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"Oooh, God," she moaned sufferingly, "nooooo! Nooooo!"

"Shut up you bitch!" yelled Ken Atwell. "You know you want it just as much as the next girl!" His hand was now between their two wrestling bodies, and she could feel him taking hold of his hardened penis and pressing the tip in the vicinity of her nakedly puckered pussy.

Next, despite her protest and her attempts to struggle against his sexual attack, she felt his finger driving forward between her labia, and digging in a circle, stretching the elastic entrance to her belly.

She started to wriggle, desperately trying to escape this cruel assault on her vagina, but he had her tight in his grip. "Nooooo!" she bleated, crying tears of debilitating shame as the naked stranger crushed her full swollen breasts with his own muscular chest and forced his finger even deeper into the hot wet confines of her satiny clinging vaginal orifice.

"Oooohhh… uuuuhhhhh…" she groaned once again as he pried at her vagina with his finger. For an instant there was relief, and then she was being mercilessly prodded again, this time with two fingers instead of one.

Ken Atwell's fingers pulled back from her pussy, and she felt the pouting lips of her cunt folding slightly, but not enough they were peeled wetly open, and now he was actually going to insert his cock in the gap! There was no stopping him! He began to push, the blood-thick head of his penis pressing against her clit-wet labia, pushing the thin, hair-rimmed lips into the hole with clobbering effect. For a moment the strange feel of another man's penis violating her pussy gave her pause, and then, as he plunged forward, pushing into her belly with incredible strength and power, she felt his new thickness!

"Uuuuuunnnhhh! Godddddd!" Her voice went hoarse from crying and pleading and it trailed away to a rasping whisper that barely gurgled from her throat as the cruelly fucking stranger continued to fuck into her soft cuntal sheath with growing abandon. His cock was thick and pulsatingly hot as it bored into the remote back hollows of her satiny interior, filling her youthful bridal belly with a pole-like hardness!

Suddenly, as though she were a virgin all over again, something broke inside, and as he pulled back and cocked his hips for the second deep thrust, her hair-rimmed lips flowered out of the way and gave to him a free and easy, slippery wet channel into which his cock became suffused with liquid heat and wetness. Her clasping interior pussy gripped with automatic response the ridged thickness of his skewering thickness.

"Say," she heard someone say from off to the side, and she thought she recognized her husband's voice, "let's fuck her in the mouth at the same time!"

She knew logically that he meant her, but she couldn't emotionally fathom the idea of another man's prick drilling into her body, no matter what orifice he chose. She was in such incredible shock just now from being violated and shamed by a complete stranger that the idea of another hardness entering her body, pushing into her mouth, had no meaning whatsoever! She gasped for breath and looked in a frightened manner at the rolling ceiling up above her.

"Now… nice and wet!" she heard Ken Atwell groaning from above her. He said nothing else, but pushed his cock sideways and grinded against the tight trembling lips of her pussy and then… plunged deeper still, this time shoving his cock all the way into the remote depths of her sweetly churning pussy. He paused for a moment, feeling the way his testicles slapping lewdly on her upturned buttocks, enjoying it the most when she squirmed and wiggled to try and lessen the pleasure he was giving her against her will, and he could feel his lust bloated testicles tightening and heating with growing intensity! "Oooh, yeah, your wife's got a nice little tight one, he murmured to Larry Hanger who was now kneeling beside Cindy's face with his cock in hand.

"You think so?" asked Larry, looking down at Cindy's panting moist lips. "She sure is gettin' turned on a little more now, though, isn't she?!"

"You can say that again," said Ken Atwell, his face a picture of lecherous intent. "What you gonna do with your cock, man?"

"I'm gonna have my little wifey-poo do something she's refused me for three months now. I'm gonna rub it on her lips and make her blow me some…"

Cindy jerked in surprise and bewilderment to recognize her own husband holding his cock only an inch or two from her trembling mouth lips. "Pleassseeee?" she whispered at him between struggling breaths of arousal caused by the penetrating prick in her slippery little cunt. "Please…? Larry…?"

"Isn't that nice?" said Larry Hanger. "She said `please'. She must want to suck me off quite a bit, wouldn't you say?"

"Hehn, hehn," chortled Ken Atwell, his long hard cock deeply buried in the voluptuous blonde's cuntal vee. "You may as well give her at least a taste. Seeing as how she wants it so badly anyway, I mean, why deprive a person of something you can give 'em so easy, Larry? That's what I always say!"

"Oh, no," moaned Cindy. "No, please… stop this… stop this…!"

"I agree," said Larry Hanger, ignoring his young bride's helpless begging. "I concur in your opinion, Kenneth. I shall give her just a taste."

And with that he leaned over her pretty rose-colored blushing face and with one hand held her lips open and with the other guided his thickly bulging prick head into the hot wet oral sanctuary between her lips. He held her jaws apart and wormed downwards until fully half of his cock had disappeared into the depths of her throat. His testicles slapped and danced against her chin, the bristly pubic hairs of his scrotum scratching up against the softness of her face.

"Ooooh," she groaned from deep in her cock-full throat as the heavily ridged intruder penetrated through the back of her mouth and into the remote inner spaces well beyond her oral uvula. He held her by the side of the head, his palms pressed around the side of her face against her little ears while his cock struck down deep to fill up her softly beating interior mouth. He rolled her head from side to side so as to give his bulging prick a kind of variety rubbing from her soft wet ovalling lips. She sucked as best she could on the hardness now, for really it was the only way she could avoid choking to death on it. From time to time he pumped even deeper than she thought possible, actually sliding halfway down her throat, and at such moments, though she felt like giving way, simply drowning, she persisted and sucked heartily though at first unwillingly on the meaty pole like cock!

"Yeahh," groaned Ken Atwell, pleased with the sight of his friend's cock slamming into the young bride's sensuous red lips, "keep fucking her mouth, man, and I'll take care of her cunt for you!"

"You… ooooooohh… do that," gurgled Larry Hanger, pleased with the feel of his timid young wife's mouth sucking voraciously around his throbbing erection. He rolled his hips from side to side and worked the turgid stiffness that was his penis back and forth in the hot wet sensuous space he'd made of her oral lips. "Aahhhhh, she's never been finer!" he moaned. "Never!"

A moment later he pulled back and smiled devilishly with only two inches of his prick remaining suffused in the poor young bride's mouth. "I think… I'm going

… to… to. aaaaaahhhhhh, shit…! Gaaaaawwwwdddddddd, yesssssssss-ssssss…" he hissed with panting relief. He pumped forward, slipping into her mouth, back into..the fully inserted position once again. Only this time, he was ejaculating!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuyhhnnnn," grunted the young bride, as she began to drown in the hard-pumping salvos of thick creamy cum that drenched the inside of her throat with scalding splatters. "Uuuhhhhnnnnnn… oooooooh!" She didn't realize her own ability to fight for survival until the thick wads of cum nearly blocked off her breathing passage, and then she began to roll her face from side to side, snorting for breath and swallowing up as much of the hot milky semen as she could! Soon she achieved a steady rubbing and sucking rhythm with her tongue and lips, a cadence which enabled her to swallow down as much of the jism as imaginable. The cock in her mouth kept pulsating and throbbing until she could barely keep track of her own rhythm, and for a moment, in fact, she lost count and the sperm wetness went dribbling obscenely out of the corners of her lips and dripping down on her heated, prickling shoulders and breasts. Then she found her pace again, and continued sucking her husband's forceful cock. It was a moment later when he pulled his deflating prick out of her mouth and she took her first free breath in what seemed like an eternity of sucking.