Look at her go," he said, seeing the way she was involuntarily responding to her defiling husband's hands and grinding hips. "She's gettin' turned on whether she likes it or not!"

"Yeah," murmured Angela Heet, a little more sympathetic to the young bride's predicament, "but I think you could be a little nicer to her, Larry."

The revengeful husband looked back ever his shoulder at Angela Heet. "What's that, baby-doll? You fearing for your friend here?"

"I just think you could be a little nicer to her, that's all. You don't have to prove you're right about her being cold by hurting her."

"Suppose you show me what you mean, eh?" He laughed, thinking that Angela Heet would not know what to do next.

"Sure," she said. "You just hold her a little for me first, okay?"

"Sure," said Larry, dumbfounded himself. "Why not? Come on, Ken. You can help me."

Ken Atwell got down on his hands and knees and held the young bride by the ankles. He had her splayed openly, her legs spread wide apart, her loins as far from each other as possible. He looked lasciviously up the length of her body to where her pelvis shined clean and white, to where her pubis was bristling with curly hairs and her puckering pink lips were openly wet.